Tell that to all the people being arrested in Australia or shot with water cannons in Germany, or the multitude of Doctors and Virologist being censored for not pushing the narrative of the mainstream news and the UN, WHO, Bill Gates and Klaus Schwab who directly benefit from the lockdowns. It’s about the completely arbitrary and contradictory and unconstitutional measures being forced on the general population.
It’s not about wearing masks out of courtesy for others, (which are proven to be virtually useless) it’s about the over the top Draconian measures and irrational, authoritarian behaviors taking place by Governments who will NEVER give back what they take, but they will give you a “Freedom Pass” if you obey.
According to Bill Gates, your un-elected Overlord, things will NEVER be allowed to go back to normal. Meanwhile, China, ( who uses slaves to make I-phones ) and Big Tech, and the Media owned by the likes of Bezos, and all the Politicians who own stock in vaccines and Microsoft and Apple, and all the BIG stores like Walmart, Target, Amazon, ect, make BILLIONS while censorship is at an all time high.
Ex-JWs you say? Who better to smell the propaganda and fear mongering to consolidate power? Who better to sense the utter hypocrisy of shutting down the economy based on case numbers? Who better to see the insane Orwellian world headed our way if people just accept slavery to the Elite?