Anybody else ever notice how very superstitious the Society is about not being superstitious?
Robert V Frazier
anybody sort of get the willies when its friday the 13?
any axe murders out there?
Anybody else ever notice how very superstitious the Society is about not being superstitious?
Robert V Frazier
in this post over at carm, a jw from australia who goes by the handle "corvus" made a rather audacious claim:[the society] have never lied to, mislead or decieved anyone - they have made mistakes.. .
in response, i listed four lies that the society has made, three of which are easily investigated and proven to be lies.
1) the cover story that beth-sarim was built to house resurrected old testament saints who were coming back in 1925, when in fact, the house was built to get rutherford away from bethel.
Um, lemme see now,Oh yeah, is pulling stuff out of your a#% the same as lying?
Sure. It's just not the kind of lying I'm documenting. I want the kind where they look right at a piece of writing, especially a piece they wrote themselves, and that everyone knows they knew, and then they said or wrote something completely different and false about what they knew. Something that even the most brainwashed and brain-dead JW can't say, "But that was just an honest mistake!"
Come on, the real way to tell when the Society is lying is easy. If they're talking, and you can hear the words, they're lying. If they're writing, and there's enough contrast between the color of the text and the color of the paper (or the background color, in the case of their official website) for you to make out what the words are, they're lying.
Robert V Frazier
these were great...........of course those of you who don't live here, might not get them, but i sure did!
1. you know the state flower (mildew).
2. you feel guilty throwing aluminum cans or paper in the trash.. 3. use the statement "sun break" and know what it means.. 4. you know more than 10 ways to order coffee.. 5. you know more people who own boats than air conditioners.. 6. you feel overdressed wearing a suit to a nice restaurant.
Ah, yes. I remember it well! I moved from Tacoma six years ago. Florida is much nicer! I like hot weather and commuting by bicycle nearly every day. Druther face the occasional hurricane than the depressing overcast skies of western Washington.
My favorite true story about the climate there: A teacher in a public school in Tacoma was teaching a class of first graders the names of the colors. You know the drill, "What color is grass?" "Green." "What color is milk?" "White." "What color is the sky?" "Grey."
Robert V Frazier
ok i got an email about the google thing.. .
the post about google in the june km is unverified but it in essence was .
dont use search engines to find our sites because they will take you to apostate sites.. i didnt copy the post in to this message because when i copied it into my thread about pms, the whole thread became inaccessable.. ipsec
Elsewhere, of the Can't Resist Pushing the Shiney Button Class
Here you go, fellow Ren & Stimpy lover:
Betcha can't push just once!
Robert V Frazier
because friends share secrets .
"henceforth i call you not servants; for the servant knoweth not what his lord doeth: but i have called you friends; for all things that i have heard of my father i have made known unto you" .
I believe in God. But if there's one thing that really makes me question God: Why didn't he strike this guy dead before he finished writing that crap? AArgh! How many times and how many ways does Jesus have to say it? When He's coming back is none of our business, and He's not EVER going to tell us! That's why He compared His return to a thief breaking into a house in the middle of the night. How many thieves have ever called you on the phone and set an appointment with you to rob your place? "Is two A.M. good for you?" "Well, the whole family will be asleep then." "Great! I'll be in and out with your grandma's silver before you know it."
Date setting seems to be some kind of mental disease. I seem to be immune, but the stuff is highly contagious. And lethal.
Robert V Frazier
in this post over at carm, a jw from australia who goes by the handle "corvus" made a rather audacious claim:[the society] have never lied to, mislead or decieved anyone - they have made mistakes.. .
in response, i listed four lies that the society has made, three of which are easily investigated and proven to be lies.
1) the cover story that beth-sarim was built to house resurrected old testament saints who were coming back in 1925, when in fact, the house was built to get rutherford away from bethel.
Fatfreek, I read your letter this morning. Great timing! It was very well said. Your parents taught you well that there's a crucial difference between an honest mistake and a lie.
I do agree that the Society makes far too many and too serious errors to support its claim to the Faithful and Discreet Slave(TM). But I'm looking for the things that made you leave the Org -- deliberate lies that the writers knew were lies when they wrote them.
Quotes: Unfortunately, the gravity article does not qualify. Whoever wrote that almost certainly thought he was both making sense and telling the truth, if he wasn't too drunk or mentally retarded to have any thoughts about sense or truth. Of course, it was neither sensible nor true. The rest of your examples are right on the mark.
Most of their false prophecies could be claimed to have been made in good faith, that they believed they were true at the time. I'm looking for examples of them saying, "We said X about that subject," when their own books and magazines clearly show that they did not say "X", but rather "Q - 7.3", or "albatross", or "Betelguise". The cases where they changed words from the magazines to the bound volumes and CD-ROM are no good for this purpose either, as the changes were made without saying anything about the change.
Several excellent entries to the list in this thread so far. My thanks to all!
Robert V Frazier
in this post over at carm, a jw from australia who goes by the handle "corvus" made a rather audacious claim:[the society] have never lied to, mislead or decieved anyone - they have made mistakes.. .
in response, i listed four lies that the society has made, three of which are easily investigated and proven to be lies.
1) the cover story that beth-sarim was built to house resurrected old testament saints who were coming back in 1925, when in fact, the house was built to get rutherford away from bethel.
Thank you, RunningMan! That's just what I was looking for. Might be one or two in there that don't fit the criteria, but most of them definitely do.
LittleToe, good point about the Trinity brochure. Regardless of where one stands on the question, the misrepresentation of the ECF as opposed to the doctrine of the Trinity is a lie. And none of the quotes in that booklet are honest. Not surprising the Society worked so hard to keep the footnotes out of print!
whyamIhere -- You reminded me of another one. Remember when the whole molestation scandal broke, and the Watchtower sent out some sound bites, one of which claimed that the Society had only very recently discovered that raping young boys and girls is bad for them?
Robert V Frazier
having had my bum fried several times in rather one sided evo arguements in the spirit of rapprochement i come with some difficult questions that i welcome evolutionists / geologists / anykindaists to provide answers - i'm not trying to prove anyones answers wrong - just to see what we come up with... .
what is the geological column?
where do we find it?
You can see most of it in the Grand Canyon. A mind-bogglingly impressive sight!
Robert V Frazier
in this post over at carm, a jw from australia who goes by the handle "corvus" made a rather audacious claim:[the society] have never lied to, mislead or decieved anyone - they have made mistakes.. .
in response, i listed four lies that the society has made, three of which are easily investigated and proven to be lies.
1) the cover story that beth-sarim was built to house resurrected old testament saints who were coming back in 1925, when in fact, the house was built to get rutherford away from bethel.
In this post over at CARM, a JW from Australia who goes by the handle "Corvus" made a rather audacious claim:
[The Society] have NEVER Lied to, mislead or decieved anyone - they have made mistakes.
In response, I listed four lies that the Society has made, three of which are easily investigated and proven to be lies.
1) The cover story that Beth-Sarim was built to house resurrected Old Testament saints who were coming back in 1925, when in fact, the house was built to get Rutherford away from Bethel.
2) The claim that the UN NGO membership was in order to get access to the UN library.
3) That the membership requirements to be an NGO had changed after the Watchtower Society joined up.
The fourth, that the Society is or contains the FDS, is hotly debated, but it is a lie nonetheless. Marvin Shilmer cited another, the Society's current claim that prior to 1914, the predecessors to today's JW's accurately predicted what would happen in that year; that they had accurate advance information about 1914.
I would like to know what other items anyone here can think of that the Society has ever taught in the past (remember, Corvus said that the Society has NEVER lied!) or is still teaching that must be factually considered lies.
My criteria for that is, the statement must have been made by the Society or its leadership at Bethel, it must be untrue as a matter of fact, and it must be known to be untrue by the person or persons making the statement at the time the statement was made.
Any other lies to add to the list? Even one disproves Corvus' claim, and even one disqualifies the Society to be or contain the FDS, but I'd like to see just how many we can truthfully say are lies -- not mistakes, errors, or bad guesses.
Robert V Frazier
does anyone have any info on what the wts says about windchimes?
i seem to recall they were related to evil spirits or some-such-nonsense.
It got so I was almost afraid to put a vase of flowers or candles on the dining room table because doing such and so might have been a demon-inspired ritual someplace or sometime in the history of man.
Eating food is a part of the religious rituals of every religion (pagan and otherwise) that I know of. Somebody tell the Society, quick, so they can warn all good JW's to stop eating!
Robert V Frazier