The elders in my cong think I am crazy anyway.
It's all good.
The only personage that can really dfd us is Jehovah God and Jesus Christ.
for those of you trying to sneak out the back door without being dfd or dad...and plan to do holidays, please remember that the jws are tightening their grip on detractors and those who think they can leave without consequences and they will come to your door christmas morning to try to catch you!
i have heard of this countless times since leaving in jan 97. keep everything that might incriminate you away from the front door!!
and that includes your kids whom they will ask direct questions to!edited by - lovesdubs on 12 december 2002 14:23:44.
The elders in my cong think I am crazy anyway.
It's all good.
The only personage that can really dfd us is Jehovah God and Jesus Christ.
this is in response to the post on december 10, : "a wedding gone bad"-.
the question: do you really need liquor at a wedding reception?.
here is my story:.
You are right and your point about the food is well taken.
I just wanted to hear other persons opinion on this subject.
What I really to not think is that the WTS mentality should influence anyone in their decision to have liquor at any gathering.
But one really does not know what the outcome will be.
this is in response to the post on december 10, : "a wedding gone bad"-.
the question: do you really need liquor at a wedding reception?.
here is my story:.
OK to: Pathofthorns, JT, Outlaw, Troucul, and Neonmadman:
I was not condemning anyone for having liquor at a party or reception. But I guess I am different. Sometimes when I go out, I really do not need to drink to have a good time. The different liquors I drink- I do so for the taste and I never have more than I can handle. It's not any WTS mentality, it's just how I am. (P.S.-we still had liquor, it was just not at our reception).
I posted this question after reading how the bride and groom's wedding reception was ruined by this drunk brother and his lewd comments. They were totally embarrassed and humiliated. And that should never have happened on "their day".
But if some people feel they must drink liquor to have a good time, so be it.Certainly the Bible to not say we cannot drink liquor. But it really should not be at the expense of humiliating oneself or others around and making them feel uncomfortable.
Ronin 1
this is in response to the post on december 10, : "a wedding gone bad"-.
the question: do you really need liquor at a wedding reception?.
here is my story:.
This is in response to the post on December 10, : "A Wedding Gone Bad"-
The question: Do you really need liquor at a wedding reception?
Here is my story:
Whether a JW or not, I do not see anything wrong with serving just regular beverages: soda, juice, water, etc. at a wedding.
The hosts (bride and groom) really do not know how much persons are going to drink and cannot really control their drinking.
When my husband and I got married, we decided that for financial reasons and the reasons stated above, we would not serve liquor. We made sure we had enough food, beverages, great music and entertainment so that all our guests were happy and comfortable. After our wedding was over, we invited a small group of intimate, very close friends along with our family members back to my parents home for a "liquor/food party". It was much more controlled and we really enjoyed ourselves.
We have been married eight (8) years and still persons approach us and tell us how much they enjoyed our wedding ceremony and reception.
If your atmosphere is good, you do not need liquor.
this is part of a email that my friend sent me, this is what happened at a witness wedding.
im lmfao because the couple is so self rightoues, it couldnt happen better to anybody else.
they say when"you spit it the wind it comes right back in your face".
Whether a JW or not, I do not see anything wrong with serving just regular beverages: soda, juice, water, etc. at a wedding.
The hosts (bride and groom) really do not know how much persons are going to drink and cannot really control their drinking.
When my husband and I got married, we decided that for financial reasons and the reasons stated above, we would not serve liquor. We made sure we had enough food, beverages, great music and entertainment so that all our guests were happy and comfortable. After our wedding was over, we invited a small group of intimate, very close friends along with our family members back to my parents home for a "liquor/food party". It was much more controlled and we really enjoyed ourselves.
We have been married eight (8) years and still persons approach us and tell us how much they enjoyed our wedding ceremony and reception.
If your atmosphere is good, you do not need liquor.
so the elders come a knockin.
they ask "the question": so, do you consider yourself a jehovah's witness?.
what is the correct answer so they don't da or df you?.
I removed myself from the theocractic ministry school two (2) years ago.
I have not been to a service meeting/theocractic meeting in over a year.
I have not been to the Sunday meeting in over four (4) months.
I have not gone out in field service in over a year.
The elders have come to my house to "encourage" me many times.
My response: I listen. Thank them for their spiritual concern. Tell them only that I am very busy and when I can I will come to a Sunday meeting.
Anything else is none of their business and I do not need to tell them anything else.
Result: no harm done to anyone.
By the way, I have a sister who is disfellowshiped, a brother who is disfellowshiped, a brother who was disassociated by the WTS, and a brother who is inactive. We are all close and I make no secret to anyone that I keep in contact with my siblings. And my husband does not go regular to the meetings anymore either or field service.
We have all seen the "light" of the "truth".
for those of you trying to sneak out the back door without being dfd or dad...and plan to do holidays, please remember that the jws are tightening their grip on detractors and those who think they can leave without consequences and they will come to your door christmas morning to try to catch you!
i have heard of this countless times since leaving in jan 97. keep everything that might incriminate you away from the front door!!
and that includes your kids whom they will ask direct questions to!edited by - lovesdubs on 12 december 2002 14:23:44.
Let them come.
I will demand a Christmas present.
I will say: "What! No Christmas present on Christmas Day? What's the deal with this visit?
at my hall, in the spring and summer, it would almost always be so stuffy in there that i couldn't breathe!
i swear the mugginess in there was stifling!
i don't know how many times i was there and couldn't take it anymore and soon as i'd open the door and go outside it was like a cold front just came through!
Dear Seawolf:
At least you had heat.
One of the many reasons I stopped attending the meetings was because we would freeze in the KH in the winter. No heat. Always a problem. Could not get it fixed? Go figure.
For two (2) years I cannot remember last when I went to a KH meeting in the winter. I told my husband and the elders that I would not be back until they fixed the heating system. Needless to say, I have not been back, even in the summertime.
I was just wondering where all the contributions to the up-keep and maintenance of the KH was going, seeing how there was no heat.
Just a thought.
i love the greyhounds and the horses...... i need to hit the lotto, just to help all of my kids - grandkids?
I sure did!
I reasoned that if the WTS can invest its monies (our monies) in things questionable and have over $951 in assets, I could surely take a chance and win.
I have already won two (2) NYS WIN4 tickets totaling $5,400 not to mention many NYS Numbers tickets at $290 a piece.
Yep!, I sure did!
Ronin1's one for you.....maybe this follows on from previous posts about not forever being "ex-jws" as after all, you say you have to move on, and many here claim that they have.....however reading most posts here it becomes obvious that that doesn't seem to be the case.
many seem to be trapped in a "go get 'em" crusade against the jws that seems to go round and round ...... and others just go round.. why?
how long before resolution occurs?
I do not consider this site a "JW Bashing" site.
For many years any JW's that needed to express themselves about the negatives and wrong doings by the Leaders and their underlings could not feel free to do so without some sort of banishment/punishment/shunning etc.
This site allows anyone who has a difference of opinion regarding the teachings of the WTS or anyone who wants to point out the inequities and the morals of the WTS to do so.
What we should not do is verbally hurt individual JW's who are kind, sincere and loving. I know many that are and will continue to be that way. The fact that they do not see the errors of the WTS or refuse to acknowledge same is on them, not us.