JoinedPosts by DATA-DOG
France's Miviludes moved quietly
by yalbmert99 ina real conspiracy to destroy anti-cult miviludes in france.. therefore, a question arises that burns the lips of all our interlocutors: who wants the skin of the miviludes?
"this disintegration of the fight against cults is carried by occult influences, at the highest level of the state.
the miviludes disturbs, "says georges fenech.
Sectarian aberrations?? Who determines the aberration? I’m confused. Can we all just go back to being Druids?
DD -
JW News
by neat blue dog inthe latest news release on jwdotorg concludes with the sentence: "more information will be provided on jw news as we confirm the details of this ongoing situation.".
i just thought it was funny them using the capitalized phrase "jw news" now.
imagine jwn, the ultimate fake news network 😅.
The Watchtower does not promote any particular health regimen or product.....
Just imagine how much recommendations for adequate Vitamin D could help the immune systems of unhealthy J-Dumbs.
I was sick back in late December of 2019 and into January of 2020, and I rarely get sick. I have always worked outside through heat and cold, and never in an office of recycled air. I also never get a Flu shot.
My GF got sick too. We both felt overly tired and coughed constantly, especially at night for over a month. I took supplements and got my usual dose of Sunshine everyday and kept working, only taking cold medicine at night. ( I know it’s bad, but I had to sleep..) I took my GF to Urgent Care and the Doctor tested her for the Flu.. NOPE, not that, but they didn’t have any answers...
Pretty sure we had Corona and just beat it by having strong immune systems. I’m not sure what else it could’ve been. It was very strange and very persistent and took forever to get rid of.
The Recent Legal Decision and WT Hypocrisy
by Slidin Fast injust to remind you, the recent court decision included a judgement about wt and freedom of speech something the organisation has long prided itself about.
infosektamedia release of july 8, 2020 7. thewatchtower organisation denies members the human right to freedom of thought, conscience and religion according to article 18 statement by the expert (tages-anzeiger)"furthermore, article 18 states that everyone has the right to freedom of thought, conscience and religion, a right that the watchtower society claims for itself but does not grant its members.
" judgment of the court by ostracizing members who no longer share the faith, they are implicitly denied freedom of faith and conscience (proof of good faith).
This just proves that the GB are not just bungling old idiots trying to do their best, but Cult leaders who know exactly what they are doing. These men are beyond saving.
Also, IF the Cult was the one true religion, then why worry about being persecuted or even executed for your faith? Any persecuted JW should feel privileged to give their life in the service of their God. It’s the highest honor that they could ever receive.
Why even go to Court to defend these modern-day Bible Heroes??? Just list their names every so often in an article. Surely that would be encouraging to the R&F?? The GB listed names of children who died for refusing blood, so surely they can do the same for these “Martyrs.” Why not respect their sacrifice and stay out of Court?
It’s almost as if the GB don’t really believe the religion...
Newest Anti-Apostate Tactics
by Anna Marina indon't quote any scriptures during the watchtower study that are not in the paragraph.. don't quote the governing body or anything from the broadcast ever.
it might be true but it is not true truth if it is coming out of your mouth if you have been critical of the governing body.
especially so if your criticism is valid and you have dared to support you view with scriptures, most especially the words of jesus christ.. anyone know of other new tactics?.
You are expected to follow the program without deviation. Who are YOU to “rush ahead” of what is provided at the right time? What are you, anointed or something?? How dare you think too deeply or believe that you can somehow expound on an issue? Don’t you think the Writing Department would have it all covered??
I remember being eyed with suspicion for reading the NWT ( pre-Silver Sword/Bible for dummies ) and highlighting passages/tracing footnotes during meetings or conventions. Thank goodness they didn’t see me using a Concordance!
The members are expected to STFU and follow along and answer the paragraphs as instructed. How can the poor GB make it any easier?? They give you the questions and the answer... How can some of you be so disrespectful??
"The Best Convention Ever" - 2020 starts today
by bats in the belfry indress up for the show.
... and now please be seated.
proudly presenting your 2020 convention program.. ... and, thank god, for the ff button on my player.
Dubs love to post on Farcebook and Instabrag.. I see the #Preach a lot. They are truly under a very strong form of mind control, but so are many people.
We already live in an Orwellian society where the young “woke” individuals have no clue about what happened even 20 years ago, and as long as they can bury their faces in the latest Tick-Tock idiocy and stream songs about N-word this and gonna fu** this person and that person, and participate in the occasional protest that ultimately means nothing, they really don’t care to know.
They get their “likes” and feel relevant for a moment and go back to swiping on Tinder. There is no Colosseum to escape reality as in Ancient Rome; the Colosseum surrounds us. It’s up to us to locate reality.
Watchtower Sudy 12 July.the Kings of North & South (from 05/20 issue)
by BluesBrother init is a challenge next sunday for them .
due to starting the convention programme the wt study will be a 30 minute run through ,and deals with this prophecy ... i doubt the younger ones are familiar with it at all bur oldies could debate it at length .we on the look out for the king of the north to enter "the land of decoration" (more to follow,maybe next week).
this article makes a grand claim in par 2.
Hold on.... The Dubs are still part of the OSCE, which is part of the UN. Now the GB are shitting on the UN again??? Weren’t they friends for a while??
DD 🤔
When did WT lose the spirit?
by Smiles inat what time would you say that the watch tower schema lost the spirit?.
like the ancient nation of israel which struggled maintaining divine blessing due to a long series of grave errors that eventually culminated in definitive loss... how and when did watch tower lose the spirit?.
can we pinpoint a time or event?.
I don’t buy into the “Creator must be created and so, on, and so on...”
I’ve heard Scientists say that they have a theory of how the Universe was created, and.... I’m not joking....it was created by colliding Universes.. So, exactly where did those other two Universes come from? What collided to make them, and so, on and so on???
So Scientists and Atheists have their own nonsensical rabbit-hole reasonings as well. Not a terrible thing, just humans talking about stuff and junk to pass the time.
DD 🤔
When did WT lose the spirit?
by Smiles inat what time would you say that the watch tower schema lost the spirit?.
like the ancient nation of israel which struggled maintaining divine blessing due to a long series of grave errors that eventually culminated in definitive loss... how and when did watch tower lose the spirit?.
can we pinpoint a time or event?.
Ok, I won’t say it....
Quit Quietly now more than ever
by gone for good inthe amazing exoneration of info sekta in swiss court has finally reinforced the proper way to exit an abusive cult.. never write a letter of disassociation.
- no need to invoke shepherding or judicial action from elders.
make a written, dated statement of your free-will choice to have abandoned the jw religion - secure this document with a friend -a trusted friend (not the jw kind).
Window cleaning Elder.. never heard of that. 😂😂😂
Latest move by Kingdom Hall Trust in U.K current J.W Elders BEWARE!
by Phizzy inthe latest instructions from the kingdom hall trust here in the u.k are very revealing, and current j.w elders need to beware !
i will get to that in a minute.
maybe in the usa and other countries too ?.
Evidently.....none of you understand Jeehoober’s eagle-like vision and farsighted wisdom.