Can't the hearing impaired read? I'm not being sarcastic, I don't know.
JoinedPosts by Aware!
Watchtower using YouTube to preach to the deaf in Australia
by cedars inhi folks.
i've noticed a huge amount of videos being uploaded by the youtube channel "auslannews".
"auslan" is an abbreviation of australian sign language.. here is one of the videos....
Is Fading Emotionally Taxing?
by Aware! ini don't think i could handle a fade.
sooner or later the truth would be found out.
i have yet to come out, but when i do, i'll probably da myself without telling anyone why.
I just want to get it over with quick and fast forward time to my graduation, getting a job, moving out, and finally DA myself. I'm finding it real hard to slack off because of pressure to do more (I have a position) and be the model JW. My stepdad is an elder and he loves it, and I would hate to make him lose his position because it keeps him in check. He would take it out on me.
Is Fading Emotionally Taxing?
by Aware! ini don't think i could handle a fade.
sooner or later the truth would be found out.
i have yet to come out, but when i do, i'll probably da myself without telling anyone why.
I don't think I could handle a fade. Sooner or later the truth would be found out. I have yet to come out, but when I do, I'll probably DA myself without telling anyone why. Any comments?
Boring Lunches - Bento Anyone?
by skeeter1 inif you follow skeeter, you know that skeeter is a fan of the east.
bento is a japaneese lunchbox.
it originated from a tale where a small lunchbox fed a family for a long time.
It sure makes eating fun. I wish my area were more multi-cultural.
Worst Day of my life
by BU2B inwell this afternoon as i sit here i am calm but my heart is literally aching.
i am sitting here with my young daughter on my shoulder.
i guess you could say i spilled the beans to my wife this afternoon.
Remember that there has to be two witnesses. Lie, lie, lie! All is fair in love and war.
Worst Day of my life
by BU2B inwell this afternoon as i sit here i am calm but my heart is literally aching.
i am sitting here with my young daughter on my shoulder.
i guess you could say i spilled the beans to my wife this afternoon.
I've been wanting to try something and hope it helps you. First of all, apologize to your wife (even though you're not at fault). Secondly, calmly ask her if she knows you love her. Once she calms down a little ask her if she thinks you're an idiot (don't get mad if she says yes). Then tell her that you wouldn't be standing up for something risking all in the process (your wife and daughter) if you didn't strongly believe in it. Whether your marriage was conditional or not, tell her that you really want to make it work. If you happen to be wrong, then she must know that you know the consequences of being wrong (losing everlasting life in paradise). Now, why would you do something so ludicrous and be willing to lose everything if you weren't 100% sure? Oh, and something that is probably not stressed enough on this forum is that you should never talk about doctrine with cult members.
New girl in town here for support
by joyfulfader inhi everyone here on jwn.
i admit to being a lurker for quite some time before joining and now i am ready to post and i want to introduce myself.
i am/was 3rd generation and daughter of the po (as it was termed at the time) for most of my life.
Welcome! I love reading everyone's experiences here.
Knowing the Real Truth about the "truth" when you're stuck inside...
by OneDayillBeFree
(warning: this could get lengthy but i have to vent and i could really use some advice).
i know ttatt and have known about it for almost 2 years, yet i'm still stuck inside.
The Navy sounds like a good idea, it'll help you do better in college. My veteran classmates are very disciplined and get good grades.
Knowing the Real Truth about the "truth" when you're stuck inside...
by OneDayillBeFree
(warning: this could get lengthy but i have to vent and i could really use some advice).
i know ttatt and have known about it for almost 2 years, yet i'm still stuck inside.
Your story is very similar to mine and you even beat me to starting a thread like yours. I'm going to put in bold everything we have in common from your post. BTW, I'm in no way trying to hijack your thread; I just wanted to point out that you're not alone, and unfortunately not the last one until this cult implodes. If it makes you feel better, I know at least two others here besides me who are in a similar situation.
I know TTATT . . . yet I'm still stuck inside.
I don't regret learning the real truth about this twisted religion . . . .
. . . I don't even have my own vehicle, although one has been provided for me, but it is not something I can call my own, because it would be immediately taken if I decided to leave rendering me basically homeless.
I'm not on my own yet . . . I've been saving and working hard to get independent . . . .
Living this way isn’t living at all. I'm lying to myself and to others, it's a horrible way to live. The organization makes me feel as if I'm the devil, or really mentally diseased. They make me feel like shit. But the truth is the complete opposite. I don't live what the org calls a double life. I mean I would love to but I simply can't because I don't even have any outside (real) friends to do anything with, nor do I have any JW friends for that matter. I don’t do drugs, drink, smoke, or party. I am not a bad person, so why is there so much damn pain and sadness? I feel like just an empty, worthless waste of life.
I figured there has to be an end to this, and there will be but I don't know when or how.
I know for a fact that this is how it would go because my parents would in no way try to help me out at all, they barely do now. And my father (in my case my stepdad) is an elder who's in love with his position of power, authority and with the religion, so much that he would kick me out just to keep it (he would probably use Joshua 24:15).
You should really consider college. What are your interests? What would you like to major in? If your parents don't do well financially you have a high chance of getting a full-tuition scholarship. If you know your dream career pays well and that you will pass all your classes, consider loans. You don't have to repay them until 6 months after graduation or until you get a job, whichever comes first). Can you go to college out of town? What state do you live in? Are you able to disclose that info here? My calls are monitored so I can't call you, but you can text me all you want. Have you considered a VoIP app if you have an ipod touch, ipad, or android device? I'm not out yet, so I have to be as discreet as possible. Unless I win the lottery or something, I'll have to keep being a hypocrite until I gradutate from college, which I'm fine with now. To make things worse, I was recently appointed MS (even though I've been lurking on apostate websites for some time now, lol) and couldn't refuse because that would raise suspicions. My elder stepdad would've found out and interrogated me for "rejecting the holy spirit". There goes my plan for fading...
I digress, King Solomon, you're a doctor?? Holy Moly!!! I don't know how you find the time to post here.
by Terry inwhen we commit an action we own the consequences of our act.
if we are cleaning our pistol and it discharges a bullet into our best friend's head the act is not intentional, but, the consequential death is still our act.. the effect is perpetrated by the cause.. when the watchower society's governing body perpetrates mandatory teachings there are consequences.. the effects may not be intentional but they are caused and the society must own them.. why?.
a jw who fails to keep solidarity with accepted teachings is acting single-mindedly.
When I was in the lurking phase I asked a sister who studied in 1974 if she remembered the whole fiasco and her reaction. She said she didn't know what was going on because she was just a study. I then asked if she remembered why people were selling their homes and everything. Her reply was that over zealous brothers were the ones who started all that. I was dumbfounded at how she could forget her own past.