Blind spots... That’s a good description but I do not think that phrase accurately describes the full effect on the minds of stalwart believers, especially fundamentalists “Christians.”
Should we consign religion to the past even though it had utility at some point in time? Absolutely. Especially if it’s harmful and an impediment to advancement.
I believe this can only happen on an individual level, and then as individuals we can try to enlighten others; it can’t be forced and should not be legislated. This process has taken a long, long time and that’s not likely to change, probably not in our lifetime.
Forcing others through violence of any kind, even verbal abuse, is a characteristic of Identity Politics and Ideological Possession which I find offensive and extremely dangerous since I started really looking into those topics.
I believe Xian fundamentalists are possessed of an ideology as dangerous as any other. Ironically, it reminds me of a scripture that Jesus supposedly said. To paraphrase, “If the light that is in you is darkness, how great that darkness is.”
If all of our thoughts and decisions are guided by a skewed sense of reality in an environment that constantly reinforces that faulty perception then our “light” is actually darkness; even more so if we aren’t even aware of the fact that we are possessed by an ideology, or blinded by Identity Politics.
It’s frightening to consider.