Edited by - Roamingfeline on 29 August 2000 4:31:33
one thing that really doesn't add up with the organization and their registrating to be a corp.(yes i have to put this in quote sorry it's called non-profit corp.) is the very fact that they play in the worldly system of things while they tell you to keep out of it.
(while they see nothing wrong in themselves playing the stock market with other peoples money) think about it where did jesus say to register god's organization as a corporation?.
furthermore if you were living in jesus' period of time who would be the president-vice-president-secratary- treasurer-shareholders...?.
Edited by - Roamingfeline on 29 August 2000 4:31:33
one thing that really doesn't add up with the organization and their registrating to be a corp.(yes i have to put this in quote sorry it's called non-profit corp.) is the very fact that they play in the worldly system of things while they tell you to keep out of it.
(while they see nothing wrong in themselves playing the stock market with other peoples money) think about it where did jesus say to register god's organization as a corporation?.
furthermore if you were living in jesus' period of time who would be the president-vice-president-secratary- treasurer-shareholders...?.
Read Crisis of Conscience.. then tell me they never throw people out on the street with nothing. People who have given their entire lives to that Organization. People with good hearts who just DARED to disagree, who had a conscience and wouldn't lie to the people just to make the GB look good. Then tell me it was just a "loving parent giving bad advice". No way. It was DUPLICITY, totally and completely. And it's still happening. Look in your Daniel book in this week's book study information, where it tells the people that the Organization was prophesying the beginning of the last days as 1914 for many years before that, when in actuality, the Organization was predicting ARMAGEDDON in 1914, NOT the beginning of the last days. They've lied to cover there bare a** and they're still lying to people who haven't done enough research to know better. Loving parent? I think not!
one thing that really doesn't add up with the organization and their registrating to be a corp.(yes i have to put this in quote sorry it's called non-profit corp.) is the very fact that they play in the worldly system of things while they tell you to keep out of it.
(while they see nothing wrong in themselves playing the stock market with other peoples money) think about it where did jesus say to register god's organization as a corporation?.
furthermore if you were living in jesus' period of time who would be the president-vice-president-secratary- treasurer-shareholders...?.
Good point, Path.. And what about those the Watchtower threw OUT of Bethel, when they were old and had spent most of their lives there? They had NOTHING, absolutely NOTHING to survive on. But I guess that's another subject!!
i know this is somewhat off topic but i am so excited.
i was asked yesterday to become part of the canadian olympic team's marketing group.. they will fly me to sydney, take care of accomodations and other expenses plus pay me a samll amount per day.. i am thrilled, excited and in awe.
i will have full access to all events, ceremonies etc.
Hey Kismet!!! Got an update for us? How's the plans going for the trip? Hope you get to go!!
one thing that really doesn't add up with the organization and their registrating to be a corp.(yes i have to put this in quote sorry it's called non-profit corp.) is the very fact that they play in the worldly system of things while they tell you to keep out of it.
(while they see nothing wrong in themselves playing the stock market with other peoples money) think about it where did jesus say to register god's organization as a corporation?.
furthermore if you were living in jesus' period of time who would be the president-vice-president-secratary- treasurer-shareholders...?.
Yes.. that was one of the things I was most disillusioned about. I thought they were soooo holy, and then realized they were just a money making corporation like every other heartless corp. out there, swindling everyone into giving all their dollars, their work, their hard-earned pay for the ORG. No different than Jim Bakker's PTL club, except we didn't get to go to a theme park/hotel and enjoy it!
i know this is somewhat off topic but i am so excited.
i was asked yesterday to become part of the canadian olympic team's marketing group.. they will fly me to sydney, take care of accomodations and other expenses plus pay me a samll amount per day.. i am thrilled, excited and in awe.
i will have full access to all events, ceremonies etc.
Speaking of Bondi, I have a friend who owns an apartment right on Bondi beach, and he's renting it out during the Olympics.. so if you need a place to stay while you're there, HOLLER!!!!
i know this is somewhat off topic but i am so excited.
i was asked yesterday to become part of the canadian olympic team's marketing group.. they will fly me to sydney, take care of accomodations and other expenses plus pay me a samll amount per day.. i am thrilled, excited and in awe.
i will have full access to all events, ceremonies etc.
Yea KISMET!!!! I'm so happy for you! Now scrape enough moolah together to fly over here to Perth before you go back home!!!!
Hugs and congrats!
it was a beautiful day here today.
i must say that i'm the happiest i've been my whole life.
for so long i've been so jaded, so trying to make the pieces fit.
Good post Waiting.. and OH SO TRUE!
it was a beautiful day here today.
i must say that i'm the happiest i've been my whole life.
for so long i've been so jaded, so trying to make the pieces fit.
Good post above, Path.. you are truly wise beyond your years!
does anyone play any online games ?.
i've tried quake and most of the command & conquer stuff.. maybe we could organise a team event sometime ?
www.bezerk.com or www.won.net will get you there.. You make acronyms. It's real time, in a virtual room with 14 other people. The "acrobot" gives you several letters either 3, 4,5,6,or 7 letters, and a subject. You have to make up something to go with the letters. Such as MDHF and animal subject, My dog has fleas.
It gets pretty funny in there.. They have a clean side and dirty side. We always play in the clean, and it gives my daughters in the USA and I something to do together for fun! Come join us! I'm Ladywolf55 in there. My daughters are Jangel06 and Wlld dreamer. Give it a try!