It’s very easy for a camera to “malfunction” and social distancing means you can’t fix it.
they want our zoom cameras on with them in control, and extra " encouragemrnt" to be broadcast each day.
It’s very easy for a camera to “malfunction” and social distancing means you can’t fix it.
27:23; sfl chap.
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They are idiots. The fact that they insist on forcing Elders and possibly Servants to meet in order to have live-streaming meetings shows that they have no clue about how this virus spreads or they just don’t care.
There should be ZERO meetings of any kind.
Having anyone risk their health when they should be at home with their families shows just how deluded and ignorant and cloistered and dumb and stupid and preposterous these moronic imbeciles really are.
I hope they recover just long enough to be litigated out of existence.
a while back, we had a saturday wedding reception for a brother and sister from our kingdom hall.
the reception ended at midnight.
most of us got home at around 1:00 a.m. our sunday public talk meeting started at 9:30 a.m. .
Well, the meetings are so boring that your brain starts to turn off and the auditorium is usually stuffy, so it’s easy to nod off??
if you haven’t watched the joe rogan podcast dealing with this virus, you should.. i’m wondering if the deluded gb will continue to schedule meetings of large groups of dubs.
they shouldn’t and neither should any other churches.. i can only cringe as i imagine groups of people coming together at mega-churches and conventions and conferences ( if you’re pentecostal ) and infecting each other while believing they are safe.. be smart everyone.
be informed.. dd.
Thanks Slim, I’ll watch that also. Something else I thought about is who wants random people coming to their door right now??
Maybe the GB will claim that trolley work is Social Distancing and they invented it? 😂😂😂😂😂 Jehovah’s far-sighted wisdom!
if you haven’t watched the joe rogan podcast dealing with this virus, you should.. i’m wondering if the deluded gb will continue to schedule meetings of large groups of dubs.
they shouldn’t and neither should any other churches.. i can only cringe as i imagine groups of people coming together at mega-churches and conventions and conferences ( if you’re pentecostal ) and infecting each other while believing they are safe.. be smart everyone.
be informed.. dd.
My mom said that they have cancelled meetings and conventions, and thinks D2D could be cancelled.
She believes that the Org is really taking care of things, being so insightful I guess. In reality they are listening to “Satan’s” government and those virus experts educated by “Satan’s” Higher Education system..
DD 🤦🏻♂️
if you haven’t watched the joe rogan podcast dealing with this virus, you should.. i’m wondering if the deluded gb will continue to schedule meetings of large groups of dubs.
they shouldn’t and neither should any other churches.. i can only cringe as i imagine groups of people coming together at mega-churches and conventions and conferences ( if you’re pentecostal ) and infecting each other while believing they are safe.. be smart everyone.
be informed.. dd.
If you haven’t watched the Joe Rogan podcast dealing with this virus, you should.
I’m wondering if the deluded GB will continue to schedule meetings of large groups of Dubs. They shouldn’t and neither should any other Churches.
I can only cringe as I imagine groups of people coming together at Mega-Churches and Conventions and Conferences ( if you’re Pentecostal ) and infecting each other while believing they are safe.
Be smart everyone. Be informed.
it turns out the lds church has about $38b in stocks and mutual funds from major companies such as apple, microsoft, amazon, walmart and others.
they also have numerous dummy corporations to hold assests with a combined value of $32b.
The Mormon Leadership is just as bad as the GB, they shun, hate the LBGTQ and look the other way when their young ones commit suicide due to the stress of measuring up to the standards of.... ??? Mormon Jesus???
the watchtower has posted a news item on the coronavirus on their website and officially endorces the advice of who, the world health organization which is described by wikipedia as -.
the world health organization (who) is a specialised agency of the united nations that is concerned with world public health.
it was established on 7 april 1948, and is headquartered in geneva, switzerland.
Subject: Rattigan
Crime: Chronic Watchtardation
DD 😂😂😂
the watchtower has posted a news item on the coronavirus on their website and officially endorces the advice of who, the world health organization which is described by wikipedia as -.
the world health organization (who) is a specialised agency of the united nations that is concerned with world public health.
it was established on 7 april 1948, and is headquartered in geneva, switzerland.
The news tends to sensationalize every virus. The human race is still here and it’s going to take one hell of a virus to take us all out.
Also, I don’t believe most of what I hear about this virus either. It came from animals in a marketplace?? How about it came from the laboratory in Wushan who handles many deadly viruses and who’s security standards were not great, and not improved since the last complaint about said standards?
It’s just a coincidence the virus came from an area with a laboratory??
Anyway I’m not worried about it. My immune system is very healthy. I take some extracts from mushrooms and oil of oregano and that shit kills everything.
It’s not a bad idea to have some extra food and water around, but don’t get crazy about it. There are a great many businesses ( Big Pharma included ) waiting to capitalize on fear.
the jw broadcast for march 2020 is a hard push for more baptisms, where mark sanctamonious sanderson makes ready use of the phrase "baptised disciples of jesus" instead of their typical catch phrase "baptised servants of jehovah".
the "jesus message" is somewhat unusual rhetoric for jehovah's witnesses.
why the big push for more baptism?
A couple of years ago the GB directed a WT article to be written which dealt with the hierarchy of the ORG. The GB were prominently featured and Jesus was barely included in the illustration. You could tell it was Jesus by the crown if memory serves. Other than that...nothing very glorifying to the one who deserves all the glory by the decree of The Father.
That’s just one aspect of Da Troof that bothered me for years. The Bible itself states that “Jehovah” wants everyone to honor Jesus, yet the GB, Jesus’ own brothers ( 🤔 ) refuse to do so.
This lack of showing honor to Jesus is so ingrained that any congregant who mentions Jesus too much is eyed with suspicion. As a matter of fact, if you claim to have a personal relationship with The Christ as your Lord and Savior, then you are considered to be leaning dangerously close to apostasy at worst, and mentally and emotionally unstable at the least.