So... they made sure the only Black guy is dressed in ill-fitting clothing reminiscent of a Dollar General employee???
good news from god!.
lesson 6. .
what hope is there for the dead?.
So... they made sure the only Black guy is dressed in ill-fitting clothing reminiscent of a Dollar General employee???
a republican congressman voted his conscience to impeach trump.
the results might surprise some of us.. "my dad's cousins sent me a petition - a certified letter - saying they disowned me because i'm in 'the devil's army' now," kinzinger said in a phone conversation on thursday.
"it's been crazy, when you have friends - that you thought were good friends that would love you no matter what - that don't.".
We should be able to spot propaganda and Ideological Possession better than most. It’s puzzling that some here do not.
wt media covers over child abuse and they like to silence those who expose their lies.. silicone valley has it's own agenda too and they want to silence the competition.
seems freedom of speech is fine so long as you agree with the people who run silicone valley.
and if you dare to say 'love your neighbour as yourself' you must allow those in charge of silicone valley to define the words.
If things don’t change there will be a “Great Tribulation” of some kind. There are too many people who will not put up with this for long.
i just watched a video about artificial intelligence and what the future is going to look like according to a lot of powerful people.
noticed at least one mover and shaker who is closer to watchtower-land than is generally realised.. it occured to me artificial intelligence does require numbers.
and those numbers have got to be doing the right thing - you know 1 must = 1 and 2 must = 2 or else you press the go button and you get nothing or an error message.
Don’t you know “The Great Reset” is a conspiracy? You know, like “Build Back Better.”
DD 🤔
trump has his supporters.
“It sometimes looks like PIMI JW's. They also cannot believe their leaders have done wrong things. They accept all that their leaders do and say, will defend it to anyone who challenges them and will blame anyone who disagrees with them as "false opponents".
“This holds true for anyone possessed by an Ideology, Right or Left..-DD
The fact that anyone could actually disagree (thumbs down) shows their bias.
trump has his supporters.
“It sometimes looks like PIMI JW's. They also cannot believe their leaders have done wrong things. They accept all that their leaders do and say, will defend it to anyone who challenges them and will blame anyone who disagrees with them as "false opponents".
This holds true for anyone possessed by an Ideology, Right or Left..
trump has his supporters.
If you think Trump “worshippers” were responsible for what happened then you don’t have all the facts. That vast majority of the crowd did nothing but show up to protest.
There are hundreds of videos taken by people who were there ( and did NOT act violently ) of Trump supporter physically stopping ANTIFA members who infiltrated the crowd from breaking windows and destroying property. Have you watched any of these videos?
ANTIFA orchestrated their mayhem via 8chan and other platforms. They came into DC by bus and did what they are paid to do. Yes, paid to do. Lots of proof on that one. Democrats bail those guys out of jail on a regular basis.
If someone came on this forum and said that everyone who attended a black lives matter protest was guilty of the same crimes as the relatively few individuals who instigated the violence, they would be roasted.
I agree 100% that the media is a big big problem at this point in time. They need to be knocked down a few notches for sure.
We have a multi-faceted problem, so there is no easy solution. One thing is certain, anyone who actually wants things to get better has to care about what is actually true. They have to be willing to put forth the effort in that pursuit. No one can be forced to do that, and until we have enough people willing to do that we will have ignorance, and laziness, and people who would rather sit on their couch and absorb the Legacy News drivel.
Remaining ignorant is the easy path. You get to make blanket/sweeping statements and black and white judgment calls and appear as if you know what you’re talking about as you virtue signal through your day.
so did anyone catch the january jw broadcast?.
it's the "spiritual content" of what would have been introduced in the october annual meeting, had the october annual meeting taken place.. morris, splane, and jackson introduce a new jw study publication: "live forever eternally - an interactive guide".. details were sparse, but apparently it is a 256 page book (when in actual printed form), primarily designed to be used in its electronic form, stuffed with links to videos.. it is designed to be "just one book" to be studied prior to baptism, where "all 60 questions that baptism candidates have to know" are found in just one place.. the purported reason is to make jw "bible" studies more "productive", i.e., lead to more baptisms.. splane brought out the governing body's "great concern" that 10 million+ "bible" studies are conducted by jws every year, but the number of baptisms has been stuck at 200,000 - 300,000 per year for decades.
so the thinking is, this new book + a "new method of conducting studies" (again, no real detail, but apparently it involves more "discussion" and less "question and answer").. want to know my thoughts?
There’s no way to physically live FOREVER. It’s insane to think about....
Let’s say the Bible is true. It does not say you’re going to live forever in a physical state. Paul wrote that like a seed you must “die” to achieve the incorruptible state of Heavenly existence. He’s obviously trying to explain that you must end your earthly life at some point. So, if you’re an Xian and “saved” then you are transformed the instant your physical life ends, but it does end..
I’ve always wondered if our own determination and perhaps our level of enlightenment and awareness, or “spirituality” makes a difference of whether or not our “soul” dissipates instead of going on? Who knows? Reincarnation could be true as well. Maybe some never reincarnate and advance and others do, until they achieve enlightenment?
Maybe we just live by pure dumb luck and die?
december 3, 2020. for congregations.
1. covid-19 vaccine information: several covid-19 vaccines may soon be approved and.
That’s not a bad article, but it’s hard to enjoy “journalism” anymore. Being a Dub has taught me to recognize weasel words and misleading statements.
Little things like “devastating effects” of Covid 19 being cited, when the reality is that the devastation is almost exclusively from the Government’s overreacting and its failure to change course.
Also, there is no known “cure” for Corona viruses, so Plasma filled with antibodies would just be a procedure to help your immune system, not a cure.
All that being said, a plasma injection sounds like a welcome alternative to an experimental vaccine.
i don`t wish them any real harm or death or anything ,but i feel that if a few of them contracted the virus it might wake a few more up that their is no god to protect them from what is happening in the world.. after all they are living in a hot spot aren`t they ?.
am i wrong in wishing this to befall some of them ?
as a wake up call ?
That link leads to a crock of shit. It’s incredibly dishonest. Moderna’s information sent to the FDA for licensing of their MRNA vaccine tells another story. There hasn’t been near enough research for approval.
Unbelievable... Not really when you follow the $$$.