the 1914 thing , the UN thing , Rand corp holdings. thats some of their beefs
JoinedPosts by rnovello
Will the real Jehovahs Witnesses Stand Up?????????
by rnovello inhave anyone of you ever heard of or read anything at livingwaters website.
it is pure evil .
you would not believe what they do to people on the net who join their site.
Will the real Jehovahs Witnesses Stand Up?????????
by rnovello inhave anyone of you ever heard of or read anything at livingwaters website.
it is pure evil .
you would not believe what they do to people on the net who join their site.
No they re not just a website. They are a religion. they calim they are the True Jehovahs Witnesses They have meetings, but are very evasive when and how they meet. They call themselves Jehovahs Rightious Order World Wide. JROWW. sound familar?
Will the real Jehovahs Witnesses Stand Up?????????
by rnovello inhave anyone of you ever heard of or read anything at livingwaters website.
it is pure evil .
you would not believe what they do to people on the net who join their site.
Well my mother nd I use a friends computor. My mother is -was really into this site. Loved it. One day she could no longer log in. wrote wrote to them. She got a nasty letter back from someone called MadMary accussing her of playing games and kicked her off the site. So I looked at part of it. They claim to take Jesus place now. Somone is the Chieffan in Ezekial . I dont understand it all. My mother believed it all. Then I got on other sites and found horror stories of what they have done to people.. They are from the loins of the Devil. they want control of your life. Leave your family , children. all who wont believe in them
Will the real Jehovahs Witnesses Stand Up?????????
by rnovello inhave anyone of you ever heard of or read anything at livingwaters website.
it is pure evil .
you would not believe what they do to people on the net who join their site.
Have anyone of you ever heard of or read anything at LivingWaters website. It is pure evil . You would not believe what they do to people on the net who join their site. They are wicked and deplorable to say the least.
If you could meet (and talk to) any Bible scholar, who would it be?
by euripides ini'd like to get a sense of the scholars any of you out there appreciate most and who's hot right now (in the academic fields!)...
i always liked burton mack myself.
well, who would you love to meet?
I would like to meet and talk one on one with John Denton , If I could ever locate him again.
Were You Affected By The Cliques In The Congregation????
by minimus inevery hall has their cliques.
elders and their family/friends always seem to have certain ones that they were close to.
i knew of only a few that didn't lament they never seemed to fit into the "clique".
The only time I was ever included in a cliques was when it was time to clean the Hall, my mother and I were always called on for this , but left out of the get togethers. We just got the
John Denton
by rnovello inis anyone familar with john denton and what has become of him?
he is from the uk and an avid bible scholar.
had a 23 page website that cannot be accessed .thanks.
Is anyone familar with John Denton and what has become of him? He is from the UK and an avid Bible Scholar. Had a 23 page website that cannot be accessed .Thanks.
666 or 616??
by metatron inlast night, on the discovery channel, they interviewed a researcher who analyzed a scrap of papyrus that recorded revelation.. he contended that the critical passage of the "number of the beast" actually read 616 in greek, not 666. he tried to apply.
this to caligula thru numerology.. i had never heard of this variant reading before.. .
It was also brought out on the History Channel that the book of Rev. probably does not ever refer to our time, but to the ancient time back then as John was writing this.
My brother died last night
by doodle-v inmy brother turned 21 on september 24th, a month later the doctor told him that his leukimia had returned and he had a 10% chance of surviving.
ten days before he died he spent four days at my house.
he had already made up his mind that he wasnt going to take blood.
I am sorry for you.... I wish I could be there for you.
40 Years Ago Today
by RAYZORBLADE inon september 8, 1963 my sister, carmen elizabeth was born.. she was, and would remain the only girl in our family.
she was so adorable, brown haired, brown eyed and had a great smile.
she was less than a year younger than i, and we were like the 'best of pals' as kids.. she'd allow me to put beans in her ears, or get her to put peas in her nose or carrots on top of her teeth, and make me laugh.. she was born in cape breton, nova scotia.
I lost my only brother 43 years ago. He was my best friend also. I think of him evry day of my life. I am so sad for you and send you my love.