Hey Dave if you gave that award at Tishies it might be faster just to list who doesn't recive it HAHAHAHHA!!!
You're so right, Venice! lolol
in every news group, discussion board and chat room there seems to be a few individuals that never seem to completely grasp the art of thinking.
their need to disrupt and irritate reach superstar status in the realm of stupidity.
the desire for attention and recognition though sophomoric post's and chat room spamming becomes as much a part of the entire internet experience as the valuable and useful contributions of others.
Hey Dave if you gave that award at Tishies it might be faster just to list who doesn't recive it HAHAHAHHA!!!
You're so right, Venice! lolol
in every news group, discussion board and chat room there seems to be a few individuals that never seem to completely grasp the art of thinking.
their need to disrupt and irritate reach superstar status in the realm of stupidity.
the desire for attention and recognition though sophomoric post's and chat room spamming becomes as much a part of the entire internet experience as the valuable and useful contributions of others.
Better type all your words backwards Francoise, Dave's cixelsyD.
i found this picture and thought i should share!!!.
* .
Cute, Venice, real cute!
in every news group, discussion board and chat room there seems to be a few individuals that never seem to completely grasp the art of thinking.
their need to disrupt and irritate reach superstar status in the realm of stupidity.
the desire for attention and recognition though sophomoric post's and chat room spamming becomes as much a part of the entire internet experience as the valuable and useful contributions of others.
Oooooh Dave, you've really outdone yourself this time. lol Hey, you need to award that over at Tishie's too. Trouble is, there are quite a few candidates this month! Bet I know who you'd pick, though.
no conclusions, just thoughts.. should we disfellowship all of our friends and family who are jehovah's witnesses in order to protect ourselves and in order to wake them up to see how dangerous a path they are on?.
would like to see a discussion of this.. thanks.
I totally agree with Jan H on this issue. Whether JW or not, if your family doesn't have the emotional capacity to be loving and supportive, find family elsewhere. Genetic relation doesn't mean you have to tolerate hateful, unloving behavior from family members.
i know that the answer is yes, but it would help me to hear your sentiments on this.
after you decided that the wbts, and thus jw's were not god's chosen earthly organization did you feel like you wanted to leave and forget god altogether?.
I started out thinking that God exists but I just wasn't good enough to please him. This caused alot of painful feelings. As time passed, I began to realize that this person called God was not the type of being I would wish to worship anyway, as he was arbitrary and very much a "killer" God in my mind.
These days I wax and wane between Agnosticism and Athiestic beliefs. I'm still waiting to see some sign that there's a being out there who truly created us and gives a darn what happens to his creation. Haven't seen any sign of it, so far!
the best leading indicator of the jw membership count is the baptism count as it directly measures the efficiency of the field service.
the baptism numbers represent the combined result of total hours, total literature, and total bible studies; it is the most reliable predictor of future membership counts.. and this is what has the wtbts worried.
they see the handwriting on the wall in nearly all of the developed countires and also some lesser developed countries.
Field service isn't Quite dead in Australia. Two of them were at my door less than a month ago!
the following is a recent jw advertisement about their upcoming conventions.
it can be found on the jw-media.org site under recent news.
i will quote them in italics and then make my own observations.. jehovah's witnesses office of public information.
Actually everyone, there was a different underlying reason for not doing the food at the conventions anymore. The higher ranks TOLD you it was so everyone could partake of spiritual food, but it coincided with the changeover to "donation only" food systems in the USA. They weren't getting enough donations for the food service to run as efficiently as before, (read "not enough profits on the food to make it worth their while") so they came up with that other cock and bull reason to tell the "dumb sheep". That's just about the time my eyes were opening and I was seeing the real "truth".
simon did away with the sex forum - so i must take the tradional route and post under "make new friends.
" how mundane!.
fyi ---- for all of us, please take the time to write a sentence or two about yourselves, and encourage new ones to do the same.
Okay, I'll jump in at the end of this, lol. I have a tendency just to hang around on Main street.
I live in Perth, Australia, for the past two years. Before that, I lived for 20 years in Ozark, Mo, USA which is where I attended the local congregation until 1996, when I finally started coming out of my zombie sleep. Fortunately, all my daughters follwed me out, and they're relatively normal after having been raised in that religion. I spent 30 years in it, off and on, but was baptized for only the last 10 years I spent inside the Borg. So glad to be out and living again!
Live as you will wish to have lived when you are dying.
-- Christian Furchtegott Gellert
& other personnel.
writing correspondence personnel, patterson, ny (incomplete).
Thanks for the info... I noticed only one woman in all that....