WTF? Do they not have a dictionary handy to look up “shunning”??
as much as i enjoy you and pete's company, you also know our understanding of how much we want you to be reunited with jehovah and his people.. .
we did not set the standards for what jehovah says about our associations with those who choose to not serve him.
so we will always be there for you and pete, but it is in your hands as to how we can enjoy your friendship.. .
WTF? Do they not have a dictionary handy to look up “shunning”??
this is an hypothetical question...i am doing well.
but i was thinking about how my jw family, grandchildren and all will feel when their inactive grandfather dies with no hope of being reunited in paradise.
of course there would be immediate rejoicing if i came back to the "truth" and a surge of conditional love from the "friends".
No. I would tell my family and see if they came to visit. If not, oh well..
page 24, par.
17 - if you commit a serious sin, do not try to cover the error.
instead, openly confess your sin to jehovah in prayer.
Did Tomo confess his BottleGate sins?? If so, who did he report to? Do the GB police each other? This would explain the lack of reforms over the decades.
”Oh?? You had a swimming/sauna party with the young Bethelites? Well Brother Greenles, you’ve obviously confessed to the proper degree and you’re repentant. Carry on!”
the watchtower—study edition | november 2019. lessons we can learn from the book of leviticus.
16 satan and his world have done much to make the work of that faithful slave challenging, even impossible, to carry out from a human standpoint.
despite two world wars, relentless persecution, global economic crises, and unjust treatment, the faithful and discreet slave has continued to provide spiritual food for christ’s followers on earth.
the watchtower—study edition | november 2019. lessons we can learn from the book of leviticus.
16 satan and his world have done much to make the work of that faithful slave challenging, even impossible, to carry out from a human standpoint.
despite two world wars, relentless persecution, global economic crises, and unjust treatment, the faithful and discreet slave has continued to provide spiritual food for christ’s followers on earth.
Yeah, “Satan” really screwed them by having Donald Trump’s son-in-law interview with the Watchtower Real Estate entity and then pay the WT a Billion dollars..
Can I get some “relentless persecution” please??
page 24, par.
17 - if you commit a serious sin, do not try to cover the error.
instead, openly confess your sin to jehovah in prayer.
So the GB confess to...which Body of Elders??? 🤔
here is video of one jw retirement care home that was abandoned leaving a whole lot of unused junk that should been properly removed .. what happened is a big question, it appears it was in radcliffe manchester uk.. another jah jireh home posted a cost of $3020.00 per month, so not for the poor jws out there.
does anyone out there know about this abandoned place ?.
Jah-Jireh sounds like a stupid idea. I can’t believe it was even an official ORG project.
i can`t believe the tidbits i`m finding out about the changes ,dumbing down of the meetings i used to attend and participate in up until the late 1980`s ...
At least back in the day, Dubs had to perform mental exercise to flip through various volumes and check footnotes and references in order to defend their beliefs.
Those days are gone.
Not only are they spoon-fed the spiritual equivalent of celery which may take more calories to ingest that it provides, but they are actively discouraged from defending their beliefs. Is it any wonder they are getting dumber??
at this pace its going to take more than a thousand years to make earth a paradise .by my reckoning.. what have the g.b.
been saying about his kingdom reign now that its gone over 100 years ?
and what he has accomplished ?.
Well, the nu-light will be that “evidently” Jesus’ invisible inauguration ceremony began in 1914. As we all know, in ancient times an inaugural celebration could last for days, even weeks.
With 1,000 years being one day to Jeehoober, the timeline is open to interpretation. It’s possible that Jesus has not even begun to rule.
i attended the international convention this year (to avoid chaos in family life).
the convention center was right on the middle of downtown st. louis.
the cult members had to stand in line on the public sidewalk before entering the arena.
Probably Westboro Baptist Church types.. possibly worse than the Dubs...
DD 🤪