I cant believe this Trinity lark

by Hamas 77 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Hamas

    One of the main things that hits you when you leave the JW's is that maybe you haven't got all the answers like you once thought, so you begin to question everything, wouldn't you agree?

    Well, my eyes were opened to the prospect of living in Heaven, and not on earth like the Dubya's preach. I have listened to plenty of audio files from people that have left the Witnesses and have became Born Again and if that floats your boat then thats great ! Yet one thing I cant get my head round is this idea of a Trinity.

    It makes no sense to me whatsoever to believe in this... to me its seems almost crazy. You see, you could be presented with one idea to counter act the idea of the Trinity, yet look at another that backs it up ! Surely Jesus was just God's prophet and not God himself, or joined to God whatever you want to call it.

    I remember a baptist preacher once saying :

    ' This is Jesus ! You cannot get him wrong ! You must believe ! You can get other things wrong, like the 1000 year reign etc, but you cannot get Christ wrong ! '

    Well if thats the case, Im screwed. What do you think ??

  • talley

    I understand exactly how you feel, Hamas. Even being raised Lutheran, I never could make sence or believe the Trinity doctrine, or the 'immortal soul' doctrine or going to heaven or hell. And I attended Lutheran school for the first eight grades.

    Maybe those doctrines are what made the Witnesses so attractive to me at the time.

    For over a year now I have driven myself nuts trying to sort all the conflicting doctrins and have found great relief in giving up the search and frenzy. Now my baselines have become Rom.1:19&20, Rom.2:13-15 and Eccl.9:11 I have given up the strugle with the unknowable and am quite content with leaving all that confusion.

    Wishing you well, talley-Judy

  • freedom96

    One of the things that the witnesses always had for themselves, is that they had the answer to everything. No matter what it was or wasn't, they had the answer.

    To accept the fact that maybe we don't have all the answers, or we don't understand everything, for me was the best thing. I have faith, and one day it will all be clear.

  • gumby

    It makes no sense to me whatsoever to believe in this...

    The reason it is confusing is because the bible was altered to fit the agenda. Jesus was a humble man who walked the earth to teach love and was made into a glorified god by the church.

    On one hand you are taught he is gods son and on the other....".he made everything, he is savior, there is no other savior, he is the first and last, his IS the kingdom, only in him is there life."

    God should have had NO TROUBLE in letting us know who he is and who his son is without millions of people trying to figure it out. Sadly.....the bible is written in such a way that BOTH sides feel justified in their beliefs.......yet one of the ideas is wrong. Why would god be so unclear as to specifically making it plain who HE is and who his SON is?

    If you want to know why there is confusion..........start examining HOW the bible was written and the situation at the TIME it was written and the circumstances it was written in.


  • Hamas

    Gumby tell me more man, what do you mean by all that ? Why examine the bible ?

  • Joyzabel

    Well Hamas, I don't feel like I'm screwed just because I don't believe in the Trinity.

    2 good books to look into is the history of the Bible (or how the Bible came to be) and the history of God.

    Did God create man or did man create a God to fulfill man's needs???

    (just thought I would through that out there)


  • gumby


    I will send you some stuff in a PM when I get all my crap done around here today.

    A person who is honest and openminded will have no trouble in not being afraid to examine whether the Bible is from god or not.

    Here is something to start with,



  • rebel


    I am in exactly the same situation as you. I am slowly fading away from being a JW and I am looking at my old pre-JW beliefs (I was RC before). I have seen evidence to support the Trinity, plus evidence to refute it. There are scriptures that back it up, and others that prove it is not true. It is so confusing. I also find so many contradictions with the Bible that I didn't see as JW. The thing is, I really want to believe in the Bible. It has been with me all my life, as a RC and as a JW. To find out now that it may not be true is really hard to deal with.

    How do others deal with this? What is there for us to put faith in if we don't have the Bible? I have been doing some research into the Bible's history, including all the books that were not included. It seems that, until roughly 150 years ago (maybe a little longer) there were 80 books, but that figure seems to have been whittled down to 66. Also, if you go way back, there were hundreds of books that could have made it into the Bible Canon, but for one reason or another they were rejected. I would like to know why. It seems it was just the decision made at the time - the Bible could well have 100, 200 or 300 books if it wasn't for a decision made way back when. Maybe the correct books were rejected and the wrong ones included - who knows?

    What I am trying to say is I don't know what to believe any more. At least, as a JW, I felt I had all the answers. Now I have nothing and I am more confused than ever. My husband still insists the JWs have it right and he thinks I am putting myself at risk by rejecting their message. I just don't know.

    Just needed to get that off my chest.


  • Hamas

    Thats just like me Rebel, you seem to talk direct from my own mouth.

    I really don't know what to believe any more, but I do know something. I know that by ceasing to become a JW your eyes are opened so much and you actually see things and people for what they really are, instead of some conditioned kind of thinking. I think thats a good thing.

    I myself am doing research into the bible and its background, and also I would love to believe it as it also has been my life. When something that has remained so close to you is challenged, you begin defending it at whatever cost. I still feel that the bible is truth, yet understanding its background holds no bars for me on an educational level.

    I think only then we can find the truth.

  • SixofNine

    Does it really make sense to be squandering precious life moments worrying over how to interpret the bible, when you haven't learned how we "got" the bible in the first place?

    Now that you're free of the borg, give yourself the gift of reality.

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