There is no honorable way to leave the Watchtower Society. Here
are the choices open to a baptized JW:
1. You are an active publisher and a member of a congregation
2. You are an inactive publisher and a member of a congregation.
3. You are an inactive publisher for over 7 years and the congregation
has tossed your publishers record card. You are not associated with
any congregation. (This is a pretty good place to be).
4. You are an inactive publisher for over 7 years and the congregation
secretary keeps your card in the file anyway. (This is actually a
violation of WTS directives but happens quite frequently especially when you have stupid, controlling elders who love keeping their
thumb on others - this is a pretty bad place to be.)
5. You are disfellowshiped or disassociated.
If you are in category 1-4, like it or not, you are a Jehovah's Witness. Actual "witnessing" is not required though demanded.
One can try and argue that they are not JWs for whatever reason, but don't expect elders to agree with you unless you are a category 5.
As for me, I am a dissident Jehovah's Witness. I have not joined another church and have no interest in doing so at this time.
How about you?
One last comment. It has been 7 or 8 years since I was congregation secretary. The figure I used regarding keeping old publisher record
cards is my best recollection.