I don’t think any of us can say exactly what the effects will be. There’s never been anything like this, or the statue of limitations being lifted, or anyone like Irwin Zalkin or Trey Bundy.
There’s never been information available on the internet like today, or a way to spread information like we have with Social Media. If someone said ten years ago, “ A Lawyer will march up to the new headquarters of the Watchtower to serve the Governing Body with a court summons..”, we would not have believed it.
Who could imagine the JWs leaving the city and making a Billion dollars while doing so? Who could imagine the GB making a special presentation/interview featuring Jared Kurshner and glorifying JW Real Estate???
The GB and their Lawyers will spin and lie, and those who benefit from the system will continue to lie to themselves and everyone else, as well as the most indoctrinated who fear reality.
Yet, we can’t forget that all it takes is for a tiny switch to go off in the minds of the rank and file; the switch that makes them believe the GB speak for God. Once that barrier is broken, the possibilities are endless. Once the GB lose the trust of the rank and file it’s all over, and this could very well happen.
How did we all get here?? We had doubts, maybe for years. Then we suffered injustice at the hands of Elders ( look how they acted in the Oxygen documentary) or the Elders refused to act, leaving everything in “Jehovah’s hands.” There wasn’t half the shit going on 10 years ago as there is now, and every year that goes by is one more year the GB’s prophesies fall flat. That’s one more year that JWs bury their parents, get older, experience reality and have the real world kick their asses. All the while the dirty laundry keeps piling up.