In my opinion and due in no small part to my experience as both a PIMI Elder and now a POMO entire family fader:
A JW in the USA will have to spend a measure of time researching (thru forums like this), planning, and executing a fade within very little margins of error to out-maneuver the WT organizations policies and procedures. All this to pull off a departure that does not result in disfellowshipping and minimizes the shun factor that can will creep in to some degree. For many of us, regular maintenance (deprogramming via various means) is needed to recover mentally, emotionally, and spiritually while not setting off any alarms that could attract the attention of the JW police.
Friends who are POMO in the UK have told me they didn't have to put much effort into taking their quiet leave from the borg and the elders in 4 out of 5 of their cases never followed up whatsoever.
My impression is that there are LESS drama loving narcissistic elder policemen in the UK vs. USA.