I am in a similar boat. I have been fully awake since 2012. I have been through every stage you can be. Depression, anger, resentment, self medicating with alcohol etc. alcohol worked for a few months but eventually it makes things worse. I still attend most meetings because of my wife and occasional once a month FS for an hour. It's what i do to keep the peace until she wakes up or until I have enough strength to break free. I live with my wife and I can't stand for my home life to be that miserable. At first I researched day and night, read Ray Franz books, learned the true history of the org, blood issue, bible etc. I now know WHY they are wrong and have no more fear.
Eventually I realized the whole bible is a fraud and am now agnostic! An agnostic with 2 young daughters and a fully in wife and parents.. Overwhelming if I let it be. I have given up trying to "wake up" my wife as I now realize this will only happen of her own accord. I try not to think about it too much.
It's important to have a goal or some hope, if not real depression will set in. Work out, do fun things both with your family and alone, and enjoy life as best you can. Don't let this consume you. Don't let it destroy you. I think about those who have it worse and that helps too. Show love, which isn't always easy when struggling inside. Some days will be much harder than others, but keep pressing on. This forum has helped me so much, especially when first waking up