Hi Prisila:
This is Ronin1:
Listen, your story sounds like deja vue.
My husband well over a year ago submitted his resignation letter to step down as ministerial servant. He cited his job (he is self-employed) and the fact that he could not devote the so-called hours in field service they required of him.
Get this: they also refused to accept his letter. They stated he did not give a spiritual reason. We discussed it and decided to "hell with them". They do not dictate to us. However, we did not tell them anything else about how we felt. We slowly cut down our attendance at the meetings and especially during the week. Therefore my husband was not around to be asked to do anything. After months, they finally got the picture. To this day, we do not know if they "read him off" as a ministerial servant and we do not care.
I go to the meetings only on a Sunday when I feel like it; my husband goes to the weekly and Sunday meetings when he feels like it. Neither of us has gone out in service for well over a year. However, that has not stopped us from talking to persons about the Bible when the opportunity arises.
So I would suggest to you that your husband not tell them anything. It's really none of their business and if you have been in the org for sometime now, you know the elders like getting in peoples business, that way they do not have to concentrate on their own.