Hi Again Andi,
Rico Pineapple lives in Del Rio, TX. If you live in TX maybe you and your boyfriend could invite me for Xmas dinner.
Rico Pineapple/Ananas.
...that jw's have a hard time forgiving others because they themselves are rarely forgiven for their own sins.
according to their beliefs jehovah keeps track of every detail of your life...good and bad.
that even if you are humble and repent of your sins, that there is still no true forgiveness until the new system.
Hi Again Andi,
Rico Pineapple lives in Del Rio, TX. If you live in TX maybe you and your boyfriend could invite me for Xmas dinner.
Rico Pineapple/Ananas.
i've been reading lots of messages in just a few days of logging on to this site and have to say that in the beginning it was bothering me to still be doing the jw thing.
i dropped out after 25 years, the last 14 as an elder.
now, however, i'm beginning to realize that the posts have been giving me a feeling of fellowship with many people who have gone/are going through experiences similar to mine, a kind of fellowship that i rarely if ever felt being among other jw's.
I hope soon I'll be able ta offer lighter fare: Rico Lite.
i've been reading lots of messages in just a few days of logging on to this site and have to say that in the beginning it was bothering me to still be doing the jw thing.
i dropped out after 25 years, the last 14 as an elder.
now, however, i'm beginning to realize that the posts have been giving me a feeling of fellowship with many people who have gone/are going through experiences similar to mine, a kind of fellowship that i rarely if ever felt being among other jw's.
Hugs can be more therapeutic than the Hard Guys want to admit, Right Tina?
i've been reading lots of messages in just a few days of logging on to this site and have to say that in the beginning it was bothering me to still be doing the jw thing.
i dropped out after 25 years, the last 14 as an elder.
now, however, i'm beginning to realize that the posts have been giving me a feeling of fellowship with many people who have gone/are going through experiences similar to mine, a kind of fellowship that i rarely if ever felt being among other jw's.
Hi Sweet Andi Jedi,
Thanks for the compassionate "sooo". I'm still not over her death and wonder if I ever WILL be. Sometimes it feels like it when my lady associates are smiling at me but not after 8PM (especially when we're back on Standard Time) when I'm home all by myself after my work and the tears want even to run all over my keyboard and THAT'S not cool, especially for a guy that's supposed to be MATURE and awaiting the Resurrection ( I sure have a lot to say about THAT), especially when I think about all the things I could have said and done better for her. We prayed and prayed like crazy to Jehovah, NOT of course for Him to heal her (good JW's do not pray for stuff like that, Right?) but to help us find the best treatment. Maybe that's why she had to die, we could never find the BEST treatment. We even made several visits to some weirdo practitioner "brother" in Florence, TX, to give him money to help my wife "heal her own cancer" but when she called him from home to tell him she was getting worse he started yelling at her because she "was not following his instructions." No, I was not guilted at all. Just amazed and astounded. I went to no more meetings for sure after that. That MS helped me to solidify my conviction that that was IT!! BTW, that MS became elder because out of desperation the BOE appointed him to fill MY absence ("Publishers" cannot take care of themselves, nachon? They need "spiritually qualified brothers" to hold their collective hands and wipe their collective butts). It sort of makes me laugh perversely too. HA HA HA HA HA HA. Too bad it's not a sound file (but the HA HA HA's could get scary) A meeting or so before that, I told the PO after the meeting that I would have to step aside as an elder to be with my wife and he sed: "Ya haven't done anything wrong, have ya?" In hindsight I came up with the retort "Yeah, I became a JW." The things that would be nice to say in the act!!!
i've been reading lots of messages in just a few days of logging on to this site and have to say that in the beginning it was bothering me to still be doing the jw thing.
i dropped out after 25 years, the last 14 as an elder.
now, however, i'm beginning to realize that the posts have been giving me a feeling of fellowship with many people who have gone/are going through experiences similar to mine, a kind of fellowship that i rarely if ever felt being among other jw's.
Guess I did not express myself well when I sed "still doing the JW thing." I'm firmly convinced JW's and their Organization do not have "The Truth" and never did. I've been out for over a year now but have had to struggle to balance out my 25 years of self- and Borg-induced brainwashing with my spiritual need or lack thereof, whether I believe in God/Jehovah, and who I am. When I sed "Doing the JW thing" I did NOT mean being a JW, going to meetings, avoiding unnecessary conversation with my "worldly" coworkers, reading the Daily Text (really the daily WBTS brainwashing additive), going out in service, speaking to Sister So-and-So about how weak she is in the Truth, counting time, hassling publishers about their TIME report, giving talks from THE OUTLINE (you remember: "The outline sez...." [I never said that]) etc etc AD NAUSEAM. I finished all that and regret I did not question it all earlier. I DO mean visiting the various websites dealing with JW's, Ex-Jw's, reading Ray's books, thinking about things I feel so bad I participated in as a JW and How can I make up for it, and now associating with y'all guys on this site, as opposed to becoming an atheist or meditating with the shaved-head guys in the orange robes or going back to worshipping the Sacred Host in the golden monstrance or fingering the Rosary or watching EWTN on TV or sitting in some Methodist church on Sunday listening to the minister prattle on about how patriotism is godly or simply not giving a crap anymore about anything. Imagine!!! that when I started staying home from meetings it was simply to stay with my wife who had become terminally ill from cancer and I knew that my hours of actually being with her were diminishing with every tick of the second hand when a MS commented: "Oh, you're not going to the meeting tonight?" Things began to fall into place with great help from that simple comment. Thanks MS and now Elder. May Jehovah's judicial decisions be carried out ever so spiritually by the likes of you.
i've been reading lots of messages in just a few days of logging on to this site and have to say that in the beginning it was bothering me to still be doing the jw thing.
i dropped out after 25 years, the last 14 as an elder.
now, however, i'm beginning to realize that the posts have been giving me a feeling of fellowship with many people who have gone/are going through experiences similar to mine, a kind of fellowship that i rarely if ever felt being among other jw's.
Eyebrow, you're right about that. Don't worry. I can use my job's high-speed computer connection whenever I'm not hard at it, so it makes it even more fun. Amazing how I'm Learning New Things from all of you, and having chunks and pieces of my own already falling into place because of your fellowship. BTW, that reminds me how WBTS changed "New Things Learned" to "Continue in the Things You Learned" some years ago. Guess "New Things" was too scary for them in that somebody might actually look forward to some "New Things" in eager anticipation. That could put one in grave danger of being happy and excited about being a JW, for, "We must banish All Eager Anticipation From The Minds And Hearts Of Those Who Would Usher In The New World Order Lest They Actually Have Some Enthusiasm Which Could Lead To Something Sinful As It Always Does, DOESN'T IT, Brothers?" (Theospeak Manual 95:10-15)
i've been reading lots of messages in just a few days of logging on to this site and have to say that in the beginning it was bothering me to still be doing the jw thing.
i dropped out after 25 years, the last 14 as an elder.
now, however, i'm beginning to realize that the posts have been giving me a feeling of fellowship with many people who have gone/are going through experiences similar to mine, a kind of fellowship that i rarely if ever felt being among other jw's.
ANANAS is pronounced "ah nah NAHSS." It's a South American word that means "Pineapple" in GuaranĂ. Interesting that ANANAS is also the word they use for "Pineapple" in modern Israeli Hebrew. Guess none ever grew there.
A warm hello to Mum, LB, Undecided, alliwannadoislive, Eyebrow, and Naeblis. Naeblis, I guess I was spending too much time on stuff like How Many Elders can Dance on the Pinkynail of a Circuit Overseer to even read The Lord of the Rings. Maybe now is a good time. Thanks. Rico.
...that jw's have a hard time forgiving others because they themselves are rarely forgiven for their own sins.
according to their beliefs jehovah keeps track of every detail of your life...good and bad.
that even if you are humble and repent of your sins, that there is still no true forgiveness until the new system.
Hi Andi
Your realization and the thread about Forgiveness has just floored me because I guess it was my "food at the proper time." Now all I can do is go home for lunch. Is there some good spirit working in you or what?
i've been reading lots of messages in just a few days of logging on to this site and have to say that in the beginning it was bothering me to still be doing the jw thing.
i dropped out after 25 years, the last 14 as an elder.
now, however, i'm beginning to realize that the posts have been giving me a feeling of fellowship with many people who have gone/are going through experiences similar to mine, a kind of fellowship that i rarely if ever felt being among other jw's.
Thanks Angharad. BTW, I'm also encouraged by the names, handles, aliases, that everyone is using. I got so SICK (even from the beginning) of having to be addressed by JW's as BROTHER Ananas rather than as Rico. Once a cute little kid sed in a WT "review" that he was impressed by how all the men had the same first name: BROTHER. I even tried calling people Brother John, Sister Mary, etc, but most thought I was just weird.
actually i'm only in the mood for a snack.. can someone help me sort this out?
i'm trying to figure how all these pieces fit the "story" .
satan & bad angels kicked out of heaven before time & universe began?.
Try this one on for size: The God of the Hebrews had people slaughtered (so His followers could practice loving-kindness?). The God of the NT is now a "God of love." (1) Is He schizoid? (2) Did He repent of His badness because He allowed His Son to be tortured? (3) Or is he multiple (elohim) Gods?