I bet they can’t wait to pass out Bibles in Australia as part of the “relief effort…”
I wonder if Brother Jackson will visit??
DD 🤔
i notice the friends are in an anne frank attic instead of a boarded up basement this time.. the giving to ones in need pic shows literature and bible, but no food or money.
I bet they can’t wait to pass out Bibles in Australia as part of the “relief effort…”
I wonder if Brother Jackson will visit??
DD 🤔
I thought Jehoober was speeding up the work by blessing the use of technology and Social Media, and animation, and JWTelevangelism?? Yet, it seems to taking longer and longer to convince less and less people to join?
I haven’t watched the video yet, but I would assume Cedars mentions something about “born-ins” being the majority of the growth. Also, we have no idea how accurate the reports are. We all know Dubs pad their service time and bible study reports.
during gerrit loesch's talk just released, he goes on a long list of the false end times predictions throughout the millennia.
i didn't expect it, but then he goes into the precursors to the bible students who, when their dates failed, changed christ's presence to have happened 'invisibly'.
then it goes right into the jws, and he reads the quote from millions now living will never die about how we can 'confidently expect' the resurrection in 1925, and then the life everlasting book that predicted 1975. of course, he doesn't say how it's still going on, namely with the overlapping generation and its' accompanying convoluted chart, but still, this is more than they've ever said on the subject, especially recently.. it almost sounds like a forced statement, to address any backlash from people reading 'apostate lies' online, because he also says how the gb 'humbly' admitted mistakes, referencing the non-apology after 1975 that disturbed raymond franz.
Maybe it is damage control and the most fearful of reality will stay loyal, but many more could snap out of it.
If Dubs are defending the Org with this video, you could still ask, “ So, the GB have admitted that they’ve been wrong in the past... It’s 2020, what makes you think they are correct now? What about in 5 years?? 10??”
i find it funny how many people want to broad cast their religion on fb then whine whine when others critique it.
its like the ny times saying no one has a right to criticize its oped.
don't put it on the world wide web if you don't want others opinion on it.
Mainstream Christians who accept science confuse me more than Pentecostals. If you’re really a Christian and believe in the Bible as God’s word then you can’t reconcile those beliefs with science.
Although I disagree with groups like the Pentecostals, at least they believe the Bible, or their interpretation of it. If the Bible says homosexuality is wrong, then it is, ect. They aren’t picking and choosing their core beliefs.
Then we have the intellectual dishonesty of Mainstream Christians and the mental gymnastics necessary to reconcile scientific truth with Biblical “truth.”
The only truth I see in the Bible is that of Archetypal examples and common sense, like, “you reap what you sow”, ect. Some lessons are just as true now as they were 2,000 years ago, but we don’t need organized religion to understand those truths.
i find it funny how many people want to broad cast their religion on fb then whine whine when others critique it.
its like the ny times saying no one has a right to criticize its oped.
don't put it on the world wide web if you don't want others opinion on it.
I don’t know exactly what those two denominations claim to believe, but how is believing in an invisible being, and having any kind of a hierarchy where a group of humans speak for that being to other “lesser” beings, making choices for them that limit their personal development based on the “word” of that being not an impediment to advancement on some level? How can any kind of group-think be good in the end?
Due to my personal life, I find myself in the company of Pentecostals quite often. As a rule they are nice people, but their thought processes are short-circuited by their ideology. There are certain conversations that are simply impossible to have. Forget any philosophical discussion about life, or sitting down at the pub and debating the nature of existence. They already “know.”
i find it funny how many people want to broad cast their religion on fb then whine whine when others critique it.
its like the ny times saying no one has a right to criticize its oped.
don't put it on the world wide web if you don't want others opinion on it.
Blind spots... That’s a good description but I do not think that phrase accurately describes the full effect on the minds of stalwart believers, especially fundamentalists “Christians.”
Should we consign religion to the past even though it had utility at some point in time? Absolutely. Especially if it’s harmful and an impediment to advancement.
I believe this can only happen on an individual level, and then as individuals we can try to enlighten others; it can’t be forced and should not be legislated. This process has taken a long, long time and that’s not likely to change, probably not in our lifetime.
Forcing others through violence of any kind, even verbal abuse, is a characteristic of Identity Politics and Ideological Possession which I find offensive and extremely dangerous since I started really looking into those topics.
I believe Xian fundamentalists are possessed of an ideology as dangerous as any other. Ironically, it reminds me of a scripture that Jesus supposedly said. To paraphrase, “If the light that is in you is darkness, how great that darkness is.”
If all of our thoughts and decisions are guided by a skewed sense of reality in an environment that constantly reinforces that faulty perception then our “light” is actually darkness; even more so if we aren’t even aware of the fact that we are possessed by an ideology, or blinded by Identity Politics.
It’s frightening to consider.
i find it funny how many people want to broad cast their religion on fb then whine whine when others critique it.
its like the ny times saying no one has a right to criticize its oped.
don't put it on the world wide web if you don't want others opinion on it.
Xian Religion definitely has utility. It’s an excellent tool for dulling the mental capacity of any given population. Xian’s by and large elected Trump.
in 1998, #watchtower mailed a secret memo to all circuit overseers in which it was announced that when a "former child abuser" who was also an elder or ms moved to another congregation, the new congregation would **not** be informed of his past sins.
read: institutional cover-up!
Agreed, everyone knows it’s a crime.
It could be that in their delusional state, each “generation” believed the end was close, so there would be strong motivation to “wait on Jehovah” to weed out the few false Xian’s that were surely at the root of the problem.
Then again, it could be that the leaders have always known that pedophiles operate in the Org. It’s been revealed that Ted Jaracz might be one, and his name could be on the data-base. If that’s true and he was never removed and even shared in shaping the policies of the Org, then the Org has much more to answer for than ignorant neglect.
omg i just watched some of "the family" on netflix and the similarities with the jw are strong.
i just saw the in beginning of one episode, that it began in eisenhower administration!
his mother was a bible student.
I personally have no doubt that the religious Right is doing all they can to stay in power, and why wouldn’t they choose people who they believe will further the agenda that best serves them as a group?
That’s human nature as a whole and the Left is no different, they will also “bless” any who they feel will ensure that they retain power.
Then there are the relatively objective few throughout History who watch and attempt to offer insight while the cycle repeats...
last week's study (october wt, page 23), par 10:.
abigail and david.
david and his fellow outlaws protected the nabal family's flocks no doubt with daily support (how else would these fugitives make a living?
David can do no wrong in WT Land. He’s the perfect go-to character to excuse the wrong doing of “anointed” ones.
The GB say, “No one is above reproach and all will answer for their wrongs.”, but the reality is that the GB continue to operate with impunity.
The only way they will ever answer is if “Satan’s” courts catch up to them. YWHW isn’t doing anything..