Lol! What a nutter..
DD 🤪
editor's note: found this on reddit...thought the meat of the post would be a good post for discussion here as well.. consider the three choices god forced upon david for taking a census.
these three choices were forced on king david, not for murdering people, not for raping women, not for lying, stealing, or any crime we can think of in our modern world that is repugnant, but simply for taking a census or in other words, counting people.. for counting people, jehovah forced a decision on david that involved the lives of thousands upon thousands of innocent people.. the choices all dealt with the “way” jehovah would kill thousands of unsuspecting loyal worshipers.. 1 chronicles 21.
“these are the choices the lord has given you.
Lol! What a nutter..
DD 🤪
within the very documentary is a reason i think that jw's for the most part will not wake up even if they watch this program.
the one lady actually saw as her family sat behind the abuser in court supporting him despite the established fact that he had abused their very own child.. this shows how deep the indoctrination is.
i am not saying that some won't wake up, but the majority will carry on, not even because they think these things are lies but because they will look past that at all costs to side with jehovah.
I don’t think any of us can say exactly what the effects will be. There’s never been anything like this, or the statue of limitations being lifted, or anyone like Irwin Zalkin or Trey Bundy.
There’s never been information available on the internet like today, or a way to spread information like we have with Social Media. If someone said ten years ago, “ A Lawyer will march up to the new headquarters of the Watchtower to serve the Governing Body with a court summons..”, we would not have believed it.
Who could imagine the JWs leaving the city and making a Billion dollars while doing so? Who could imagine the GB making a special presentation/interview featuring Jared Kurshner and glorifying JW Real Estate???
The GB and their Lawyers will spin and lie, and those who benefit from the system will continue to lie to themselves and everyone else, as well as the most indoctrinated who fear reality.
Yet, we can’t forget that all it takes is for a tiny switch to go off in the minds of the rank and file; the switch that makes them believe the GB speak for God. Once that barrier is broken, the possibilities are endless. Once the GB lose the trust of the rank and file it’s all over, and this could very well happen.
How did we all get here?? We had doubts, maybe for years. Then we suffered injustice at the hands of Elders ( look how they acted in the Oxygen documentary) or the Elders refused to act, leaving everything in “Jehovah’s hands.” There wasn’t half the shit going on 10 years ago as there is now, and every year that goes by is one more year the GB’s prophesies fall flat. That’s one more year that JWs bury their parents, get older, experience reality and have the real world kick their asses. All the while the dirty laundry keeps piling up.
for those of you who've watched the witnesses documentary, let's suppose for a moment that the org was forced to make their database of abusers available to the courts.
if this database is as detailed and meticulous as it is claimed, how in the world could the org (in its present form) survive that?
assuming they don't go bankrupt after all of the new abuse claims, would they go underground, shut down the kingdom halls, stop the preaching?
Here’s what I loved about the documentary:
1) The Steven Lett connection to one of the survivors. I never knew anything about that. It was a shocking as learning that Jaracz was involved in orchestrating the Pedo-database. Just like Jaracz, zero actual fucks given about children.
It makes me seriously wonder if the pedo-paradise has been cultivated purposely ( in the past perhaps ) because past leaders were pedophiles and engineered the current system to protect themselves and here we are today.
2) I loved seeing the rude and unloving manner of all the Eldubs on film. The Bethelites, the best of the best, were mostly rude, also cowardly. Then, the way they made Zalkin and Bundy wait in their vehicle for 45 minutes was insane. What the F were the GB thinking and doing in that 45 minute period?
The Scientology feel was off the charts at Warwick.
If JWism is the one true religion and the GB are the chosen leaders ( oops.. ones taking the lead...ahem..) then why wouldn’t you report any and all allegations of child sexual abuse, even if there were no law stating that you must report? The one true religion should lead the way when it comes to morality and ethics, not look for loopholes.
A past C.O used a great illustration to show the difference between legalities and morals; to this day no Troll has been able to dispute this illustration ( or prove Da Troof using the GB’s criteria for truth, but I digress..) .
You’re driving through a neighborhood and the speed limit is 30 mph. You can drive 30 mph all day. It’s perfectly legal to do so.
You round a corner only to find a large group of children playing near the street, and sometimes in the street as children do. The children aren’t doing anything wrong, they are just children and they aren’t fully aware of the danger.
Where are the parents? What should you do? The speed limit is 30 mph. You aren’t legally required to go any slower. What is the moral and loving thing to do?
The Watchtower’s logic is full speed ahead! If children are injured or killed then it’s on the parents, not Tony Morris as he drives to the liquor store.
How many times have we heard, “If people followed the law of the Christ then we wouldn’t need all the thousands of man-made laws that can’t make someone moral anyway...”, yet the WTBTS/GB need a law to tell them when to “slow down”?!??
The hypocrisy is off the charts.
according to my older brother, my mother now refuses to watch the news in case they mention this story.
funny, when the news exposed the catholic church she turned the volume up.. at least 20 former jehovah's witnesses are suing the group over historical sexual abuse they say they suffered.the group has a policy of not punishing alleged child sex abuse unless a second person, alongside the accuser, has witnessed it - or an abuser says its elders "comply with child-abuse reporting laws even if there is only one witness", though, and always tell police if a child is in danger.but one former elder said it had been failing to involve the authorities.john viney, who says he was abused between the ages of nine and 13, by "a distant family member who was an active jehovah's witness", added children were still being abused and the religious organisation was "inadvertently" protecting their abusers.
Blaming the parents who have been groomed to trust “Jehovah” by the same people who wrote the policies that have historically protected abusers...🤢🤢🤢
Let’s not forget that Ted Jaracz has been proven to be involved in orchestrating the Pedo-database.
These people are sick.
after the new construction project is announced, anthony morris the turd gives a talk where he arrogantly tells the audience to 'get over it' and get to work.
he says relaxing is fine and 'im not trying to put a guilt trip on you' but you all need to get busy.
no graciousness at all for the endless volunteer labor they demand for whatever new projects they dream up.
Just a bunch of old tools desperately holding to on to some semblance of relevance in their tiny sphere of influence.
hi guys...well watchtower gets wackier and wackier!.
so watchtower has hired the author of several books on satanism & self proclaimed 'vampire' society member(!
) vlad...i mean massimo introvigne to defend them against a report by two academics recommending the dutch govt investigate jws.
Well, I’m not sure if this is worse than hiring Monica Applewhite or not?? I’m not even shocked at this behavior on their part.
5 or so years ago when I had my existential crisis and learned TTATT, I was shocked at every turn. If you told me tomorrow that the Governing Body ride underground magnetic trains to meet with Reptilians and eat children it would not shock me.
are you bland enough?
just incredible imho.
wt 63, 2/15.
The GB are idiots and they aren’t in charge anyway. I’m not sure who really owns them and I may never know, but they are definitely managed by some entity.
That article, although older, is one of the dumbest things I have ever heard and meant to discourage having a personality.
I knew this sister that was really attractive and talented. She got the side of her head cut very short and had this funky/hot hairstyle. 😛😛😛 It wasn’t 24 hours before she was counseled and beaten down by the idiot Elders, mostly fat white guys..
graceyou won’t find any in the new world translation!no no only find “undeserved kindness.”(ask yourself why you don't deserve kindness.
?isn’t kindness basic decency?
?if you are one of jehovah’s witnesses you have a reason.jehovah’s witnesses are never on firm standing with their god.
PZ, you’re right, but the legalistic environment of JWism makes it clear that a Dub can never do enough, and they are constantly reminded of that. The Rank and File only benefit from the ransom by doing, doing, doing for the GB.
They are constant reminded of their sorry state and him much they owe to Jehhoober and his Chosen Ones, and that requires doing, doing, doing, lest the conditional love be withdrawn.
excuse the translation to english not being perfect ,.
barbara anderson.
33 mins · .
No one should be allowed to be cruel in the name of “religion”, and if the courts can shed a spotlight on abhorrent behavior then I’m all for it.
Even if the ruling is overturned it’s better to bring attention to the harmful behavior that these so-called “Christian” and “Charitable” organizations are causing while not paying taxes and hoping for the destruction of the Government.