Marmite/Vegemite. Two words for the same, disgusting, vile, putrid brown-paste that looks like somebody took crude oil, put it in a jar and fed it to the masses. Bleccccchhhhhh!
after all the deserved congratulations, lately heaped upon america and americans in tr's thread, i've been wondering about a few things, which i couldn't figure from the discussion.. 1.why do some feel the need to talk up the greatness of the us, when this fact seems so self-evident?
is it just the jingoism which comes along with a world empire?.
2. do any american's here feel embarrassed about their government's foreign policies regarding: the new international criminal court (presently trying miloshovic), the reneging on the kyoto carbon-reduction treaty, or the high hand taken on sdi?.
Marmite/Vegemite. Two words for the same, disgusting, vile, putrid brown-paste that looks like somebody took crude oil, put it in a jar and fed it to the masses. Bleccccchhhhhh!
Your feelings totally matched the ones I have regarding "God". So much so, that I sent the URL to my daughters for them to read it. My heart goes out to you and your children. I realize that your feelings about God do not altogether come from that situation, but nevertheless, I feel for you and yours. Thanks for posting this thread.
with all of the america bashing going on of late, i thought i'd mention the fact that america stands for freedom, as flawed as our system may be.
you're even free to be critical of the government and it's leaders.
the many men and women who have died defending this country did so to preserve the rights even of people who hate the u.s. there are many different cultures here, so there are many different attempts at creating laws for the land.
Once again, Welcome to the board, Andee!
Pain killers and "Being doped up" cannot always be an excuse. That's the same excuse you used the last time this situation came up.
If that letter came from the Women-Awake list, then you clearly violated the rules of belonging to that list, and you should be banned from it. Just my .02 This kind of repeated unethical behavior cannot be just explained away to painkillers and anti-depressants!
this board has been almost deserted for the last week.
the chat has hardly anyone in it, if anyone at all.
Yeah, haven't seen Tina here at all lately! I've been packing to go overseas, so you won't see me as much here over the next six weeks or so. I can only spare about an hour a day for it. Hugs!
I agreee. No matter what the reason, Posting personal emails is a big NO-NO. 1100 Sq ft of apartment space with a fireplace? Damn, I would have been happy to have a third of that space that with NO fireplace when I was down and out. Tell her to lower her expectations and get an affordable home. Alot of times these cries for help are 3/4 crying wolf. Not saying this one is, but still the personal email should NOT have been posted without permission.
here are some quotes to help know there is no true truth.. (and by the way you could help yourself by losing your anger).
he who begins by loving christianity better than truth, will proceed by loving his own sect or church better than christianity, and end in loving himself better than all.. .
a man must be both stupid and uncharitable who believes there is no virtue or truth but on his own side.. .
Yep, let's get this to the top.. time for Jason to learn something besides his version of "Truth".
on this website there seems to be so many lies and so little actual truth.
is this supposed to be a place to get answers or confuse the hell out of truth seekers?
well, for you seekers out there, if you find the truth on this site it'll be a major fluke.
I liked what you had to say. Very mature and refreshing after all the bullshit spewing of Jason. Welcome to the DB!
are all men of equal value?
it seems obvious to me that they are equal, and that is true regardless of the colour of a persons skin.. but what about a situation where a country has a high immigrant population, and these immigrants cause discomfort to the indigenous people with their culture, is it then a racist act to complain about them?.
in birmingham, england, moslems have erected a huge mosque.
yeah, that's one big gripe I have about the USA. They'll take all the immigrants who come over illegally and wine/dine them in a fine fashion, giving them every benefit that they won't give to their own poor. Try to get someone into the country legally, and they throw every roadblock you can think of in your way! I think they WANT a country full of uneducated people, instead of those who are educated and actually work for a living!
with all of the america bashing going on of late, i thought i'd mention the fact that america stands for freedom, as flawed as our system may be.
you're even free to be critical of the government and it's leaders.
the many men and women who have died defending this country did so to preserve the rights even of people who hate the u.s. there are many different cultures here, so there are many different attempts at creating laws for the land.
I am currently living in Australia on a temporary Visa, yet I have never felt like I am living in a democracy.It is a beautiful country.....very...yet the government really stinks.
The people had a chance to be a Republic......what did they do??? Deny it!!!The people didn't want a GST...what did they do???? Vote for it!!!
Something goes terribly they storm the streets in protest????
Only a few...
Everything you said in this post was the absolute truth. It's amazing, you and I come from different parts of the world, but we see the same things wrong with this government!