my momma's dead and I don't think they have phone service where she's at.
Now my "old man", he's still alive and kicking, and reminds me everytime I call. "How ya doing pop?" ... "I'm still here"
my mom is pretty cool.
81 years old and still going fairly strong.
my older sister was the first one to leave the dubs in our 3rd gen jw family.
my momma's dead and I don't think they have phone service where she's at.
Now my "old man", he's still alive and kicking, and reminds me everytime I call. "How ya doing pop?" ... "I'm still here"
i just finished scanning this today, from an original i have; mans nature and destiny on, the animal man and the spiritual man.
a sermon.
by george storrs.
I just finished scanning this today, from an original I have; “Man’s Nature and Destiny on, The Animal Man and the Spiritual Man. – A Sermon. By George Storrs. New York.” It’s 20 pages. This is “No. 6” of a series. Some of the hardcore collectors I contacted today about it, have never seen it.
There is no printing date, but it was most likley late 1840s mid 1850s. This is just a scan, it was OCR'd.
George Storrs was one of Charles Taze Russell's mentors, and one of the founding fathers of the Advent movement. He published THE BIBLE EXAMINER On Hicks Street, where the Society is located.
I just sent this file to a few people, didn't know how much they were in need. You'd think they found the holy grail the way they were thanking me. LOL
Okay here's the link:
Okay, make ALL donations to the "Worldwide work of RR"
Now would I do that? Okay, found a disk that contains THE HERALD of the MORNING coveringe June 1875 through July 1880 (inconclusive), meaning there are missing issues. I THINK ... I may have another disk with some of the missing issues on the first disk, we'll see if I can find them. These are pdf's made directly from Microfilm found at a certain Adventist University.
Guess what I found???? I take paypal LOL
this is a collaborative effort.
i scanned and pdf'd my copy of food for thinking christians.
cabasilas then ocr'd and bookmarked it and uploaded the file.
Okay everyone. This is a collaborative effort. I scanned and PDF'd my copy of Food for Thinking Christians. Cabasilas then OCR'd and bookmarked it and uploaded the file. So here it is. Enjoy!
hi, i was wondering if any of you have any statistics when it comes to the percentage of jws or ex witnesses reporting to suffer from mental illnesses?
i have tried to google this but not got very far..
I think it safe to say that the majority of the JW's are dysfunctional. The Society not only breeds dysfunctional individuals and families, theyattract them also.
i read in wikapedia about joseph f. rutherford that according to the san diego coroner's report that he was dead days before that date of death in jan,1942.
he had rat bites on his head and hands.
i thought he died in bed but he was found on a flight of stairs.
RR, have you or anyone you know actually seen this document? Anyone else seen this thing firsthand?
Hi Marv, can't say that I have. What I would really like to see is Russell's death certificate and coroner's report. It doesn't exist and many have tried.
pastor russell was wrong about a lot of things - one could make a really long list from any 10 random pages from the finished mystery.
but for fun i want to turn it around, so my question is this:.
Russell didn't write THE FINISHED MYSTERY