JoinedPosts by ronwashington
Favorite Charities
by breakfast of champions inas jehovah's witnesses, we were never encouraged to give to any charitable organizations except for you-know-who .
.. what charities stand out in your mind?
i like doctors without borders as well as my local nyc public radio stations.
check out guidestar.org. they post tax returns on charities and do the math to show how much of their donations actually go right to those in need.
Favorite Charities
by breakfast of champions inas jehovah's witnesses, we were never encouraged to give to any charitable organizations except for you-know-who .
.. what charities stand out in your mind?
i like doctors without borders as well as my local nyc public radio stations.
DWB is the only one I can recommend. Stay the hell away from the 'Susan G Komen Foundation' or anything that 'raises awareness' for something. Those are straight up scams.
geez. Close to Home. the worst of the Far Side rip-offs.
Confidential Document Email Hijacked!
by Atlantis indear friends:.we are under attack by email hijacking and someone is using our email address to send out spam.
it has to be because of the confidential documents that were going out in the emails.
i will have to discontinue the emails and go back to posting the documents on jwn..this is an example of just how badly somone wants to keep these documents out of the public eye.
yeah i saw that spam this morning and wondered what was going on.
You are flying low...
by usualusername inhow many ways do know how to tell a gent that his zip is too low?.
hey bro your dick is hanging out
i didn't even know those were out. I asked our congregation literature servant (who is literally retarded) about them and he said they weren't even up for ordering yet.
Link for the Bethel Dwelling Manual
by greenhornet ini guess this is what the new system will be like.
enjoy the link every one.
and buy the way it is my birthday today.
Listener: Honestly that's a common policy with a lot of employers in the US (not sure if you're from a different country). The more bizarre inequities were with the Saturdays, which as I understand isn't even a thing anymore.
"Shepherd" book published online by National Broadcasting Agency in Norway!
by Boudica inwow, did not think this was possible... the whole shepherd the flock - book available + some of the late boe letters regarding child abuse policies and secrecy, published here by nrk (the national broadcaster in norway).. http://www.nrk.no/contentfile/file/1.10660993!2010_ks10-e3vedl%20til%20slutt%20%282%29.pdf.
wonder how long it will be before it is removed?.
and jw being top story, child abuse matters discussed from different angles.. well done to those who have been able to make nrk interested and give it full coverage!.
yup. likely. that was even in the november 2012 letter regarding pedos. It's fucking scary because the WT magazine itself clearly stated a brother who has been guilty of sex abuse will NEVER qualify for priviliges again.
COs and other org heavies - Interest in secular entertainment?
by A question inin any conversations and dealings you had with organization 'heavies' or their wives, such as cos, dos, missionaries, and so forth, did they ever have a lot of interest in any kind of secular entertainment (movies, tv shows, fiction books, and so forth)?
or did they always discuss only 'spiritual interests'?.
This is always been an interesting topic because it's amazing how some people who can be so strict in their own lives and from the platform can be hypocritical.
Take football for example. It's been repeatedly 'called out' in the WT magazines. One of the recent publications, the one about the minor prophets I think, mentions it too. Yet, how many brothers do we know that still watch it and go to games because they like it. Yet, those same elders will counsel me for playing violent video games. I guess fake violence is worse than real violence or something.
Here's a good one too since it is entertainment related. We all know that watching an R-rated movie is a one-way ticket home from Bethel. When I was there, NBC aired the movie Saving Private Ryan uncensored. It's a VERY violent movie, as it should be, given the subject matter. The next day, I heard several people at my table, including a Bethel elder and his wife discuss the movie. I really didn't have the balls at the time to tell them what they just did. Again, if I had rented something like Die Hard and that elder found out, I would have been instantly kicked out.