I would like to invite all to my 3 year anniversary of my D.A. today
let me know what you would like to bring to the party. 3 years ago today, I handed the elders my D.A. letter than I sent the wt a letter of apology. Thought I would share it with you:
I wish to express my sincere apology to the Watchtower Bible and tract Society for my negligence in not applying some of your fine counsel. Throughout the years, I have seen fit to mostly apply the wonderful information found in the publications as pertaining to those we meet at the doors but not to me. When I read in the Nov. 22, 1984 awake on keeping an open mind, not to allow prejudice or pre-conceived ideas to lead your thinking, to be open to new thoughts and ideas, I did not apply it to myself. You instructed me to be like the Boreans and search the scriptures for the truth and not to trust in man but only in the one who can give us salvation. Ps. 146:3. In this I have been negligent. I have allowed man to do my thinking and reasoning for me. I have allowed man to guide my conscience in personal matters rather than being led by spirit and truth as Jesus taught. I allowed mans spirit to guide me rather than Gods holy spirit.I did all this for the sake of unity and for brotherhood. Little did I realize that the cost of conformity with man would be seperation from God. And unity at all cost leaves as its victim truth at all cost. You told me to apply the word of God and to do as it says but I did not listen to you.
You also helped me to see how to distinquish between a true prophet and a false one. Oct. 8, 1968 awake says "True, there have been those in times past who predicted an "end to the world", even announcing a specific date.....yet nothing happened. The "end" did not come. They were guilty of false prophesying." You even referred me to Deut. 18:22 to further identify the false prophet. "When the prophet seaks in the name of Jehovah and the word does not occur or come true, that is the word that Jehovah did not speak. With presumptuousness the prophet spoke it. You must not get frightened at him." Not only did specific dated that you predicted not come true such as 1874,1914,1915,1916,1918,1925,1941, but only seven years after this article was printed, the date of 1975 did not come true which this entire article was referring to. I did not listen to your warnings not to follow after those who set dates as the the end of the world.
I was also instructed by you to be led by spirit and by truth, and yet when my brother had sinned and needed comfort, I did not follow that spirit within me which said to come alongside such a one and build him up. I didn't talk to my brother or help my brother simply because of fear of peer pressure and intimidations that the same discipline would befall me. I feel ashamed that your good counsel of showing love and compassion for my fellow man in their time of despair was ignored by me. I had even participated in throwing out of the congregation those who in retrospect were not wicked or evil. 1 Cor. 5:13. They needed love and mercy from me and the congregation but they were no longer worthy of that love which Jesus commanded us to give. This was all done under the guise of keeping the congregation clean and I believed it to be a God ordained duty to do so. How foolish of me to think this way when some of these sinned filled individuals still displayed a love for God.
You also told me to be loyal to God and to his Son but I found myself becoming more and more loyal to an organization rather than to God. I found myself accepting anything and everything that was printed in a book or a magazine over the word of God. I believed it when you said that individual thought was unacceptable, that disloyalty to an organization would be the same as disloyalty to God. You told me that we must obey God as ruler rather than man. Act.5:29. But I did not listen to you. I obeyed man over God for the sake of unity.
I, here and now, vow to take your advice and search the scriptures and let the spirit of God lead me to the truth and not man or any organization. I will seek out a personal relationship with God and his Son and will not pass this responsibility to anyone else. I will be accountable for my actions and worship God in spirit and in truth as Jesus instructed me to do. Therefore, when Jesus returns to do the judging he can say to me, "Well done my faithful servant".
I also vow to be on guard against those false prophets who come with empty words, and who set dates of the end of the world which we are not to have knowledge of.
I vow to not be intimidated by those who insist on total submission, adherence and obedience to their interpretation of scripture and throwing out all those who disagree.
Finally, I do vow to show my loyalty to the Father and to his Son and not to any man or man made organization from which no salvation belongs.
So, my apology goes out to the Watchtower Bible & Tract Society who did warn me of thesre things to watch out for but I did not listen to you
Regretfully yours: