As mentioned already, this is a cyclical item that was promoted very heavily beginning in the mid-1990's timeframe with new direction back then that the SO had more decision-making authority. I know since I was a service overseer back then and there was direction for the SO to assign brothers to visit inactive ones or irregular ones. A few elders would handle their assignments but most would simply ignore the direction and go about things like they had never heard of this.
As an elder and SO for many years the primary success or failure of bringing people back is directly related to the strength of the local congregation, its inclusiveness and the strength of its social structures. What most people lack today is strong social relationships, true friends that will help them in a tough spot and enough money to have a decent life. Most congregations offer lots of judgement, a constant ask for money/free-labor and lots of useless lectures on things that have little meaning to most JWs.