I spoke to a JW recently and he seemed aware of the change.
i get that kind of feedback when i talk to dubs that i know .
how about your experiences.
do the jws you talk to really keep up with the tidal wave of wt doctrine changes?
I spoke to a JW recently and he seemed aware of the change.
imo - who is the evil slave and how we can tell?.
matthew 7: 15 ~ 23 'by their fruits you will recognise them.'.
it's apparent by their conduct, that after waiting 35 years and seeing 1914 fail to bring armageddon, the slave that was faithful turned evil.
There is no "evil slave". The faithful slave Is the evil slave, should ne be unfaithful.
"On the other hand, that servant, if he is wicked, may think that it will be a long time before his master comes." Matthew 24:48 GWV
But if the man, being a bad servant, should say in his heart, ‘My master is a long time in coming,’ Weymouth
But if the slave is bad and says to himself, ‘My master is going to be gone a long time,’ - Williams
seems i am not the only one who got hit.. my computer is still acting up even after downloading more security.. within 30 seconds of clicking on mamasix website link a couple of days ago i ended up with virus.. then, within a few hours i had 7 trojan horses.. the virus was html/framer.2 .
it is not healable.
i locked it in vault, but some of these other attachements are still screwing with my machine.. missing link said: have you removed the pop-up viruses yet?.
I don''t have ANY anti-virus on my pc anbd I've been on that forum and nothing!
i posted this on another thread.
this guy claims to know the real truth about russell, http://pastorrussell.blogspot.com/ just another jw apologist.
he refutes the information about russell being a adulterer.
That site is run by Sherlock (I know his real name) he is a pro-JW, Most of the stuff he post are taken right out of the Watchtowers. I've known him for years. He's a nice guy!
although i'm pretty much an atheist, i still like reading the bible.
it's an amazing literary masterwork to say the least.. my question is, after discovering that the new world translation of the wts was poorly translated and altered in ways designed to support their various peculiar doctrines (see john 1:1, etc.
), what bible translation are you all the most fond of?.
I'm a revised old scholl, I use the NEW King James, which does away with the "Thou" and Thee". Although I use many translations in my study and research, the NKJ is what I use for everyday reading!
i feel at my best and do my best at night .... how about you?.
Yep, I'm up late, don't go to bed till after midnight, sometimes 2 am, and it doesn't matter what time I go to bed, I always wake up at the same time automatically, a few minutes between the clock goes off, which is 5:30 am. I do my best work at night.
this will be very interesting, i only wish it would make the rounds on the jw emails the same way "knocking" did, fat chance!
we can only hope that pbs and nova will jump on this bandwagon as well, sooner than later.
holy moses!
Yes, let's burn our Bibles, since we know how accurate and unbiased PBS can be!
hi friends!.
one of the researchers here on the board is in need of the 1935 booklet "loyalty" by rutherford.
i loaned my copy out, and unfortunately, it was never returned to me.. if you have a copy of this booklet, please send me a [ pm ] so that i can contact the researcher to help him out.
I know I have it, unfortunately, I can't find the CD I scanned and copied it onto.
The biggest joke is on 6 million people, they are NOT God's chosen ones
They already have a coverup, namely that they are the one true religion, the only way to God.