If a really big scandal happened in the WTS and the R&F realised that the organisation is the big con that it is, how do you think they would react?
Since most of them really believe at least most of the doctrines they have been taught for so long by the WTS, there would most likely be a split. The majority would start a new organization, elect or select a new GB, and start printing the mags and books as though nothing had happened. Maybe with the exact same printing presses in use now, maybe with new ones. The minority would stick with the org, and rationalize that even if it is a big con, it's OUR big con, and defend it to the end as the only true version of the JW's, calling the majority split-off group the "evil slave class" whose departure proved they were never pure, true, real JW's at all. Maybe a few would join one of the existing non-Rutherfordite offshoots of Russellism.
Of course, this is all hypothetical. There is no scandal possible that would convince a significant percentage of the rank-and-file all at once that the Society is a big con.
Robert V Frazier