Go read my reply before it gets removed.
| http://www.aimoo.com/forum/postview.cfm?id=311102&categoryid=2967&threadid=18518.
Go read my reply before it gets removed.
oh, man!
i just had to bring this one to everyones attention.. i pressume that this is rick going off.. .
bronze member .
Okay, I'm going to try to put myself in the place I was mentally/emotionally five years ago, and try to tell you how I saw H20 at that time. Back then, I was the good little witness, who makes mistakes and gets pounded on by the elders. (Especially because I was the only member of my family in the 'trooth') I was still thinking it was the true religion, was feeling like I wasn't good enough for it, and that I would soon be killed at ARmageddon. But the key words here are "I STILL THOUGHT IT WAS THE TRUTH".
Someone who is in that stage still has the programming to think that mixing with Apostates is akin to asking for certain death from God. So, this newbie to the internet comes online, types "Jehovah's Witnesses" into a search engine, and suddenly is faced with a smorgasboard of so called "apostate" sites. The JW seeing this has never seen anything like it before.. Totally naive to what is out there. I was, folks. Totally naive. I started reading H20. Back then it wasn't quite as vitriolic as it is today, but getting there. I wrote to Liberal Elder, truly asking for help to understand what I was seeing, and got NO response. None. Nada.
I read some more, day by day.. I checked out other sites, and printed the entire site of the Reform on Blood info. I took it home, read every word, and an entire new world started opening to my very eyes.
Now, Farkel,and others who no longer believe in God, please don't think I'm running you down here. I like you, I really do. I see things today, alot like you see them. But thinking back to who I was back then, had I seen your posts and been the object of your jibes about the Bible and God, it would totally have turned me off and sent me running back to the Organization, BECAUSE I STILL THOUGHT IT WAS THE "TROOTH". People in that position need BABY FOOD, not meat, just like we were taught to do when sucking people into the cult as JW's out in "field service". If the first thing they see when they get on the internet is the hearty meaty verbal dinners that most of the H20's former participants feed people, they are going to go shrieking back to the arms of the Kingdom Hall, certain they've just been tempted by Satan himself in Farkel's clothing, so to speak.
Unless they are Smelders, MS', DO's, or CO's, (who obviously can take the heat, as they are bound to know what the Tower has been up to all these years), the average JW isn't ready to hear all that at once. They do need spoonfeeding for a time until they face what we who have been around here for a few years had to face, that they've been duped. It's not easy to accept it, or to overcome the humiliation of knowing you threw half your life away to a mirage. It's not easy to wake up from the dream, and you have to do it gently, not with clanging symbols and beating drums.
Now, I am not saying that Rick isn't a controlling so and so, but I am saying that there needs to be a kinder/gentler forum where these "Early outies" need to be able to go, the way Simon's USED to be. Maybe H20 can fulfill that role now, and the heavyweights can continue posting here, where they feel welcome and comfortable. Simon is a great forum owner. He knows how to handle things, and he is very humble. We're all very lucky that he came along and cared to open this place. But there is room for H20 too, maybe just as a different type of forum than it used to be. Both can be useful, and both are needed, I think.
in the crowded corridors at the district convention, there was a purse snatcher.
i was in the right place at the right time to catch it all.. this guy grabbed this sister's purse and made off with it.
she screamed and several brothers were in purseuit.
Yes, it made me unwilling to contribute. I seem to remember that C Russell said something about knowing it was time to stop when the voluntary contributions stopped coming in.
Yep, Esther, I agree. It always made me feel bad that I couldn't contribute, being a single mom with three kids to support. Then I got mad, because it seemed to me they were acting no different than the TV evangelizers, always beating the drum for mo' money, mo' money. Greed was rampant. But I have their greedy behavior to thank for getting my eyes opened alot sooner!
since i have left the non-truth it seems like sometimes loneliness sets in regardless of what you do do prevent it.. i suppose the main reason it happens for me is that my family still is very involved in the non-truth and i tend to not to have nothing to do with any jws at all, even though my wife has bookstudy and field service at our home.. well i guess that goes with the territory when you make a firm conviction to take a stand against something you know not to be true.. here are some quotes on this subject for anyone who likes quotes.. .
shakespeare, leonardo da vinci, benjamin franklin, and lincoln never saw a movie, heard a radio, or looked at a tv they had loneliness and knew what to do with it.
they were not afraid of being lonely because they knew that was when the creative mood in them would mark.. .
Bringing this to the top, Big Jim. Sometimes other subjects push things down to the bottom that would otherwise get more response.
Good luck to ya,
robocop i'd hate to see this classic representative gem of your comprehensive stupidity hidden away in some dim dark little recess of this site for you to sneak away from and others not to enjoy:.
"cowboy", a new id here, wrote: .
quote: .
RHW, I don't think they need any glue for their projects, so your horse is safe, for now.
newbies and others are often saying, "move on", in other words, get a life, remove yourselves from the influence of wtism completely.
there are many good answers to this, but i think there is one answer, which has not been much considered.
the international 'apostate' world, to which we contribute, has mushroomed in the last 10 years in: numbers, public profile, influence on the wts policies (and in jws awareness), and in all areas of knowledge about the wt.
Private email is on it's way to you, Alan.
Edited to fix my smiley..
newbies and others are often saying, "move on", in other words, get a life, remove yourselves from the influence of wtism completely.
there are many good answers to this, but i think there is one answer, which has not been much considered.
the international 'apostate' world, to which we contribute, has mushroomed in the last 10 years in: numbers, public profile, influence on the wts policies (and in jws awareness), and in all areas of knowledge about the wt.
Alan F,
Thanks for the comprehensive background of your history on the web regarding the JW issues. You forgot to mention Philia. :-) That's where I met Julie, and my own husband back in 1997. I believe you had left by that time. It's good to know you are still in the ring, helping other hapless JW's who are caught in the evil of the WTBTS.
newbies and others are often saying, "move on", in other words, get a life, remove yourselves from the influence of wtism completely.
there are many good answers to this, but i think there is one answer, which has not been much considered.
the international 'apostate' world, to which we contribute, has mushroomed in the last 10 years in: numbers, public profile, influence on the wts policies (and in jws awareness), and in all areas of knowledge about the wt.
One verse that comes to mind is the verse that foretells that "wicked men an imposters will advance from bad to worse, misleading and being misled." That "advancement" is readily observable.
Sounds alot like the current GB and their henchmen, to me! And you're right, YouDon'tKnow, it's very readily observable!
iam trying to work out how many of u are proper witnesses?
The proper question would be: What do you consider "proper"?
i am ashamed to admit this, but last week it suddenly became apparent to me that i have been unconsciously following a most despicable witness trait.. i have been disfellowshipping people!.
let me explain.
in about 5 weeks time i shall be holding my birthday barbecue - apostates welcome!
That took a lot of courage, and humility. I'm glad things worked out well. Happy B-Day!