With the passing Minimus, we all may think about what this site has meant to us personally. I lurked here for quite a few years before becoming active as a poster....still I consider what I have done to be very slight compared with others. May Minimus rest in peace and a big thank you to all that have helped me here over the years.
A new member that is a PIMO Elder (Reservations) posted here about how he could wake people up while remaining a PIMO Elder. I shared some thoughts on his original post but also thought this idea justifies a new topic.
Waking people up is incredibly
hard and also risky if you need to stay in the organization. My situation is similar to Reservations. So much of my existence is still wrapped up in the Org that I have only been able to slowly fade - but to most existing JWs I am an active and respected member of the congregation.
Some time ago I concluded that the Core Foundation of the current JW organization is the Elder and Ministerial Servant arrangement. If there were suddenly less "appointed men" offering free labor to the org....then it would immediately become very difficult for the org to continue operating as it does today.
In my opinion, the most consequential thing any existing JW can do is to simply stop volunteering (serving in JW speak). If you are an Elder or MS, ask here or on Reddit ExJW for help on how to orchestrate a way to step down. Same if you are a Pioneer. This is the most impactful thing you can do to take away the orgs power and to wake others up. If every PIMO Elder and MS were to step down
and simply STOP VOLUNTEERING for the endless free labor
requests.....then the org would quickly have an enormous and possibly
catastrophic problem. I have been posting more on the Reddit ExJW forum
and you might find some of the threads below educational or insightful related to this topic.