I wrote these poems a few years ago:
"The Pair"
They were splendid!
They greeted and received all whom they beheld.
They were adept with the bustle of life.
They were oblivious to differences.
We needed them.
We used them.
We took them for granted.
We were not aware.
We now notice.
We now see!
We miss them but will not forget.
They were majestic!
They were the Twins!
The Twin Towers At The World Trade Center.
"The Early Escape"
My place was comfortable and safe.
I had everything -my own space, food, water, warmth, and shelter.
I could not see anyone.
I heard sounds. I felt movements. I travelled without cost.
But I wanted to get out.
My plan was simple.
Make my way down, then through the tunnel and out!
I did not know. How could I know?
I was impatient.
I should have waited.
I made my unexpected escape.
I was too early.
I am the "preemie".
I am the premature baby
"I Am"
I am patient, I do not gripe.
I am outstanding, I do not boast.
I get incensed, I do not announce.
I want the last, I do not take.
I hear truth, I am exhilarated.
I tolerate totally, I withstand all.
I at no time falter,
I Am Love.
A Quest For Power
The World Changed Forever
A Quest for Peace
The League of Natins
Who Listened?
The United Nations
Who Listens?
Ah Yes! The Quest for Power
Vietnam, Granda, Rwanda, Bosnia
Who Learns?
Ah Yes! The Quest for Peace!
What Hope?