Thanks SJ, and Simon too. I appreciate your input on this topic.
the following quote is one taken from h20 after you claimed on this forum that you weren't posting your "compassion" post in order to incite guilt feelings within this forum:.
i agree that if they feel that something is wrong with rick then they are certainly shooting the wounded - but that is typical cult behaviour - they learnt this as jw's .... they just haven't learnt the compassion they so much desired to see within the organization themselves yet.
in the original post you put "shooting the wounded" in bold letters, effectively showing that you posted that diatribe in order to make people who were denouncing rick and his methods of moderating his forum.
Thanks SJ, and Simon too. I appreciate your input on this topic.
please take a look one of the new layouts we are working on:.
will it make them squirm?.
Nice page! I don't agree that we should "walk on eggshells" regarding the parents of those children's feelings. They made the decision to let their children die without proper treatment and be glorified on the pages of the WackyTower's mags. They have to accept the consequences of that behavior. Go for it!
i was wondering what some of you might make of this.
a friend of mine who is still somewhat active just told me about something interesting that happened in his congregation a week or two ago during the wt study.
a publisher raised his hand to comment and related an experience he had while doing magazine work in a parking lot (ugggghhhh!!!
What was very telling is that the entire congregation was left speechless, not knowing what to say. It was like their programming went off-kilter, "This does not compute".. lolol They had to switch the program back onto the right track to get on with the study. bwahahaha..
Nice answer. I think I'll try it sometime!
UncleBruce, send some Lyrebirds this direction. I love listening to them when we go up north!
hello all.....after months of lurking....both here and on h2o...i have decided to take the plunge and become active here.
i am a former jw.....3rd generation.
i walked away and haven't looked back.
Welcome to the group, Tica! Nice to have ya here.
Pay no attention to Fred the old black crow sitting in the corner whining. He just can't stand being ignored. [8>]
Beautiful, 75 degrees farenheit, and sunny. And it's the middle of WINTER here in Oz!
the following quote is one taken from h20 after you claimed on this forum that you weren't posting your "compassion" post in order to incite guilt feelings within this forum:.
i agree that if they feel that something is wrong with rick then they are certainly shooting the wounded - but that is typical cult behaviour - they learnt this as jw's .... they just haven't learnt the compassion they so much desired to see within the organization themselves yet.
in the original post you put "shooting the wounded" in bold letters, effectively showing that you posted that diatribe in order to make people who were denouncing rick and his methods of moderating his forum.
That's not the point Jan. You're missing the point entirely, and I believe it is deliberate at this place in time. I ALLOWED you to keep sending me mail. I WAS TRYING TO BE POLITE. I didn't want to HURT YOUR FEELINGS,just like some other people I know who are on your list. But I STILL feel that signing people up to a mailing list is the Utmost bad netiquette and you should cease and desist doing it! Furthermore, I never got that email you referred to regarding being on Simon's.
We are strictly talking about my [email protected] account, of which you are FULLY aware that I asked THREE TIMES last month to be deleted from the list. You are also FULLY AWARE that you didn't remove me from said list until I posted it here publicly that you didn't! I have had at least FOUR people tell me that you did the same thing to them, and some of them are STILL having trouble getting removed from your mailing list. So as the title of this post says, "COME CLEAN!!!"
It's getting to the point where I'm feeling ridiculous having to argue with you in this manner. I didn't say your list wasn't interesting at times. Jan Groenveld, let me make this perfectly clear to you. NOONE IS RESPONSIBLE FOR MAKING SURE THEY ARE NOT ON YOUR LIST, WHEN YOU SIGN THEM UP WITHOUT THEIR PERMISSION IN THE FIRST PLACE!!!!! You are the one with the responsibility here, so take it and stop this denial nonsense!
I am tired of being polite about it. You're like a steam roller, barreling over anyone who stands up to you, and denying your own responsibility for this situation right and left! I'm done. I think I've made my point, and thanks to Simon coming forward and telling the truth,and several people privately telling me that it happened to them also, I can now let the matter rest, even if you don't admit your wrongdoing. Sigh...... it's a shame you have to take it this far to try to put the responsibility for your actions onto everyone else's shoulders.
from time to time exjws may face the question of whether they should do anything to cause doubts in the minds of their jw family or friends.
many argue that these people are happier where they are, inside the organization, and that becoming an "apostate" would cause too many problems to them.
in other words, perhaps "ignorance is bliss.".
That was an excellent article, Jan. Thanks so much for posting it. It's a keeper!
the following quote is one taken from h20 after you claimed on this forum that you weren't posting your "compassion" post in order to incite guilt feelings within this forum:.
i agree that if they feel that something is wrong with rick then they are certainly shooting the wounded - but that is typical cult behaviour - they learnt this as jw's .... they just haven't learnt the compassion they so much desired to see within the organization themselves yet.
in the original post you put "shooting the wounded" in bold letters, effectively showing that you posted that diatribe in order to make people who were denouncing rick and his methods of moderating his forum.
Jan, I will type S-L-O-W. The address you were sending your email list info to was [email protected]. Never, EVER EVER EVER was [email protected] subscribed to your list. In fact, I personally NEVER subscribed to your email list. You put me on it without my permission. PERIOD.
Now, my email letters to you were dated in MAY, Jan. You KNEW WHO THE EMAILS WERE FROM, AND THEY WERE WRITTEN FROM THE SUBSCRIBED EMAIL ADDRESS. You didn't need to know WHO I was in relation to THIS FORUM in order to unsubscribe me. No my notes were NOT ambiguous, you just didn't DO AS I REQUESTED. NOW, when I call you on the carpet about it, you are jumping all over the place avoiding the issue!
Now Jan, DO YOU UNDERSTAND that I know you knew to take me off the email list, and I know you knew who ladywolf was and that she/I was asking to be removed from your list, and that it had NOTHING to do with who I am HERE?!? I am trying to point out to you Jan, that yes you DO subscribe people without their permission, and yes you DO fail to remove them from your mailing list when they ask you to POLITELY!
And I am not the only one!
nothin on this website is positive, its all anti-witness!!
it helps nobody and does no good, and is for breaking down not building up, is there any righteous witnesses out there??
RobertK, I realize that you believe being a JW gives you the inalienable right to judge all creatures, but I have a couple of questions before you condemn everyone here to your own version of hell:
What are you doing on the internet when the GB plainly tells you NOT to be? Don't you believe in following the directions of the "faithful and discreet slave"?