JoinedTopics Started by ricoananas
by ricoananas insorry to shout, guys & gals.
apparently jehovahs-witness.com is just another internet scam, not much different from jw itself.
i tried to delete a thread which i do not want to keep in existence, and the admin keeps telling me i can't do that.
by ricoananas injt's comment has got me thinking that just as the u.s. government is going to be going after terrorists and their entities relentlessly, that perhaps the u.s. also should make it against the law to have or be a member of any religious organization that functions "from the top down", or undemocratically.
i especially have a certain theocratic terrorist entity in mind.
by ricoananas ini might have been even oversentivive to things like these:.
(from the km) sp pios, reg pios, aux pios, "publishers".
were we not all "publishers"?
by ricoananas inwbts insists on jesus' reply to the sadducees as literal about who's gonna marry whom in the new order because of multiple marriages in this life (asked by dudes who did not even believe in the resurrection and were always trying to come up with some riddle to trick jesus) is very important to the wbts and also very stupid.
imagine the vast preponderance of those resurrected as having been married before death.
if they "neither marry nor are given in marriage," that means that the overwhelming majority of people resurrected will constitute a sexless class.
by ricoananas inwhen one stops using borg publications as a substitute for his own god-given critical thinking faculties and starts reading up on history and countless other subjects that at one time were available only in libraries but now are available also in the treasure trove of the internet on the top of everyones lap and/or desk, one will see that pastor russell and everyone that headed his cause were just next in a long line of opportunists ready to cash in spiritually, monetarily and psychologically on millenarianism hopes and fears.
ray brought out that the bible is silent about food at the proper time coming from some fds organization as opposed to the fds comment of jesus being also applicable to the individual student of the bible.
i was surprised to learn that in anticipation of the year 1000 catholic europe witnessed a lot of behavior akin to the modern-day jw phenomenon of preparing for the end in diverse ways because they knew the end was coming soon.
by ricoananas ini've been reading lots of messages in just a few days of logging on to this site and have to say that in the beginning it was bothering me to still be doing the jw thing.
i dropped out after 25 years, the last 14 as an elder.
now, however, i'm beginning to realize that the posts have been giving me a feeling of fellowship with many people who have gone/are going through experiences similar to mine, a kind of fellowship that i rarely if ever felt being among other jw's.