Dansk, like your beardlessness!
this just in on bbc news: http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/world/asia-pacific/3147888.stm.
made me smile to think that had this guy been a jw he'd have been around through all the watchtower's doctrinal changes.. dansk
Dansk, like your beardlessness!
just curious about something that i am trying to understand in my marriage.
when i am not at work i am usually home.
my husband is home all day due to being retired due to a work disability.
Hey, Swan!
I don't know the entire intricate details of your relationship with your husband, but it seems that his definition of doing things "together" is doing what he does already, but with you around as well. Then he is able to continue doing what he does now, at the same time as feeling that you are "together" more "often".
Have you tried asking him if he would like to be "together" more "often" doing things that YOU like to do? That's a good way to find out his real motives; does he have a genuine interest in spending more time with you, or is he just trying to justify his reason for being a couch potato?
some late news just in....
a smiling defense secretary donald rumsfeld told the world's media at the pentagon today that it has been confirmed that a massive cache of pea shooters of the type pictured below have been unearthed near mosul in the north of iraq.
also, in an unpopulated region close to the syrian border, us troops discovered large fields designed to supply the ammunition for these weapons, i..e. peas.
Thanks for putting us out of our misery, PD!
See, this is real, indisputable proof! Eat your heart out Simon!
i have to do a pych test on monday for a new job i'm going for - anyone done one before?
whats in it?
will they find out about my dark side?
You can either give truthful answers to personality questions, or give the answers that you think they want.
i have to do a pych test on monday for a new job i'm going for - anyone done one before?
whats in it?
will they find out about my dark side?
i have to do a pych test on monday for a new job i'm going for - anyone done one before?
whats in it?
will they find out about my dark side?
Thanks for the tip - If they test my spelling I'm screwed.
Err...I think that is the least of your worries, looking at SM62's list!
It's just a means of measuring your personality, stengths, weaknesses, skills and abilities etc. The ones I used to run covered personality profile, career profile, spelling, speed & accuracy, mechanical reasoning, numerical reasoning, logical reasoning, spatial reasoning and verbal reasoning.
Good luck! Spanner
yes, i have many times asked this of my self.
after leavening the witness's its been hard, i think ewww i am no good cause unless i am attending the kingdom hall i won't have gods grace and he won't hear my prayers or anything.
boy they sure had me, being raised a witness sticks with you long after you leave in ways you think it never would and in ways you just can't can't flush.
Hey, thanks, funky! I've just ordered a dozen boxes of "The God Detector"
I'm gonna super-glue the 240 God Detectors to strategic places on my person and settle the "Does God Exist?" argument once
and for all!
Comprehensive reports of my findings will be available at the reduced price of $20.00 to JWD members. Watch this space for details
of how you can take advantage of this special offer. I think I'll give God about a month to show up. Naw, he's God ain't he? Should
only take him about a couple of milliseconds. Tell you what, let's give him the benefit of the doubt (!) if he ain't here by this
time next Saturday, he's a fraud!
wouldn't you just love to do this to a few elders or their wives?
Too funny! Hey, we could make this into a "caption" thread!
Walking Penguin: ..."Hey, how's it going, nun-face?"
Standing Penguin: ..."Why you little...*SLAP*!!!
i've had it hillary!
i mean...you pretend to have such good comments all the time, moderate rarely, and appear like some sheep in woof's clothing!
grrrr...that's it..no more pal!
What's a
the perfect halloween cake.
kitty litter cake.
serving size: 24. .
Spann, what's chichen? A new English dish
Chichen? What the hell is that? Thank you for asking me, but I'm afraid I don't know. Try a shy king, maybe?