happy B-Day Wasa
Posts by ring
wasasister's BIRTHDAY TODAY
by Scully inyes, it's true!!
on this thread: http://www.jehovahs-witness.com/forum/thread.aspx?id=44758&page=1&site=3#629161.
wasasister admits that it is her birthday today:what a nice birthday surprise this was!
What song sums up your JW experience?
by sleepy inits got to be rage against the machine, "killing in the name of" .
just had the bassline to this song rumbling through my head, havent heard it for ages though .
you need to know the chorus.
Creed....What if
Creed....My Own Prison
Wanna know when your gonna die?
by gumby incheck this out!.
i guess i'm off to the wild blue yonder in 2028,march 11th kinda creepy.
November 08, 2008
by Forgiven One ini left the borg 13 years ago, at age 22. after my wife had died of cancer, i started seeing a "worldly" female.
(i was teetering in the borg at the time.
) well we ended up becoming very intimate.
welcome to JWD forgiven
To go or not to go..that is the ?
by noidea ini was asked last friday from a man that i work with if i wanted to go to the titans game, i declined because i had plans for the next day.
i was talking with him today and we were excited that they won.
he was saying that it would be awesome if they won and went to the superbowl.
if he'll buy my ticket.......I'd be willing to chaperone the event for ya Noi
any one here remember me?
by airwlk149 inhi guys!
i don't remember if any one here remembers me, but i used to come in here all the time back in the day (like 11/01-07/02) i remember lilacs, naeblis, reborn2002, oh shit, i would know them if i saw them but i can't really remember the screen names.... any ways, hi!!!!!!!!!
i moved up to portland, oregon for the last 3 and 1/2 months and now i am back in sacramento, ca.
Long time no see great to hear from you!
Britney and Justin Get Back Together! (Briefly!)
by SYN inargh!
i ran out of threads for today!
britney and justin get back together
they may see other people while they're dating.
well, I guess theres still hope for britney and I
Birthday List
by nicolaou inc'mon guys, we can celebrate our birthdays!!!.
post your birthdate here and let us know how you want to get your 'birthday card' (email, post on the board, text message, soaped-up kyliegram!).
my birthday is october 16th and i'd be happy to receive any of the above.. .
January 21
Do you know who this is?
by footprints inwhile going through old pictures and scanning them into a database i found this?
i cannot remember his name.
my email is open feel free to contact me.. thanks
it might help if you included what state/erea you think the person lives in.....the guy in that pic looks like 20 different people i know....
UK Gun Laws: Possession = 5 Years Imprisonment.
by Englishman infollowing the deaths by shooting of 2 teenage girls last week, the uk government is speeding through even tighter gun controls than ever before.. already, high court judges have been told to impose a minimum 5 year jail sentence to anyone found in possesssion of a hand-gun in a public place.
also, consideration is being given to outlawing replica firearms as well as air powered weapons.
much is being made of the violent lyrics sometimes contained in rap - music which appears to often endorse gun culture.. see:http://news.bbc.co.uk/ for full story.. englishman..
Taken from: http://www.sierratimes.com/archive/ray/edrt041400.htm
So what has happened in other countries when they actually achieved complete disarmament of their citizens? Adolph Hitler attained "perfect gun control." Then he proceeded to murder millions of his people. The Soviet Union established gun control in 1929 and from then until 1953, 20 million political dissidents were rounded up and murdered. Turkey did it in 1911 and from 1915 to 1917, 1.5 million Armenians were exterminated. China established it in 1935 and from 1964 to 1981 then murdered 20 million dissidents. Guatamala banned guns in 1964 and from then until 1981, 100,000 Mayan Indians were exterminated by the government. In 1970, Uganda did it. Then rounded up and exterminated 300,000 Christians between 1971 and 1979. Cambodia? In 1956. Then proceeded to exterminate 1 million "educated people" between 1975 to 1977. Total victims of "complete gun control?" 56 million.
It seems to me that history has proved that anytime you put your trust in the govt to provide for your "safety" by banning guns......you are at that governments mercy.