What did the old boy say after he had bought some chewing gum from a vending machine?
"Mmmm...mint flavour tonight, dear!"
how does bob marley like his doughnuts?.
.. .. "wi jammin"
What did the old boy say after he had bought some chewing gum from a vending machine?
"Mmmm...mint flavour tonight, dear!"
how does bob marley like his doughnuts?.
.. .. "wi jammin"
That reminds me of that (bad) "Tulips From Hamsterjam" joke!
how do you think that the watchtower society will react to its demise?
fade or "burn the books"?.
Just wondering...
I don't know what the problem is, but Larc has always been a pretty fair guy as far as I am concerned!
how do you think that the watchtower society will react to its demise?
fade or "burn the books"?.
How do you think that the Watchtower Society will react to its demise? Fade or "burn the books"?
do we have a double standard as far as jws are concerned?
yes, i know that their claims of being better than any other religion sets them up for higher expectations.
and yes, generally jws are judgemental.
Hi, Skeptic! I know what you are saying, and yes, I agree that there is good and bad in everyone. But the Watchtower religion is a cultic religion; the same cannot be said of everyone!
one of the main things that hits you when you leave the jw's is that maybe you haven't got all the answers like you once thought, so you begin to question everything, wouldn't you agree?.
well, my eyes were opened to the prospect of living in heaven, and not on earth like the dubya's preach.
i have listened to plenty of audio files from people that have left the witnesses and have became born again and if that floats your boat then thats great !
Spanner, did I say that? Did I say any of that? No. I don't believe that Jesus Christ is any part of the Trinity.
OK, keep your hair on, old boy! Just a bit of ribbing!
one of the main things that hits you when you leave the jw's is that maybe you haven't got all the answers like you once thought, so you begin to question everything, wouldn't you agree?.
well, my eyes were opened to the prospect of living in heaven, and not on earth like the dubya's preach.
i have listened to plenty of audio files from people that have left the witnesses and have became born again and if that floats your boat then thats great !
But one thing I have come to believe is that Jesus Christ is NOT the second person of the Trinity.
Are you saying that you believe Jesus Christ is the first person of the Trinity?...(Or the third?)
which is worse?
a convicted murderer getting executed or a convicted murderer being released after serving the minimum of a life sentence, 15 years?.
btw, before anyone even mentions the low recidivism rate of murderers, you must realize that that is only for those that have been caught.
I cannot see ANY reason for NOT getting rid of scum ( by lethal means ) that have caused a real ( lethal ) danger to peoples' lives!
Don't wanna rock the boat, mate, you know me . But can you explain why you said:
I cannot believe in evolution.
Are you saying that there is no evidence that evolution, as a concept, exists or has taken place, or are you basing your opinion on a cultic fundamentalist view that the Bible must be adhered to at all times ( a view that I thought you had rejected )?