Thought these were cute! :)
Edited by - roo on 6 December 2002 19:40:4
Edited by - roo on 6 December 2002 20:19:32
Edited by - roo on 7 December 2002 0:29:15
thought these were cute!
edited by - roo on 6 december 2002 19:40:4 .
edited by - roo on 6 december 2002 20:19:32edited by - roo on 7 december 2002 0:29:15.
Thought these were cute! :)
Edited by - roo on 6 December 2002 19:40:4
Edited by - roo on 6 December 2002 20:19:32
Edited by - roo on 7 December 2002 0:29:15
what is your personality type?
take one of the tests below and then post your results.
i have taken this type of test many times.
glad you had a wonderful trip!!!
happy birthday on monday!!!!!!
many hugs-welcome home .
YOU GUYS ARE THE BEST!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
i was raised with a bookbag in my hand.
every saturday and sunday our family was out in service.i vacation, temporary and auxillary and regular pioneered.
i never enjoyed it but did it because i was supposed to do it.
Honestly, I hated going out in service, but my friends and I used to try to make it fun.
The key was for all the fun people to get into one car go make return visits of course.
Our favorite thing was to put magazines in the phone booths every 15 or 20 minutes so we could keep our
time going (a trick we learned from the pioneers in the congregation). We used to grab munchies and drive
all over the metroplex listening to the radio and singing. If that wasn't possible...our other favorite thing was to
go to the door and speak in a foreign accent while trying to keep a straight face. Although that made return
visits with mom pretty interesting. LOL ;)
what chinese sign are you?
if you don't know, you should be able to find out at this url.
don't forget to let us know!.
I am a chinese OX, specifically a water ox according to the site Celtic listed.
Oxen are born leaders, inspiring confidence in everyone they come in contact with. However, they can be too demanding. Methodical and good with their hands....hmmmmmmmmmm. Career choices: Oxen make fine surgeons and hairdressers.
I agree with Xena, thin mints from the freezer are the best :)
it has occurred to me that ive been here long enough and have met many of you whose company i really appreciate.
i see people come in since i have been here and am inspired and impressed at the courage they have for giving their stories, their experiences and the freedoms they now have paid for by a cost that only a cult survivor can really appreciate.. so with that inspiration, here is my story.... i have very little memory of before i was 5. i do remember christmas morning one year to wake up to a ton of toys and that was cool.
i remember having my stomach pumped once because i got into some kerosene and thought id pour myself a glass.
Thank you so much for sharing your story with us. I've always enjoyed talking to in chat but never really knew much about how you came to leave the organization. I'm so thankful that you survived your accident and were able to find your way to people who care about you. Keep sharing and I hope to see you at apostofest. Roo
2. you are an inactive publisher and a member of a congregation.. 3. you are an inactive publisher for over 7 years and the congregation.
any congregation.
(this is a pretty good place to be).. 4. you are an inactive publisher for over 7 years and the congregation.
Well, after I moved out on my own, I slowly drifted away but was never disfellowshipped or disassociated. The elders show up at my house once a year to deliver an invitation to the memorial although I have not attended in seven years. I think it is out of guilt for the poor way they handled an earlier situation. I was so angry when it happened that I actually demanded that they give me my publisher card . A request that they promptly refused. The presiding overseer actually showed up on my doorstep one evening and apologized a couple of years later. I was not rude but I told him that all of the apologies in the world could not fix what had been done to destroy my family and that I didn't feel he understood what the true meaning of loving and forgiving meant. They know that I associate w/my disassociated and disfellowshipped relatives and friends but leave me alone for several reasons. I think they know that they excercised poor judgement and are hoping I will come back.Secondly, my mom has been in the congregation for twenty years and she had a talk with them about how disappointed she was with the way they handled themselves. I told the p.o. that night that I will never go back and that he will never have any kind of control or say so over my life again and that someday he will have to answer for everything he has done. I haven't seen him since.
i just can't believe that i underwent major surgery twice and signed papers that i would not take blood.
i shudder to think what would have happened had my only child faced such a situation.
i'm amazed at my past stupidity.. i knew a young sister who lost her new husband when he needed blood after a car accident.
I have a relative who passed away after the doctors (at several hospitals) determined that a heart operation to fix a major heart valve could not be performed without blood because of several complicating factors. While the chances for a successful surgery were slim, wasn't 40% better than no chance at all? He "remained faithful" to the organization and they were all camped out in the waiting room to support his decision of blood refusal along with his wife. The doctors released him to hospice care at home where he lived approximately two more months before passing away in March of this year. I miss him everyday.
I am a registered nurse in intensive care and am amazed that I myself used to sign papers refusing blood for my physicians. I administered my first transfusion three months ago to a beautiful premature newborn who had an infection that was literally destroying his platelets. It was a strange feeling at first to be on the other side explaining to his mother why it was vital that he receive this transfusion to save his life. His mom came by for a visit this week and I am happy to report that he is a very happy and healthy boy!
i started a new job last january with a fairly young company.
within just a few weeks, i realized this was a pretty good company to work for.
they pay well, bennies are good, senior management is pretty decent, future looks secure, etc.
I totally understand what you are talking about. I moved out of my parents house a few years ago and was really struggling to make ends meet when a co-worker told me about this great opportunity to make x-tra money in a "small" sidebusiness. I should have seen the light when it seemed that she never had enough time to give me all of the details about the job. I arrived at the interview and was promptly shown a video of "shiny, happy people" lounging around the pool stopping occasionally to stroll to the mailbox and pick up a big load of money(yeah, right-HELLO PYRAMID SCHEME). I told them I wasn't interested and they just kept on talkin'(hello-did they just hear me say no?). Then the most amazing thing happened, the girl actually had the nerve to show up at the interview to convince me that this was a wonderful chance at a great future. You can imagine my reaction (MEEEEEEOOOOOOOOOOOWWWWWWWWWWWWWW-pphhhhttttt!!!!!. We worked in a small office and it was all I could do to be civil-fortunately, she gave her notice the following month. Hang in there-you'll find something great!!!!!!!! Roo