Hey Waiting,
American's only speak one language because everyone imitates THEM! lol
Actually, it is an entirely different culture down here. You just have to see it for yourself. The beaches are absolutely lovely!
Hey Waiting,
American's only speak one language because everyone imitates THEM! lol
Actually, it is an entirely different culture down here. You just have to see it for yourself. The beaches are absolutely lovely!
page 12 of the january 1, 1989 wt magazine paragraph 8 ends with the statement that the apostle paul's missionary activity laid a foundation for a work that would be completed in our 20th century.".
i take this as subtle prophecy that 'the end' will come by the year 2000 a.d., or should have come by now.. i find it interesting that the bound volume reprint has the wording changed to read, " a work that would be completed in our day.".
does anyone know why the change?
ROFL!!! Isn't the reason obvious? But I'm sure Friend can enlighten us with a well convoluted story so as to completely cloud the issue.
this link has a scan of a printed by the society brochure planned giving to benefit the kingdom.
the faithful and discreet slave has a fund to enable us to contribute stocks and saving to the kingdom preaching work whilst both we and them enjoytaxation benefits.or if we want to bequest our properties etc to the preaching work via this fund.
we can get it out before hand if we want too.
Dubby, you are spot on!!! Why do they need MORE money and property? They are worth BILLIONS already!!! And yes, I have seen the website for car sales. It is legitimate. It's just getting more and more disgusting, folks.
ok frenchy, you asked for it you got it!.
my pet issue is the conscience thing.
just whos' conscience are they talking about when they us this phrase "it's a conscience issue"?.
Yes, Andyman. I do have an opinion, as usual!
It is a "collective conscience" issue. It depends on your congregation's collective conscience, meaning what type of elders you have, and what type of publishers. And also how they "interpret" the writings of the Society at any given time. It varies from KHall to KHall. What, you say? No unity and like minds? You GOT IT!
i suppose we all think of ourselves as unique and we are in so many ways.
what i fail to realize, i guess, is that we are far more alike than unique.
every now and then i will reveal some little fear or quirk or dream that i have only to find out that someone else has experienced the same thing!
Dear Frenchy,
You are the type of person I always respected as an elder. It is apparent that you CARE. And if you still believe in a God, as most do even when they leave the Organization,(btw, I'm not sure I am one of them, to be honest) you must know that he cares about you because you have love for others. It is apparent in the things you say.
i suppose we all think of ourselves as unique and we are in so many ways.
what i fail to realize, i guess, is that we are far more alike than unique.
every now and then i will reveal some little fear or quirk or dream that i have only to find out that someone else has experienced the same thing!
Dear Martini,
Below is an excerpt from your post. I wish to answer what you have stated here.
I agree with you brothers, I also have been to other sites where Xer's dominate and I too have found that where as I will admit they are correct on many topics,I find it disturbing how these can lack politeness. It's almost like we JW's say that when people remove the authority of God from their lives they start to believe there is no one to have to answer to for their behavoir, and so everything is valid.I like to believe that in my journey I will find a truely balanced existence both in my respect for neighbor and to Almighty God.
That is correct in alot of instances. Many become angry with God himself, or begin to question his existance, or if they do still believe in a God, they question whether he is actually a loving being, or a selfish, hateful being. But you are correct in that it doesn't give people the right to be hateful themselves, or nasty when you state your opposite beliefs.
So many times, JW's will go to an apostate site, and attack. This has caused alot of anger to be directed at them, because the people JW's label apostate, 99% of the time are just like you, me, or anyone else. They have been hurt by the inconsistencies in the doctrines, the unloving treatment, and in many cases totally UNFAIR treatment meted out by the elders and the Society.
They have alot of bitterness toward the Organization due to being unfairly shunned, and losing their families and friends. Is it any wonder they would take this anger out on the first person they come across who REPRESENTS that Organization? Just a thought to consider.....
a few months ago during the elders' meeting with the c.o.
i could not help but express myself to him when the subject of meeting attendance came up.
now this is a nice guy as far as c.o.
Where did you learn to be so smart? You really hit the nail on the head again. Hadn't realized you were one of "them". An ELDER. I haven't seen an elder in a long time who even Acknowledges what is happening in the Org, let alone why it is happening. I once knew a CO named William Osbeck, who could speak so well it WOULD bring you to tears of joy. He gave talks that would just uplift, and truly believed that love amongst ourselves was the way to go, and he practiced it. But that was a loooong time ago. I lost my faith, and honestly don't believe I will ever get it back. I've seen too much evil allowed, and heard too many lies. Sigh....
Thanks for the good posts.
Edited by - Roamingfeline on 12 June 2000 23:12:40
Edited by - Roamingfeline on 12 June 2000 23:14:58
ok, it seems like we need to start setting up some rules and regulations as 'common sense' doesn;t seem to work for everyone.. rule 1. no personal attacks / insults.
feel free to submit any rules (or guidelines) that you think would help.
To Dubby,
I agree. Friend loves to try to obscure the intended meaning with flowery phrases and many words. But if you cut through the bull dust you just find arrogance and the usual "Doublespeak" of the hardliners for the WTBTS. Typical elder mentality and attitude. Not worth my time to argue with him. Eloquence cannot take the place of facts. And Friend only posts half the facts. He uses only the written word and never what is actually spoken and acted upon by the WTBTS. Worthless drivel. Print it and line my litter box with it and I will walk away muttering "It's redundant".
“Jesus was saying that we should not be judging one another…(Matt. 7:1-5)”No Witness applies [that statement above] to worldly people .
Well, here are three short references disputing that claim (all emphasis added):
Further, Jesus counseled his followers, not to complain about “the straw” of faults observed in our fellow humans , but to be well aware of the larger “rafter” of shortcomings that we ourselves have. (Matthew 7:1-5)—Is All Complaining Bad? , The Watchtower, 1997 21/1: 30
He tells us as disciples that if we, as imperfect, sinful creatures, do not want to be judged and condemned ourselves, then we should not take it upon ourselves arbitrarily to judge and condemn our neighbor . (Matt. 7:1-5; Luke 6:37; compare Romans 2:1-3.)—Wrong Desires Destructive , Commentary on James, 1979: 4
The way to life is that of abiding by Jesus’ teachings. But this is not easy to do. The Pharisees, for example, tend to judge others harshly, and likely many imitate them. So as Jesus continues his Sermon on the Mount, he gives this admonition: “Stop judging that you may not be judged; for with what judgment you are judging, you will be judged.”….This does not mean that Jesus’ disciples are to use no discernment in connection with other people ,….—The Most Famous Sermon Ever Given , Greatest Man, 1991: Chapter 35
What you said in your posts, as well as several other posters here on this thread, makes alot of sense. The above referenced sayings of the Watchtower, were the usual doublespeak of "Do as we say and not as we do!"
It matters not to me the semantics of what they SAY in their published items. It is what they DO that counts. And actions speak much louder than mere words.
Friend, you love to "stir dust" to obscure the truth of the matter. The society in it's talks tells it's people to do things that they don't DARE publish in print. And I have some of those talks on tape. You're not fooling anyone by twisting words and trying to turn people round and round until they can hardly remember what their point was in the first place. Frenchy was right on the mark.
...attain unanimous support from his creation of free moral agents?
from the majority at least.. apparently according to the wt interpretation of god's own book...a prominent spirit creature who made himself satan became unsatisfied and left god.later untold numbers would join the devil.. now the only solution for the future of these 'rebels' would be for god to destroy them.. then the very first human creatures apparently also felt unsatisfied and withdrew from god.they got destroyed.. later god had to confuse the language of all humans because they were unanimously opposed to god.
those people too are history.. then god had an ark built because all flesh had left god's way except for a handful of people.. evidently god was not expecting any great number to actually join noah, otherwise god would have had noah build several arks!
Good point, Kachoo. Why do we always have to think "inside the box"? I see nothing wrong with considering an entirely different set of explanations for things being the way they are. It beats thinking that God is a vengeful, selfish, spiteful, menace, wouldn't you agree?