A Big Welcome Vilot - we look forward to hearing more from you when you are ready
We (me and my wife Twinkletoes) were in the Org for over 30 years - it took a long time to realise that we were involved in a cult.
Kaytee and Twinkletoes
i'm new here.
i da'ed myself a few years back.
hope to get to know you..
A Big Welcome Vilot - we look forward to hearing more from you when you are ready
We (me and my wife Twinkletoes) were in the Org for over 30 years - it took a long time to realise that we were involved in a cult.
Kaytee and Twinkletoes
in the late 1960s and early 1970s, i wrote my study, 1914 and all that.
in it, i stated that at matthew 24 jesus warned his followers against seeing wars, earthquakes and famines as being signs.
i have not wavered from that position, which i have given in my posts here at times.. .
I read it the same re; earthquakes wars etc………… "the end is not yet"
But, and I believe it to be, how long AFTER these signs will it happen?
Luke 21 v 28, seams to suggest a period AFTER the earthquakes etc.
"But as these things start to occur raise yourselves erect and lift your heads up, because your deliverance is getting near".
i hope i did this right.
i can't help but check out other related clips on you tube and this one was the last of the string form the op's clip with tthe gb spoof.. .
<object width="425" height="344"><param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/v/7r4f9ygxdbk&color1=0xb1b1b1&color2=0xcfcfcf&feature=player_embedded&fs=1"></param><param name="allowfullscreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/v/7r4f9ygxdbk&color1=0xb1b1b1&color2=0xcfcfcf&feature=player_embedded&fs=1" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowfullscreen="true" allowscriptaccess="always" width="425" height="344"></embed></object>.
Absolutely pathetic, a talk based on fear, and full of judgmental statements.
We saw this in England prior to 1975 when many brothers did this, sold houses and life insurance’s etc. to welcome in the new order.
NOW, many have not got any finance, or security, jobs, homes, even children, because of putting ALL their faith in MEN.
I’ve said this before, I don’t have anything against "window cleaners" BUT WHERE WOULD THE SOCIETY WITH ALL THE PROGRESS THEY HAVE MADE OVER THE YEARS BE IF, THEY WERE ALL WINDOW CLEANERS, something they promoted instead of a career.
when were the jw`s at there peak.
i remember when i became a witness in 1986 there seemed to be almost an electricity in the air in my part of the world nottingham england (for all those outside the uk where robinhood legend comes from).. when we went on the ministry there would sometimes be as many as 60 people mainly in there early twenties, we couldnt fit in one room and had to stand outside sometimes, now when i see the jw`s out and about there maybe 4 or 5 in number mainly old people.. i remember those days, coming to the end of the cold war, berlin wall coming down, band aid (feet of clay prophecy) peace and sercurity etc etc, it seemed arrmageddon was just round the corner, of course the jw`s still had there sell by date then (1914 gen).
was that when the witnesses were at there strongest.
"what was the jw`s high water mark"
As an organization, it’s a pity the high water mark wasn’t over their heads.
It would have saved a lot of heartache.
i was reading the thread about hoboken's jc meeting and started thinking about the rule prohibiting recording devices in such meetings.
has anyone on the board tried to challenge this rule?.
on its face, the rule is absurd.
Absolutely brilliant, I love the bit where he left his books on the table!!!
Question; Does a recording such as we have heard, supersede a two witness requirement,
Or could they get out of the findings of this meeting by saying, where are the TWO witnesses?
i saw this on wikipedia:.
the united nations commission on human rights, considers the recanting of a person's religion a human right legally protected by the international covenant on civil and political rights: "the committee observes that the freedom to 'have or to adopt' a religion or belief necessarily entails the freedom to choose a religion or belief, including the right to replace one's current religion or belief with another or to adopt atheistic views [...] article 18.2 bars coercion that would impair the right to have or adopt a religion or belief, including the use of threat of physical force or penal sanctions to compel believers or non-believers to adhere to their religious beliefs and congregations, to recant their religion or belief or to convert."[5].
seems to me that being shunned by family and friends for quitting jehovah's witnesses would be penal sanctions.. .
Yes, it does sound like ethnic cleansing doesn’t it, but will it be sorted out?
i know many hundreds of jw's and there are several common.
threads that tie them together.. 1. they were born into the truth and got married, had.
children and now have deep jw family ties.. 2. people who are so gullible that they believe everything.
In my time with the hypocrites, I found in men especially, to be a good witness was to be a "YES MAN" then you would do very well.
I Failed miserably I didn't even make "Tea Boy".
did i read somewhere that wt is putting out "the last warning"?.
was it assembly topic or something?.
does this mean they will shut up now?.
Dear dear Reniaa,
When the last generation finally arrives, whenever that may be.
Is there not another generation waiting in the wings for just this chance of salvation (Infinitum), remember Acts 24 v 15 (resurrection of the righteous AND the unrighteous, many of the unrighteous were never repentant at death? Yet this resurrection is not based on whether they were repentant or not.
did i read somewhere that wt is putting out "the last warning"?.
was it assembly topic or something?.
does this mean they will shut up now?.
They have been shouting wolf for many years now, although one day they definitely are going to be right.
Our survival will not be as a consequence of heeding their warnings, they have failed too many times before, even though they boast of their understanding of scripture! (Concerning that day or the hour nobody knows, neither the angels in heaven, nor the son, but the father) Mark 13 v 32.
They have misdirected people by their failed statements/prophecies, they are guilty of causing end of the world fatigue in good Christian people.
But I suppose they are privy to this special information.
But look at the damage they have done to peoples lives by their FALSE WARNINGS!!!!
if an elder who in the past has sat on a judicial committee, (and therefore being a part of determining the outcome of bro/sis).
was later found out to have been in a sinful condition at that time, does that make the document (that he had signed as part of the three signatures), legal in the eyes of the board?.
there was a case in england where an elder had been jailed for paedophilia spreading back many years.
If an elder who in the past has sat on a judicial committee, (and therefore being a part of determining the outcome of Bro/Sis). was later found out to have been in a sinful condition at that time, does that make the document (that he had signed as part of the three signatures), legal in the eyes of the Board?
There was a case in England where an elder had been jailed for paedophilia spreading back many years. No doubt he had sat on many J/Cs before he was found out. Would such a situation make the outcome null & void?
More appropriate could the Borg. be sued, as many other Christian Orgs have been.