The reason why I invoked the 'race card' in this situation is not because Vick should not be punished or the rapper that has supposedly committed the same type of offense. It is because there are others, not of the African American or black race that have been engaged in this type of animal cruelty for years, and to date- nothing is being done about it. No publicity, no charges, etc. Yet all we see currently in the news about this type of animal cruelty is about Vick and now this rapper.
Also, your comment "I do believe there has been a few instances where blacks do get treated differently, but it is completely blown out of proportion".- is highly underestimated. There are so many statistics and facts that show more than a few instances of blacks in this country in jail unjustly, sentenced to extreme years in incarceration ,and many unjustly sentenced to death more than any other race..
I do not understand why there were no or not many blacks protesting, as many of my friends and members of my family have had and have pets they love. But it may be that because Vick is Black and the unfairness many blacks have suffered in this country and currently still suffer, that many blacks are not speaking out in a public protest. However, if you go on the Black America website- the Tom Joyner Show you will see how Black America really feels about this entire Vick situation.