SinkyPantz, I thought you were married? ;-)
"do jws use toilet paper?
"are witnesses allowed to swim in the ocean?".
"can sisters wear the color red since it signifies harlotry?
SinkyPantz, I thought you were married? ;-)
i remember growing up and thinking that there was no way i would have kids ......... why ???
....... because i did not want to raise them the way i was raised, in the borg.
i went through hell, why put a defenceless child through that.
Run don't walk,
How STUPID can people get ??? Who is teaching this the Watchtower ??? or parents ???
Well, there are other references, but I feel the following will suffice:
Awake! 8th November, 1974. Page 11:
" Today there is a great crowd of people who are confident that a destruction of even greater magnitude is now imminent. The evidence
is that Jesus' prophecy will shortly have a major fulfillment, upon this entire system of things. This has been a major factor in influencing
many couples to decide not to have children at this time. They have chosen to remain childless so that they would be less
encumbered to carry out the instructions of Jesus Christ to preach the good news of God's kingdom earth wide before the
end of this system comes. - Matt. 24:14.
"On the other hand, there are many good reasons why couples now decide not to have children. Even within Jesus' prophecy
concerning the time of the end, sound reasons are found for remaining childless. It would, therefore be entirely improper for
anyone to criticize those who may decide that this is not the time to have children."
(Bold type and emphasis mine.)
I don't think that there can be any doubt that the Watchtower Society
influenced many JW couples to refrain from having children!
Very much a CULTIC trait!
take a look at this website:
does anybody look familiar?
Maybe he does modelling in his spare time?
That's probably what he has been up to whilst he has been absent here for the last couple of weeks!
The WT-Speak writing style is so ! And I agree, PD; they must be short of cash!
take a look at this website:
does anybody look familiar?
Take a look at this website:
Does anybody look familiar?
i have never tried to hurt anyone in my life.
i have always tried to love others from my own childhood upbringing.. i have been treated like a traitor.
everything i said was twisted.
I know that you are in the UK, from chat. Please ring me if you wish: 07753 826807.
before you go thinking that this is a 'minimus'-type thread, the title i have chosen is the title from the august 15, 2003 watchtower.. the photos on the cover are of a young man (22ish).
in the lower-left corner he is a basketball player.
so, how does the wts want you to be remembered?
Yes, the title is misleading, I hope people don't bypass it thinking it's something else.
Now THAT is funny!
if so, do have any contact info.?
he is desperate to contact an ex-jw.
If so, do have any contact info.? He is desperate to contact an Ex-JW.
last night some whacko beat me up while i was in bed.
nothing is broken, but i'll be seriously bruised for a while.
my left shoulder blade took the most of the beating when i had huddled face down, with legs tucked underneath and arms wrapped around my head and ribs for protection.
Sorry to hear about this, Yiz. You ARE going to press for charges against this thug, aren't you? You didn't mention that you were going to.
has anyone ever put up a for sale sign outside the kingdom hall.............or any other funny things......
There was a "For Sale" sign on the local KH for months! Nobody would buy it. I wonder why? That was a couple of years ago.