Greetings, Unholy Trinity; Satan, Lucifer and Beelzebub:
I was wondering when you would put in an appearance. You have an awesome job. Are you taking applications?
since bleep has posted his poll reguarding god i decided to post a poll on what afterlife torture bleep should recieve from yours truly.. here are your choices:.
a. fire pit.
b. frozen tombs.
Greetings, Unholy Trinity; Satan, Lucifer and Beelzebub:
I was wondering when you would put in an appearance. You have an awesome job. Are you taking applications?
the death of love is the birth of life.
and wings of freedom float.
on blue green waves, with no flags flying,.
Welcome to the forum. I enjoyed your poem.
Edited by - robdar on 14 August 2002 13:51:59
that i've had in a long, long long time!
and i blame each and every one of you.. thanks for helping me heal.. craig (of the finally getting some friends class).
You have seemed much happier lately. I am so happy for you that you are healing. You are a great friend and I wish you all the best.
having finally accepted that the united kingdom is not the centre of the universe - i know, it hurts, it hurts - i have been boning up on some american history for a change.. first off, i have been watching a series on sky that deals with the american civil war.
wow, what an amazingly complicated conflict that was.
i was astonished to learn that the the uk was about to switch it's allegience fron the north to the south purely for trade purposes so as to keep it's cotton mills spinning.. secondly, i have been swotting through my encyclopaedia's for more information about this conflict.
Farkel, ever kissed a southern gal's ass?
my breasts will never refuse .
your salty wet kisses.
my body will never cease .
(((Alirobbi))) thank you for your cyber hug. It means a lot to me.
having finally accepted that the united kingdom is not the centre of the universe - i know, it hurts, it hurts - i have been boning up on some american history for a change.. first off, i have been watching a series on sky that deals with the american civil war.
wow, what an amazingly complicated conflict that was.
i was astonished to learn that the the uk was about to switch it's allegience fron the north to the south purely for trade purposes so as to keep it's cotton mills spinning.. secondly, i have been swotting through my encyclopaedia's for more information about this conflict.
Yes there are still some problems between the North and the South. The North still thinks that Southerners all have outdoor plumbing and still hate blacks.
I have never seen as much prejudice towards blacks in the South as I have witnessed since I moved North.
if...... you had to choose just one to have for the rest of your life, which would it be?
affection or sex?
by affection here i mean snuggling, kissing, hand holding, all the little things.
I have decided that I will not have sex again until there is affection involved. I'm still waiting.....sigh.
as many of you know alot of my family are jehovah's witnesses, i was a 3rd gen, untill i left over 10 years ago, however my brother, dad, and sister all have doubts now, they see the hypocrasy, my brother is fading away, my dad is ready ray franz's books, but both my dad and sister are staying witnesses for now, thinking they can change it from the inside, which i know they can't, they see the hypocrasy, in fact my sister is dfed and she's trying to get reinstated, stating she's doing it for my mom, who is still fanatical about it, and she said she want's her husband to try to get a job through one of the brothers, she said she's just going to play they're game and use them.
i tried to point out how wrong that is, and how on a level it's exactly the same thing they're doing, she even confirmed that in other country's witnesses can vote, they can at least in venzuela where she was living for the last couple of years, where she met her current husband.
it's funny out one side of the mouth she agree's with me how hypocritcal it is, then goes on to defend certain aspects, always dancing around the subject, saying other religions aren't any better, and i asked why do you need to be a member of a religion if you believe that?
Trauma Hound,
That pic is hilarious.
here it is online!.
randy watters.
"We view such judicial hearings as an extension of our shepherding work as ministers. In other words, we're there to save a person's soul."
Huh? Save a person's soul? Has there been a doctrinal change that I am unaware of?
I have never considered prayer to be some long list of demands or requests to God for help.
To me, prayer is more of a desire to communicate with God, my best Friend. Why wouldn't I want to talk to my best friend?
Why wouldn't God want to talk to his friends?