What do you call a man with no arms or legs swimming in the sea?BOB!
Well, if he's floating I'd call him Bob, but if he's swimming, I'd call him....True, but this is a bad joke thread!Clever Dick!
how does bob marley like his doughnuts?.
.. .. "wi jammin"
What do you call a man with no arms or legs swimming in the sea?BOB!
Well, if he's floating I'd call him Bob, but if he's swimming, I'd call him....True, but this is a bad joke thread!Clever Dick!
i've just been visiting an elderly client on business, in her home.
as i was being shown to the door, i was stopped dead in my tracks by the sight of the wbts' book, "is there a creator who cares for you" sitting, innocently, on a table!
well, you can imagine the uncontainable sadistic glee that was spinning through my head!
OK, OK, Dansk! Some of us don't actually LIVE here, you know!
Well, it could have been for a million different reasons, of course, and I have to say that I am surprised, Dansk, that you didn't get a bit closer to guessing the answer, knowing my background, and all!
Anyway, just in case some of you are losing sleep over this, I didn't pursue the issue because she is a heavy smoker! In fact, she smokes like a chimney! That is the whole reason why I went to visit her: she has chronic bronchitis and emphysema.
Thinking about this later, though, I'm in a predicament: do I encourage her to stop smoking, but then she will be more acceptable to the JW's? (I am presuming that she is studying with them). Or not, so that she stays out of the KH? Superimposed on that dilemma is the professional ethics issues . Mmmm...need to think about that one. Any ideas?
how does bob marley like his doughnuts?.
.. .. "wi jammin"
how does bob marley like his doughnuts?.
.. .. "wi jammin"
I didn't realise that really bad jokes were allowed!
How many Etheopians can you fit into a Mini car?
ALL of them!
What do you call a man with no arms or legs swimming in the sea?
What do you call a man in a pile of leaves?
Russell! (NO pun intended!)
i've just been visiting an elderly client on business, in her home.
as i was being shown to the door, i was stopped dead in my tracks by the sight of the wbts' book, "is there a creator who cares for you" sitting, innocently, on a table!
well, you can imagine the uncontainable sadistic glee that was spinning through my head!
To " Lazy Bastard " : Have you cleaned that floor yet, ya lazy bastard?"
for me, it's that i don't believe they have any authority over us.
Well, it was way back , I dunno, 1996? There was this HUGE well-done steak that they had prepared for me! Beautiful!
i've just been visiting an elderly client on business, in her home.
as i was being shown to the door, i was stopped dead in my tracks by the sight of the wbts' book, "is there a creator who cares for you" sitting, innocently, on a table!
well, you can imagine the uncontainable sadistic glee that was spinning through my head!
You'd arrived without a condom!
Yeah, all I had were some "Wrigleys"! But that is not the answer!
Spanneri've just been visiting an elderly client on business, in her home.
as i was being shown to the door, i was stopped dead in my tracks by the sight of the wbts' book, "is there a creator who cares for you" sitting, innocently, on a table!
well, you can imagine the uncontainable sadistic glee that was spinning through my head!
And Dansk, the fact that I have a fetish for octopussies has nothing to do with this thread!
i've just been visiting an elderly client on business, in her home.
as i was being shown to the door, i was stopped dead in my tracks by the sight of the wbts' book, "is there a creator who cares for you" sitting, innocently, on a table!
well, you can imagine the uncontainable sadistic glee that was spinning through my head!
Mustang, you're getting close!
i've just been visiting an elderly client on business, in her home.
as i was being shown to the door, i was stopped dead in my tracks by the sight of the wbts' book, "is there a creator who cares for you" sitting, innocently, on a table!
well, you can imagine the uncontainable sadistic glee that was spinning through my head!
I've just been visiting an elderly client on business, in her home. She's in her 80's. As I was being shown to the door, I was stopped dead in my tracks by the sight of the WBTS' book, "Is There A Creator Who Cares For You" sitting, innocently, on a table! Well, you can imagine the uncontainable sadistic glee that was spinning through my head! "How shall I do this?" I thought, "hit her with some really juicy doctrinal flip-flops, false prophecy and chronology? Or how about a subtle and insidious stroll down memory lane?" But I did neither! You see, I just remembered something...ten points if you can guess what that was!