Now it's MY turn to clarify, lol. I don't feel I have chosen the path of Barbarism.
However, I do believe, other than this issue where we majorly differ in thought, we do seem to get along in all other aspects.
with the news that the killers of jamie bulger have been released, it would be interesting to know how people feel.. from the mcveigh thread it seems that many americans believe the death penalty would have been appropriate.. i do not know whether many in the us know of the case in britain of a 2 year old being tortured and murdered by two 10 year olds.
but now 8 years later they have been released.. i know of the arguments that they have been rehabilitated since killing jamie bulger.....but is this really justice?
Now it's MY turn to clarify, lol. I don't feel I have chosen the path of Barbarism.
However, I do believe, other than this issue where we majorly differ in thought, we do seem to get along in all other aspects.
with the news that the killers of jamie bulger have been released, it would be interesting to know how people feel.. from the mcveigh thread it seems that many americans believe the death penalty would have been appropriate.. i do not know whether many in the us know of the case in britain of a 2 year old being tortured and murdered by two 10 year olds.
but now 8 years later they have been released.. i know of the arguments that they have been rehabilitated since killing jamie bulger.....but is this really justice?
Granted, Seeker. I was writing my post as you were writing your follow-up, and didn't see it before I hit "reply". I feel the same.
with the news that the killers of jamie bulger have been released, it would be interesting to know how people feel.. from the mcveigh thread it seems that many americans believe the death penalty would have been appropriate.. i do not know whether many in the us know of the case in britain of a 2 year old being tortured and murdered by two 10 year olds.
but now 8 years later they have been released.. i know of the arguments that they have been rehabilitated since killing jamie bulger.....but is this really justice?
I hope your barbaric world where sadistic murders are rewarded never comes to pass.--------------------------------------------------------------------------------
It will. History is on my side.
So, you're proposing a world where "sadistic murders are rewarded?" Because that is exactly what you inferred when you said "It will. History is on MY side."
And you call OUR thinking twisted?
if we take a critical view on the last weeks events on this board, there is maybe a thing or two to consider.
the board has seen a kind of war, and sarcasms and caustic remarks have been more the rule than the exception in some threads.
usually these ends up adding something positive to the community or the forum where the war raged, and its much like a thunderstorm.
No TeeJay, I made a direct hit on what you tried to do, I'm certain of it. Instigating was what YOU were trying to do.. and it made you angry that I caught it and commented on it.
with the news that the killers of jamie bulger have been released, it would be interesting to know how people feel.. from the mcveigh thread it seems that many americans believe the death penalty would have been appropriate.. i do not know whether many in the us know of the case in britain of a 2 year old being tortured and murdered by two 10 year olds.
but now 8 years later they have been released.. i know of the arguments that they have been rehabilitated since killing jamie bulger.....but is this really justice?
Oh that's rich, Logical. Then why don't you and JanG apply to the proper authorities to have the boys come live next door to you and yours and let them terrorize YOUR children and your children's children, hmmmm? You can then be free to feed them milk and cookies and welcome them into your lives, and bask in the knowledge that you're merciful. Until they do something to YOUR kids, of course. I do believe it would be a different story, then, no matter what you say here.
on thursday, the 21st, i lost a dear friend.. he was an older man, some 25 years older than me.
he was not a dub.
we became friends over 10 years ago because of a mutual hobby, that of ham radio, or amateur radio if you prefer.
(((((((((((Zev)))))))))))) I feel for your pain. One thing to remember, you were everything to this man that a good friend should be. Some people don't even know how to be a friend like that, and their lives are so much more barren for never having learned and experienced what you have. I'm sure this man treasured your friendship. My deepest sympathy goes out to you.
with the news that the killers of jamie bulger have been released, it would be interesting to know how people feel.. from the mcveigh thread it seems that many americans believe the death penalty would have been appropriate.. i do not know whether many in the us know of the case in britain of a 2 year old being tortured and murdered by two 10 year olds.
but now 8 years later they have been released.. i know of the arguments that they have been rehabilitated since killing jamie bulger.....but is this really justice?
Uh huh, and then someone can hunt down THAT killer, and kill him. And then someone can hunt down the next person and kill them. And then...
No, someone can hunt down THAT killer and give him a citation for bravery, and thank him for delivering better justice than the 'slappy-hands, bleeding hearts" system ever gave.
with the news that the killers of jamie bulger have been released, it would be interesting to know how people feel.. from the mcveigh thread it seems that many americans believe the death penalty would have been appropriate.. i do not know whether many in the us know of the case in britain of a 2 year old being tortured and murdered by two 10 year olds.
but now 8 years later they have been released.. i know of the arguments that they have been rehabilitated since killing jamie bulger.....but is this really justice?
Taken from the James Bulger site: "Denise still cannot bring herself to speak the names of Robert Thompson and Jon Venables.
Each was aged 10 when James was killed but they were very calculating, knowing children... "old for their age".
They had watched horror videos and had previously tortured and killed animals.
Then in cold blood they seized trusting, innocent two-year-old James from a shopping centre at Bootle, near Liverpool.
They led him away by the hand and dragged him, in floods of tears, to a railway line two miles away.
It was there that they subjected James to horrendous physical torture before battering him to death.
In an attempt to cover-up the murder they put his body on the line to be hit by a train so it might seem like an accident.
In fact, the moment they abducted James was caught on security cameras and within days they were arrested. Months later they were given a fair trial. "
In cases such as these children who did not have full adult cognition or understanding of full consequences at the time they committed the murder.
As I said before, "Bullshit thinking". This murder didn't deserve a "slap 'em on the hands and pity their poor parents" attitude. They deserve a hell of a lot more punishment than what they got. I still agree with Simon, I hope someone finds them someday and gives them what they really deserve. And their parents deserve the same.
if we take a critical view on the last weeks events on this board, there is maybe a thing or two to consider.
the board has seen a kind of war, and sarcasms and caustic remarks have been more the rule than the exception in some threads.
usually these ends up adding something positive to the community or the forum where the war raged, and its much like a thunderstorm.
Getting out of a cult is no guarantee that one will be 'happier, healthier, better all round.' Whether one leaves or stays in the cult, being happy and healthy are individual things. As for 'better', that is a pretty subjective term. Better than what? Better compared to what? Whose notion of 'better', or 'healthier' will you offer as the gold standard?This notion that we are somehow responsible to show JWs a better way to replace their evil one needs to be laid to rest. If they don't have enough moral fiber to leave the cult when confronted with the masses of evidence, it's NOT my job to babysit and coddle them until they feel strong enough to find some ethics and quit subsidizing that killer organization.
Hear, hear! There's a big ole grain of truth in the above statement. However, for some reason, I like to stick around in case someone needs a bit of "I understand, been there". And I also like to voice my opinion, very strongly at times, just as many here do. But MD made a VERY good point in that statement.
Kent, I appreciate the post. Good one. I especially liked the calm way you answered TeeJay when it was very plain to see that he was trying to bait you into something stronger, just to make you eat your words. Good job, Kent!
Live as you will wish to have lived when you are dying.
-- Christian Furchtegott Gellert
g'day kent,.
i have just enjoyed your post about you hot-headed norwegians ;) .. well here's a true yarn that demonstrates how we argue in australia.
today for the first time in over ten years i found myself in a raging argument with strangers.
gotta dash uncPS: We are aware of many differences .. eg: english calling middle eastern people asian, when we say asian we expect to see yellow skin and slanty eyes damn it! ;)
Hey Unc,
That was so funny! My German hubby calls Turkish people "Oriental". I'm always arguing that Oriental means ASIAN. lololol