After seeing the movie, "Honey, I shrunk the kids", I heard a brother say something that got me thinking. He said, "honey, I shrunk the elders".
I think we have unwittingly contributed to the Brooklyn problem in that we (following suggestions from the WT) give double honor to those working hard. Actually I think we had put them up on pedestals> So the CO comes and we give him the best of food, extra cash, shopping trips etc. With many people doing this they begin to think that they're special. Like the pampered servant of Proverbs 29:21 who "in his later life will even become a thankless one".
This has happened over the past 5 decades until we have the "thankless ones" everywhere. Not only CO's, but DO's, elders, you name it, you name it. Prior to the late 1950's we had "Servant to the Brethern (CO's) who came through with old junk cars and ate just about anything and were grateful for a place to stay even though many of us didn't even have inside plumbing and bathing facilities. They were truly "through the dust". We had Bro. A.A. Worsley who visited our congo before going into the missionary assignment and he stayed with our "Company Servant" and had to clean up in a wash basin in the living room. These were the best accomodations available at the time. People like him were always appreciative for any kindness offered.
Later we got those who couldn't eat this or that or they wanted special foods prepared until nobody wanted to keep them or feed them especially when they came with fur coats and other finery.
So instead of inflating the importance of such ones, I believe shrinking them down to size - my size - helped me. I refuse to contribute to the mentality that they are "special". They are no better nor worse than I. They have their share of skeletons in the closet with locks on it just as I do. However, I have just recently learned to put locks on the closets. Prior to I was an open book and felt that if I had a problem the elders would help me....Forget that!!! They are not there to help, they are there to collect data that will be used to keep me under the thumb and give food for gossip for all the sisters within a hundred mile radius.
So I've shrunk their importance in my eyes. However it's like the Germans say: "Old too soon - schmart too late!".
No, I'm not sleeping as suggested, I'm very wide awake and I will not let people rob me of the peace that I feel that comes from Jehovah through his Son. My dedication was to Jehovah and I try to live my life according to "what is written" in the Bible.