Damn.. If I had naked babes answering the doors when I was in I may have stayed longer!
JoinedPosts by rmayer32
answering the door nekkid...
by Angst ini remember several times in the past knocking on doors in the ministry and some bodacious babe would answer the door naked, semi-naked, or extremly suggestively dressed.
how many of you guys/gals has this happened to?.
i think i'm going to answer the door naked the next time some witness sisters show up at my front door....lol i can't wait.
Running into JWS
by WildTurkey ini ran into a jw couple last night at wal-mart, when i saw them i thought damn, i wish i would have seen them before they saw me.
but anyway we talked for a few minutes, and i was trying real hard to think of a reason to get out of there.
as i talked to him, i could tell he was dying to ask me, why i stopped going to the kingdom hall.
In the 13 years I've been out I have only lived in that area for 2 years of it. Before moving to my present location where I thankfully don't run into anyone I know now other then 1 that came to my door a month ago..LOL I ran into a girl I went to school with and her husband at a restaurant. Now when I first DA'd back in 89 she wasn't married and was a friend of mine and he was DF'd himself. Funny thing is I didn't notice them right away but I looked over and caught them staring at me and looking uncomfortable..LOL I couldn't get over how people I hadn't seen in over 10 years could get such an uncomfortable look on their face just by the site of me. So I smiled at them and thought to myself how pathetic the entire JW thing really is.
leave me alooone.....PLEASE!!!!
by Angst ini was born and raised a witness.
baptized at 14. pioneered after high school and was accepted to bethel when i was 19. got booted from bethel on my 21st b-day because someone exposed me for underage drinking prior to my 21st b-day.
after i left bethel, nothing was ever the same, and my eyes began to be opened and i started seeing more clearly.
My mother used to do the same to me for a time when I left. It was funny because I was in the navy for 10 years after I did leave the JW's but for about the first 4 years she would have elders from where I lived come and stop by trying to get me to go back.. Mind you I lived in Virginia at the time and she in Iowa..LOL I just ignored it and when I spoke to her never mentioned it and it eventually stopped. Funny part is she must have seen something at some point as she hasn't been to a meeting herself in over 6 years now..LOL A few years ago when I first left the military and came back to my home town I got a couple of visits from an elder that I knew since I was a kid. Nice guy, didn't push.. but never came back after I told him I wasn't coming back.
Slight slip of the tongue at yesterday's meeting
by TheOldHippie inconcluding remarks after the watchtower study, by the study conductor,.
"therefore, we all really appreciate the happiness and security we can enjoy within jehovah's united nation .... errrrhhh - sorry, i mean jehovah's united organization!
Now that is the funniest thing I've ever heard the dumbasses say! Everyone probably thought the Devil took over for a minute..hehehehe
Reasons why we hate JW's (as an org)
by ashitaka inmy first reason is the fact that i was being controlled through the jw social structure, and having to fight to do anything....even whether to wear a tie or not.
the preoccupation with appearance was so debilitating; that was all i was ever concerned with.
and, as i'm not attractive, good in sports, or a conformist, i had very few friends.
#3 The gossip and slander that is commonplace among JW members worldwide shows a lack of love and sickness at the heart of the organization.
Amen to that, I will never forget growing up as a teenager and seeing all the gossip and kliqs going on. It was ridiculous among the teens and even worse among a lot of the adults. It was just another thing that though not a subject most of the time myself for them, (there were times I'm sure) it certainly was a helping factor in driving me out.
The one thing I hated more then any other though was the constant change of doctrines and predictions which a lot of times didn't make much sense to begin with but then they'd revise it and it made no sense.. Or at least made no sense if you read it from anything other then the Watchtower that is..
Sex in the Kitchen??
by ISP innot always a good idea........ a couple have reportedly ended up in hospital after painfully finding out that oral sex and cooking don't mix.. the woman is said to have bitten the man's penis after he spilt hot oil on her back as she performed the sex act while he made pancakes.. it is the second similar accident in romania in two years.
in november 2000, ananova reported how the same thing happened to a couple in bucharest as a man was frying chips.. the embarrassed young couple in the latest episode have asked doctors in craiova not to reveal their identities.. the man came to hospital with his penis severely bitten, while his girlfriend had burns on her back and an injury in her head.. a paramedic says the surprised man hit her on the head with the pan after his penis was bitten, reports romania's editie de oltenia newspaper.
they were both allowed home after treatment.. unfortunately for virgil cures, who was reportedly injured in the first incident, his girlfriend ana bit through his penis and doctors had to spend four hours rebuilding the damaged organ.. the hospital is staying tightlipped about who the couple involved in the latest incident were.. dr andrei pana, a hospital spokesman, told ananova: "if our patients specifically request confidentiality regarding their cases, we have nothing to do but to respect that.
Maybe he should have been mixing a cake instead?
Violetanai's baptismal party - all invited
by Marilyn inbasically we're all open minded right?
so lets put aside our negative comments and throw a cyber-space send off for violet's up coming baptism into dubdom.
she said she's planning on getting baptised soon and clearly our advice and negative thoughts are hurting her feelings.
Actually if you're so "FIRM" in your belief now as a JW, Out of curiosity then,
Why in the hell are you still here talking to people on this board???
Violetanai's baptismal party - all invited
by Marilyn inbasically we're all open minded right?
so lets put aside our negative comments and throw a cyber-space send off for violet's up coming baptism into dubdom.
she said she's planning on getting baptised soon and clearly our advice and negative thoughts are hurting her feelings.
Being that I mostly read and never post around here I must say Good Luck to Violet. Soon you will be enjoying the fellowship of mind controlling hypocrites as a full fledged member.
Party On!
Hello Individuals Wife,
Thanks for the words.. Sounds like everything is going great for you. The shunning you speak of though is something that I have always found so childish. It's just a shame that people can be so easily blinded. I know like most I lost very good friends because of me leaving the organization. Sometimes I find it amusing though I must admit.
It is good to see people on this board and talk about things such as this. For people I think who have had more dramatic times with the JW's I think this kind of fellowship can only help.
Take care and keep it up
Hello everyone,
Being new here and reading some of the stories here I thought I would add mine. Not being as dramatic as some of them out there still thought I would share:)
I was born a JW as my mom was raised one from the time she was a toddler. My dad met her at meetings when he was attending with his brother and so they wound up getting married etc.. etc..
My father was never much of a JW though he was baptized. He went to the hall most of the time but never really got into it. He was disfellowshiped in 1974 for refusing to quit smoking..LOL This caused some problems at home but my mom stayed and always went to the meetings which of course beings I was 4 years old, I found myself always going along as well.
It was around the time I was 13 I guess when I started to really take an interest in "the Truth" and decided to start doing more. I found myself going out in service virtually all of the time as well as being very active in the ministry school and things like that. I always got along with everyone very well including elders it seemed so I took to it naturally I suppose. It was 1985 when I was 14 years old that I decided to take the baptism step myself at a district convention in Madison Wisconsin. From there I aux pioneered all the way through the summer of 1986 and that was when I started having some problems. Problems for teenagers I guess can be expected and when I took the dip I just didn't realize how it could happen. Sure enough I started slowly fading away from meetings little by little. My mother wasn't very happy with that but it came and went in streaks. I started hanging out with worldly friends from school and yes even started smoking cigarettes here and there and took up a bit of a liking for beer:) Anyway somebody spotted me smoking one day so I was told and my mom and I were called into a commitee meeting. Needless to say I was told how wrong I was and blah, blah, blah.. Well first of all I felt like telling them what I really thought but not wanting to hurt my mother I went along and agreed to knock it off and tried my best to be a good JW. I was privately reproofed and that was that. Then myself and a couple of other JW buddies were out one night about 6 months later and we had some beer in the car, and were just having fun. Well the kid who was driving didn't clean up his car very well and his mother caught wind of what was going on.. So there was another meeting with the elders all 3 of us and our parents. I was the only one baptised at the time and while they were reprimanded heavily I once again found myself privately reproved. Little did I know at that moment I became a target by one elder in particular. A little time went by and my mom and I were at the Sunday meeting when this elder came up to us afterwards and asked if we could hang around a little while so he could talk to us. At this point by the way I was doing everything in the world to be "good" so I didn't think anything of it. Next thing I know he calls us both into a makeshift judicial hearing with 3 elders there asking me about some party a few JW teens had thrown the night before from the other cong in town. They boozed it up big time I guess in what started as a JW gathering..LOL Well they weren't people I hung out with anyway so I didn't know anything and told them so. The one elder didn't want to believe me and I picked up on that right away. I was pissed to say the least.. I almost told them to go straight to hell then and there. Alas for the fear of hurting my mother I did not and after verifying with her (who was pretty pissed at them herself) that I was home the entire evening this took place they let me go. That was the beginning of the end for me as it was 1987 at this point and I started not going to the meetings and fell right back into smoking, drinking and hanging out with guys from school. After not being to the hall in a few months I got called in again where one of the guys I got caught drinking with the other time said he seen me smoking..LOL Here we go again I thought, this time stabbed in the back by a guy who had NO room to talk. So I told them that is possible and they publicly reproved me which surprised me considering I was showing little remorse at this point and flatly told them everything I could think of about the SOB that told on me. My mom was hurt but at least I wasn't disfellowshiped so to her that eased her somewhat. I may as well had been. I attended probably 2 meetings after being publicly humiliated with that one. Finally by the end of 1988 being 18 by now and totally not ever wanting to go back I DA'd myself the first week of 1989. My mom was hurt but I couldn't go on with even attempting to be something I was not, nor was I going to be involved with an organization that totally witch hunted people. Many if not most of the JW's I grew up with were hunted down the same way and some in worse ways. I joined the United States Navy at the age of 18 (which really got some scrutiny from them I later heard from people) and fought the Persian Gulf WAr.. I stayed in the Navy until 1998. I was married and had 3 kids then my wife left me with the 3 kids so I got out to care for them as being a single parent in the military wasn't something I wanted to do. When I came back home afterwards an elder stopped by the house. I knew this guy since I was a kid and he was nice asking me if I ever thought of coming back and inviting me to the hall. I thanked him but declined. Since that time I am remarried to a wonderful woman and we are expecting our first child together making a nice total of 4 great kids. I have a great job, a great family and a lot better life then i would have if I would have continued pretending all of those years. The funny part though is it took me close to 10 years to de-program myself. I really thought I was doomed all of those years. Finally after searching and studying the bible on its own merits I understand that isn't the case. Also my mom has been inactive since about 1991. Never happy with the way they dealt with me she just stopped going.
I guess to me it's amazing to read the horror stories of many people and I feel so much sympathy for so many of the stories that I've read here. In my own dealings with the JW's I found it amazing at a young age as to how hyprocritical they can be. 1 day they're your best friend but if you make a mistake you're flagged and then they got you.
It is a shame.
Sorry for rambling.. and thanks for listening.. I hope to talk to you all on here quite a bit.:)