It's not Spanish.
Edited to add: Look at illustration 100 that has a coke next to it. You don't have to understand Portuguese to look at the pictures. He's pointing out what looks like advertising in illustrations.
merchandising in watchtower?.
look ilustration no 100.
It's not Spanish.
Edited to add: Look at illustration 100 that has a coke next to it. You don't have to understand Portuguese to look at the pictures. He's pointing out what looks like advertising in illustrations.
merchandising in watchtower?.
look ilustration no 100.
Muito interessante, mas não todos falam Português aqui. Lol. Obrigado pelo link.
i went to the last day of the dc here in west palm beach, just to make my mother company.
wow, what a difference can a year outside the lie can do to perception.
it was the same crap as you'd expect but there is a plot twist: the speaker was so into the talk he was actually starting to shout and wound up mentioning that they now know how many angels will be needed to destroy everyone at armaggeddon.
Who takes delight in mass genocide? That speaker is messed up.
i went to the last day of the dc here in west palm beach, just to make my mother company.
wow, what a difference can a year outside the lie can do to perception.
it was the same crap as you'd expect but there is a plot twist: the speaker was so into the talk he was actually starting to shout and wound up mentioning that they now know how many angels will be needed to destroy everyone at armaggeddon.
I don't remember hearing that. Do you remember the time of the talk?
jehovah's witnesses and many other religions believe jesus will return or has returned (invisibly .
sseveninches- concerning your question, there are many viewpoints, and you might find this interesting. Scroll down to 'Major theological postions'.
this is a great read for those interested in an exhaustive work in recent times on the subject.. it may be available in pdf or kindle by now?.
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i wanted to consolidate a lot of the information about the attack of anonymous against the watchtower society.
if you disagree with the tactics of anonymous, that's fine.
this information may still be useful as the public is made more aware of the the dangerous policies of the watchtower society.
Spelling counts, folks. Anyone who can't even spell "pedophiles" is not likely sharp enough to hack anything (aside from the Engrish language).
Anonymous has hackers from all of the world. That means that many don't speak English as their native language. Spelling is hard enough for many native English speakers, let alone non natives.
jehovah's witnesses and many other religions believe jesus will return or has returned (invisibly .
Okay, so here's my crazy conjecture. I read that genetically modified foods (well I don't know if all GM foods, I've only read of soy so far) are linked to sterility and infant mortality in hamsters, and approx. 10% of the world's crop lands that were planted in 2010 were GM crops . So if the percentage of GM crops planted increases, along with mankind ruining the earth, cancer, disease, antibiotic-resistant bacteria strains, etc., there will pretty soon be less and less people. That’s all I got so far. I still don’t know how everyone is going to receive the message of the Good News.
jehovah's witnesses and many other religions believe jesus will return or has returned (invisibly .
I've never understood this either and have been wanting to start a thread on crazy conjectures. I actually have one right now that sounds good. Who wants to hear it?
i want to share a potential problem that could come up in regards to those that have left the watchtower corporation and no longer accept their doctrines concerning blood.. obviously step one would be to get rid of the blood card; however.... recently i was put in the hospital to have an apendectomy.
the usual occurs in which a screening process is performed and records are updated before a major surgery; at least if your conscience.. one question the adminstrator nurse asked was whether i was still a jehovahs witness member of that church and if i still refused to accept blood.
i quickly updated my files telling them my current status and said i would accept blood.. the blood card was an indicator in an emergency if you were to be rushed to a hospital you did not know.. hospital records are not updated unless we choose to inform them.
Thank you Rebel8 and Blondie for your replies. Although I do not expect to be hospitalized any time soon, you never know what tomorrow will bring. There's still that paranoid JW inside of me, lol. And yes, I do live in the U.S and will mention it to my doctor when I see him. Thank you for mentioning RHIO.