Hello Kagloo,
Very interesting reading, it's something that we can relate to. For example, a while back, the P O told me to do what the elders say, whether they are right or whether they are wrong. Recently having heard of the elder who was put in prison for paedophilia, I approached the P O to remind him of his foolish statement and said it was a good job that I hadn't taken noticed of this elder (now in prison) also I asked how many Judical Hearings did this "arch-hypocrite" (words used by the Judge) sit on and judge the future life of others, while carrying on over ten years with this filthy lifestyle. These are the ones that we are supposed to have respect for - Do we really think that Jehovah is listening and backing such ones who are taking the lead in congregations,
Over 30 years of making allowances for ones with such a lack of spiritual commonsense !!