This is just what I needed. If I shred my blood card will my parents be able to do something? I am 20 and still live at home and can't move out yet. Remember we had to give two persons copies and I think the kingdom hall has one as well. Do those copies work? I really don't know if my local hospitals have any info about me being a JW. I also can't go to them now or my MD and update my info without raising suspicion.
JoinedPosts by Aware!
Getting rid of your blood card may not be enough
by maksym ini want to share a potential problem that could come up in regards to those that have left the watchtower corporation and no longer accept their doctrines concerning blood.. obviously step one would be to get rid of the blood card; however.... recently i was put in the hospital to have an apendectomy.
the usual occurs in which a screening process is performed and records are updated before a major surgery; at least if your conscience.. one question the adminstrator nurse asked was whether i was still a jehovahs witness member of that church and if i still refused to accept blood.
i quickly updated my files telling them my current status and said i would accept blood.. the blood card was an indicator in an emergency if you were to be rushed to a hospital you did not know.. hospital records are not updated unless we choose to inform them.
Tiresome Speculation
by Wayward Son inthe boys at wt hq seem pretty sincere about the end being just a whisper away.
much of what they are doing smells of a batten down the hatches and brace for impact mindset.
i know this is a drum they have been beating for decades, but.... [if !supportlists]- [endif]the intensity seems to be ramping up.. [if !supportlists]- [endif]they know more about the lawsuits, low baptisms, youth retention rate, apostate uprising, etc... than we do.. [if !supportlists]- [endif]i think many of them really believe they are gods one true organization and they view these events as prophesy-fulfilling.. [if !supportlists]- [endif]i think they foresee their own impending demise.. they are taking all the guess work out of the state of their stability.
Wasblind- very true. They are so delusional that they think they alone hold the answer to everything in life.
Thank you, Blondie. :)
Jesus and the Apostles return in the 21st century......where ?
by Balaamsass inan old co-worker who trained to be a jesuit priest, is very intrigued with the ex-jw movement.
we share laughs and have some off-beat phone discussions at times on theology.
yesterday was about money, religion and "wwjd" what would jesus do if he and the apostles actually returned today.. we decided he and the apostles would probably be seated around a picnic table in a park with a laptop writing a "blog", have a facebook "fan page", and make press releases...making it entirely possible for "every eye to see him".. the pope and the governing body would denouce them as heritics.
LOL! I can totally imagine that in my head. It would be so nice if Jesus were alive today.
I wish I could have something like this in my area.
Tiresome Speculation
by Wayward Son inthe boys at wt hq seem pretty sincere about the end being just a whisper away.
much of what they are doing smells of a batten down the hatches and brace for impact mindset.
i know this is a drum they have been beating for decades, but.... [if !supportlists]- [endif]the intensity seems to be ramping up.. [if !supportlists]- [endif]they know more about the lawsuits, low baptisms, youth retention rate, apostate uprising, etc... than we do.. [if !supportlists]- [endif]i think many of them really believe they are gods one true organization and they view these events as prophesy-fulfilling.. [if !supportlists]- [endif]i think they foresee their own impending demise.. they are taking all the guess work out of the state of their stability.
Have you ever stopped to wonder how many that visit this site mya still have a belief in the God that you laughed at ?????
That's one of the things that bothered me when I was lurking. It helped that I was open minded and wanted to listen to both sides of the argument. King Solomon, just wanted to say that one of your posts answered a question I had that I sent you a PM about. No need to worry about replying. Oh, and I do enjoy your posts...thanks. BTW, I'm not saying I don't enjoy others' posts, but I do like his style. -
How many have read Gunnar Samuelsson's Crucifixion in Antiquity?
by itsibitsybrainbutbigenoughtosmellarat inthis is a great read for those interested in an exhaustive work in recent times on the subject.. it may be available in pdf or kindle by now?.
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Am I missing out on an apostate book club?
Young Ex-JW siblings release song to radio inspired by their experience leaving the cult.
by Azazel inthis is a must see for all ex-jws and those thinking of leaving.
watch for the subtle clues in the video.
lets get this get this out there.. .
I think it's good.
New YouTube vide - Anthony Morris III reminds us of our privilege to donate to the Worldwide Work
by cedars in
I find your short videos very informative and amusing. Thanks!!
by clarity ini do not want a funeral.
i especially do not want anyone standing before my family.
telling them who i supposedly ... am!.
I don't want to have a funeral either. Instead, I want to be cremated, and like Quendi, I want to have an open house for friends. Don't think I'll have any family in the future. Can family visit an apostate's funeral? No one on my mom's side is a JW, so that's a possibility, but they live so far away. I won't be alive to know who went, anyway, so no hurt feelings. My chances of a funeral against my wishes are slim because I live a quiet life to myself.