Yes.........and it makes me sick to my stomach that they sold this building on the hard working backs of JW's.
i helped for 3 weeks helping convert 360 furman to bethel purposes back in the late 80s... 7th and 8th floors... new laundry, carpentry shops, etc... i know that the sale of furman has been posted here before, but has anyone posted the link to what is there now?
i posted on another thread, but thought it deserved its own topic,.. 360 furman (old shipping) now condos: studios starting at half million: bet brooklyn heights is glad to have this building back on the tax rolls.. snakes (.
Yes.........and it makes me sick to my stomach that they sold this building on the hard working backs of JW's.
dear friends,.
i have been away from the forum for some time, except the occasional scanning around for a few minutes.
i was like most of you, sadened to see that the forum is shutting down.
I'm sorry........I have been away for a while.
Why is this great forum shutting down?
i am spending it having a very unfruitful yard sale !
been out here since six am and have only had two people stop !
one bought a 50cent paperback book .
I decline to answer on the grounds that it might incriminate me.
a fair assesment on the book study change.. .
congregation book study adjustment - a marvelous benefit for jehovah's witnesses .
Just remember what is behind any change by the Watchtower Organization: money!!!!
Any changes has nothing to do with the good of the publishers, etc.
an old pioneer friend told me recently that the bethel is moving from brooklyn.
she learned this at pioneer school from the cos who taught the school.
also they warned of many changes to come.
Yes.........they are selling and moving and selling and Patterson with our years of hard, earned monies...........
The $100,000 question is who is really benefiting from the sale of these properties? Where are the monies from the sales going?
Whose personal pockets?
No one seems to have an answer.........
does anyone know where a person could download a copy of the 1999 bethel telephone directory that was circulating around in the past or a newer one?
or does someone have a copy of the pdf that they could email?
Can you download the pdf file?
I cannot retrieve from the website.
the truth is it---it's all about appearances.
it's all a fraud.
you are expected to "observe" a "ceremony".
We decided to go to the memorial on Saturday, here in Palm Beach County where we live. It was at 9:00 EST.
When we arrived the KH was almost full. People were congregating like it was a party and taking pics. I do not remember that type of atmosphere happening years ago. When we were young it was a very solemn, respectful occasion to the point where it was very quiet in the KH. Obviously that has changed.
Anyway, fast forward to the memorial talk, which was quite boring and uneventful. It was not like when we lived up north, in Queens, NY. You always anticpated a talk by a bethel bro and most of the memorial talks were enlightening and kept you awake. My husband and I critiqued the brother who gave the talk. His body language embodied the typical 'I am the PO elder" aura and he acted very standoffish and snobbish. His wife walked around the KH before the talk with the auro that "I am an PO elder's wife".
Nowhere in the talk was it mentioned about the new information that anyone can partake if they deemed themselves of the anointed. The talk outline stuck to the old adage of the anointed being chosen by God and those were the ones to partake. But now we come to the crazy part of this memorial service:
The brother who gave the prayer before the passing of the bread literally gave a 5 minute prayer talk.....I am not joking. The prayer was so long I started squirming. When it came time to pass around the bread or matza, I and my husband had to make sure we did not laugh out loud. You would not believe how horrible the bread looked. It seemed as if they had taken the bread out of storage. It was gray, broken up in pieces and even had crumbs on the plate. It was embarassing. We could not believe that with visitors, the cong would present, to the public, on such an occassion, bread representing Christ's body that looked so bad. After calling my mom, she said that in the South, sometimes the congs used homemade matza bread at the memorial celebrations. My husband, who is from the Carribean, said that when he was younger, the congs also used homemade matza bread for the memorial celebrations because his own mother baked for the memorial- but it looked much better.
Then, when another brother was praying before passing the wine, he kept referring in his prayer that the wine represented Christ's body. I kept cringing everytime he said that in prayer. My husband said because the brother was elderly he made those mistakes. Regardless of that, I feel on such a solemn occasion when you have new visitors, you should not make such a mistake when praying.
Anyway, that was our memoral celebration experience for 2008.
the other thread (opposite in nature) is really touching and i enjoyed reading everyone's experiences.
i saw a few people who were still in share how scared they were of that outcome, so i thought positive stories of how you managed to save your marriage while leaving the organization might be nice.
so, what is your story?
Hey Worf:
Yes, I can fully attest to your experience with your former wife and how some marriages just do not last when mates make a religious change.
What are you doing home? Laugh
Give me a call. I'm home too today. My the break light switch on my car broke so I have have to wait until we get the part to drive.
the other thread (opposite in nature) is really touching and i enjoyed reading everyone's experiences.
i saw a few people who were still in share how scared they were of that outcome, so i thought positive stories of how you managed to save your marriage while leaving the organization might be nice.
so, what is your story?
Our marriage has not suffered a single altercation as a result of this discovery. I only wish we had made it 20 years earlier.
The same with our marriage. The borg tries to insinuate that if you leave their religious organization your marriage will suffer and you will eventually break -up. But that is not true. If your marriage and relationship is strong, you will stay with one another regardless of the differences or even if you both decide to leave the borg, your commitment to one another stays true.
My husband and I have been married almost 14 yrs now and we basically faded about 5 years ago and our marriage and love for one another has not suffered. In fact, because we know we have lost many so-called 'friends' and family members as associates, we have come to appreciate that we are each other's 'best friends'.
we decided to go to the memorial on saturday, here in palm beach county where we live.
it was at 9:00 est.. when we arrived the kh was almost full.
people were congregating like it was a party and taking pics.
People were congregating like it was a party and taking pics. I do not remember that type of atmosphere happening years ago. When we were young it was a very solemn, respectful occasion to the point where it was very quiet in the KH. Obviously that has changed.
It is typical at the JW BET Memorial Awards LOL! . all the men dressed up in pimp suites and the sisters in prom dresses (its typical in the black congos) ...HA HA HA. But I also participated in it (i got my picture taken like i was a movie star ) i guess it is a South Florida thing eventhough i don't live in the southern half of florida *Hint, Hint* but a little bit to the north of it
My husband and I just watched in amazement like "too fish of out water". He had to silently hit me a few times during the talk too so that I would laugh out loud. What a memorial fiasco!!!
Then, it was a little after 10:00 pm and we could not find any resturant or fast food place open except for KFC. Unbelievable!!
"Beam my up Scotty" back to Nueva!!!